Starting point: Vransko (340 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,2454°N 14,9555°E |
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Time of walking: 1 h 45 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 530 m
Altitude difference po putu: 530 m
Map: Zgornja Savinjska dolina 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 31.478
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Access to the starting point:
From the motorway Ljubljana - Celje take the exit Vransko. Continue driving along the old road in the direction of Ljubljana, but only to the point where the road to Vransko branches off to the right. Park at the beginning of the village, where there is a large parking lot next to the cemetery.
Path description:
From the parking lot, continue towards the centre of the village to the church, where there is a crossroads. Continue along the right side of the church, where you will see the mountain signs for Čreto. A well-marked path takes you through the village and over a bridge, soon leading to the last house in the village. Here, continue right on the footpath, which climbs past the cross and then into the forest. After crossing this short climb, the path soon leads back to the road. Continue up the road and at the crossroads continue in the direction of Črete. When you reach the next cross with signposts, leave the road and follow the footpath, which first crosses a meadow and then descends into the wods via steps. After a short descent, you will reach the edge of a steep stream, which you will climb by steps and then cross a small bridge over a stream gorge. The steepness of the slopes then eases and the path continues to climb steeply through the forest. A little higher up, the path leads to the next hamlet, after which you enter a dirt road. After a few minutes' walk along the road, which has a few small forks (well marked), it turns into cart track. Cart track then climbs steeply and crosses a torrential ravine. A cross-climb follows and the path soon leads us to the next house, next to which is a chapel. The path continues up the road again, which you leave after a few minutes. The markings point us sharp right into the spruce forest. After a few minutes, the slope drops and the path leads us to a road where we continue to the right. After a short walk along the road, the road turns left uphill to cart track, which leads us within two minutes to the house at Čreta.
From the house you can walk to two churches, which are five and ten minutes away respectively.
Discussion about the trail Vransko - Dom na Čreti
lubi26. 05. 2008 |
Dan mladosti sva popestrila s "trekingom" po gozdovih in vrhovih nad Vranskim. Tolsti Vrh in Sv. Jošt sta lepa izbira za celodnevni izlet. Na vsakem koraku spomini na preteklost: spomenik NOB, angleške barake, zgodbe iz obdobja partizanščine iz prve roke - srečala sva namreč enega od še živečih borcev, ki z žarom in ponosom oživlja polpreteklo zgodovino. Čast in slava padlim. Najpomembnejše - štruklji v planinskem domu. Kaj vse je v nadevu, ne bom izdala. Splača se potruditi navzgor.Od lanskega leta ima koča nova oskrbnika. Pravi ljudje na pravem mestu. Obiščite jih in lepo se imejte. Nadka
valma12. 09. 2010 |
Danes smo se prvič odpravili na daljšo pot, z devet mesečno hčerjo v nahrbtniku.Preživeli smo čudovito nedeljo; slikovita pot, prijetno vreme, na vrhu v domu pa okusna zelenjavna juha, ki še posebej tekne če jo postrežejo prijazni oskrbniki.Zares lepa izletniška točka. Zagotovo se še vrnemo...
drganc.natasa@gmail.com14. 06. 2020 |
Danes smo prvic obiskali Dom na Creti. Zelo prijazno osebje, pohvala za prijazno gistinko Nataso , odlicna hrana, odlicni zganci, pa vse na zlico...pohvale kuharici. Se vrnemo kmalu. Pot je bila super in zelo dobro oznacena. Lp Natasa in Natasa
Domen333. 10. 2020 |
Pohvalil bi delo markcistov na tem območju. Ponavad bi bil tiho, sedaj pa ne morem bit. Katastrofa of postrežbe. Popoldan sem prišel do koče, res med tednom ter sem naročil žlikrofe, kr druga razen omlete ni bilo. Dobil sem 5-6 žlikrofov razvlečenih na velikem krožniku do roba, da je zgledalo kot da je več ter neki ocvirkov. Torej 5-6 malo večjih ravijolov. Takoj sem jih pojedel ter smrklja me je začudeno vprašala, če sm že gotov. Seveda če mi je pa dala 5-6 ravijolov. Računala mi je 7 eurov za teh par ravijolov. Sramota, če bi šel jest v restavracijo srednjega ranga v Lj bi dobil več za enak denar samo za predjed. Men se je šlo, da se vsaj malo najem. Že pred 3 leti sem imel negativno izkušnjo, tko da me ne vidijo več. Edina koča z katero sem imel 2 negativni izkušnji.