Vrbiški dol - Koča na Kozleku
Starting point: Vrbiški dol (820 m)
Lat/Lon: | 45,5599°N 14,2977°E |
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Time of walking: 1 h
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 177 m
Altitude difference po putu: 250 m
Map: Snežnik 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 13.812
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Access to the starting point:
From the motorway Ljubljana - Koper take the exit Postojna and follow the road towards Rijeka and Ilirska Bistrica. At Ilirska Bistrica, the road to Sviščaki turns sharp left. Continue towards Sviščaki and park in the parking lot at the road sign between 7. 5 and 8 km.
Path description:
From the parking lot continue on the road, which leads us after 50m to the mountain signs for Kozlek. Here, continue right slightly down the macadam road, which you follow for 10 minutes to the place where the path to Kozlek branches off to the right. The well-marked path towards Kozlek soon turns and begins to climb. Just a little further on, the path from the village of Jablanica joins us from the right. Continue along the path, which climbs moderately along a woded ridge. Soon we reach the viewing slopes, from which we have a beautiful view to the south, and to the east we can already see the Srednji vrh, which is the peak of Kozjek. Here the path descends for a short time, and then, in a moderate ascent through the forest, leads us to Srednji vrh.
From Srednji vrh, the path slowly descends to the saddle between the two peaks and then begins to climb again, initially on an uncultivated slope and higher through the forest. When you reach the Kozlek hut, the view opens up to the south and east. From the hut to the summit is only a few steps of easy walking.

Discussion about the trail Vrbiški dol - Koča na Kozleku
pohodnica5316. 04. 2009 |
Ali je koča že odprta ob sobotah in nedeljah?
marco16. 04. 2009 |
Koča na Kozleku je odprta ob nedeljah in praznikih. Deluje po principu dežurstev, ki se dogovarjajo v okviru Planinske sekcije Podgora in po mojih informacijah, je koča obratovala tudi celo zimo (razen v slabih vremenskih razmerah). Informacije: 040 867 248 (Majk)
pohodnica5320. 04. 2009 |
hvala marco za informacijo; da ne bomo preveč žeje trpeli, ko pridemo gor, hehe....
bprinc5. 10. 2017 |
Mi smo od parkirišča po makadamski poti hodili 30 min in nato prišli do razcepa za Kozlek, kjer gre pot na desno v klanec. Od tega razcepa je do koče še 25 min. Ta zapis na hribi.net ne drži več, ker pot ne izgleda več tako. Sicer pa lep in prijeten izlet.
Enka8. 06. 2019 |
Opis je čisto OK in še vedno drži. Je pa treba imeti oči odprte, da ne greš mimo odcepa iz opisa (potka in markacija sta lepo vidni, tabla je pa nekam visoko na drevesu  ).
trdi2. 01. 2022 22:41:46 |
Super grebenska pot, opis je pravilen, lepa zimska tura...