Vikrče - Grmada (Westrova pot)
Starting point: Vikrče (320 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,1285°N 14,4446°E |
| |
Name of path: Westrova pot
Time of walking: 1 h
Difficulty: partly demanding marked way
Altitude difference: 356 m
Altitude difference po putu: 356 m
Map: Ljubljana - okolica 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
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Access to the starting point:
a) From the Ljubljana - Jesenice motorway, take the Ljubljana - Šmartno exit and then continue to Tacno. In Tacno, just before the road crosses the Sava River via a bridge, turn slightly right in the direction of Pirnič. Just after Ljubljana ends, we arrive in Vikrče, and we follow the road to the Kovač Inn, which is located near the bus stop. There are no suitable parking places at the starting point.
b) From Šentvid, drive to Tacen, then turn left immediately after the bridge over the Sava River towards Pirničy. Just after Ljubljana ends, we arrive in Vikrče, and we follow the road to the Kovač Inn, which is located near the bus stop. There are no suitable parking places at the starting point.
c) From Medvode, we drive to Zgornje and then to Spodnje Pirniče, and we follow the road to Tacno. When we arrive in Vikrče, we join the road leading from Smlednik to Tacno, and we continue to the right here and follow the road to the nearby Kovač Inn, where the starting point of our route is. There are no suitable parking places at the starting point.
d) The starting point can also be reached by LPP bus 15.
Path description:
Head towards the village Vikrče, but only as far as the traffic sign by the pavement. At the sign, the Wester path to Grmada branches off to the right. The signpost for the Westro trail warns us that it is a difficult trail, but it is only a steeper trail, which is not a problem for the average mountaineer. More caution is needed in wet or snowy conditions.
The path climbs steeply up the western slopes of Grmada for about 20 minutes, after which the steepness eases. After this, the climbing route from the village of Vikrče joins from the right. It is followed by a climb along a wide vegetated ridge to the top of Grmada, where a fine view opens up.
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Šmarna gora
Discussion about the trail Vikrče - Grmada (Westrova pot)
iztok4. 12. 2007 |
Lepo urejena pot. Priporočam, da jo podaljšate do Šmarne gore in se nato vrnete na izhodišče čez Peske (vse je dobro označeno)in naredite lepo krožno pot
SaschaC18. 09. 2008 |
Po mojem mnenju najlepša pot na Šmarno goro oz. Grmado. Pa tudi obljudena ni tako zelo. Priporočam, da na poti navzdol na približno 1/3 poti zavijete na levo na pot svobode, ki povezuje Westrovo pot s potjo čez peske, ki je za pot navzdol prijaznejša.
SaschaC19. 09. 2008 |
Popravljam: na poti navzdol je pot svobode na desno.
Domch29. 03. 2012 |
Lepa pot za navzgor - strma in dobra za utrjevanje mišic, na nekaterih delih je potrebno uporabiti tudi roke. Sestopiti pa je vsekakor bolje po poti svobode.
Janiel7429. 03. 2012 |
Kam te pripelje Pot Svobode? Kam v levo in kam v desno?
Enka29. 09. 2012 |
Če parkirate pod Westrovo (blizu Kovača), je najbolje sestopiti po Kovačevi stezi. Z Grmade sestopiš na sedlo in nato po cesti proti poti Čez peske, dokler se na desno ne odcepi gozdna pot - Pot svobode, od katere pa se že po nekaj metrih navzdol odcepi Kovačeva steza. Križišče je lepo označeno. Po Kovačevi stezi pridemo točno na začetek Westrove poti. To je meni najlepša krožna pot na Grmadi&Šmarni gori. Jo pa ponavadi združim z vzponom s sedla na ŠG, da se psička napije vode  .
Enka29. 09. 2012 |
Pardon, Pot svobode se seveda dolgrede odcepi od ceste na levo (res pa je, da v desnem ovinku  ).