Vrčice - Dom na Mirni gori (by road)
Starting point: Vrčice (481 m)
Lat/Lon: | 45,6479°N 15,1415°E |
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Name of path: by road
Time of walking: 2 h 15 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 519 m
Altitude difference po putu: 550 m
Map: Dolenjska - Gorjanci, Kočevski Rog 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 15.395
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Access to the starting point:
a) From the Ljubljana - Brežice motorway, take the Ivančna Gorica exit, then continue driving towards Črnomelj. After Črmošnjice, the road climbs for a short time, then begins to descend steeply and leads to the village Vrčice, where the described route begins. There are no parking places for mountaineers in the village. There is a parking place in the village of Blatnik pri Črmošnjicah.
b) From the motorway Brežice - Ljubljana, take the Novo mesto exit, then continue in the direction of Dolenjske Toplice and Podturna near Dolenjske Toplice. In Podturno, join the main road Ivančna Gorica - Črnomelj, and follow it to the left in the direction of Črnomelj. After Črmošnjice, the road climbs for a short time, then begins to descend steeply and leads to the village of Vrčice, where the route described above begins. There are no parking places for mountaineers in the village. There is a parking place in the village of Blatnik pri Črmošnjicah.
c) From Bela krajina, first drive to Semič, then continue to Črmošnjice and Soteska. Before the road starts to descend, you arrive at Vrčice, where the route described above begins. There are no parking places for mountaineers in the village. There is a parking place in the village of Blatnik near Črmošnjice.
Path description:
From Vrčice take the macadam road in the direction of Kleča, Mountain pasture and Mirna gora. The dirt road descends quickly to St Martin's Church, in front of which we join the tarmac road leading to Mirna gora, which we follow to the right. The road first leads us past a few houses, then into the forest, where it starts to climb steeply. Just after the asphalt ends, we arrive at a marked crossroads, where we continue along the road to the right (left access to Mirna gora by car), and we are also directed to it by mountain direction signs. Continue on the dirt road for a while, then leave the marked trail for a while and return to it at the memorial plaque or stone. The ascent continues along the road, which gradually lays down and leads us out of the forest to a less vegetated area called Kleč.
Here the path leads us past the nearby hunting lodge Kleč and the ruins of the former church, to the next crossroads.
At the crossroads, at which there are a number of direction signs, take the left path (right Mirna gora over Škrilj), which continues along a gently ascending dirt road. The road then completely flattens out and within a few minutes' walk leads to the Church of St. Ilija.
From the church, continue along the road and you will come to a number of signs and markers. Here, a marked footpath to Mirna gora branches off to the right, and we continue along the road, which soon leads us above the village. At the crossroads, follow the road towards Dom na Mirni gori, which climbs steeper, crosses the lane of a forest and then leads to the aforementioned mountain lodge.
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Mirna gora
Discussion about the trail Vrčice - Dom na Mirni gori (by road)
Guest7. 09. 2006 |
In z Mirne gore je prekrasen pogled na Belo krajino. Zelo lepa je tudi pot iz Gač. Ta je daljša in je lepa poleti ko cvetijo travniki. Pa glasni moramo biti, ker se tod potikajo medvedi. Še lepša pa je Mirna gora pozimi. Avto pustim kar na Vrčicah, ker je pot prav pravljična. Na prisojnih rebrebrih pa delajo konkurenco telohi - toliko jih je, da so pobočja bela.
Vabljeni tudi v ta konec naše deželice in srečno.
aleš4323. 01. 2011 |
Po število komentarju sodeč v te kraje noben ne zahaja. A je to morda zaradi medvedov? Hm, imam pa na muhi ravno Mirno goro, da jo obiščem te sončne dni.
Lj23. 01. 2011 |
Tale varianta po cesti iz Vrčic je prav prijetna za pozimi, smo kar pogosto na tem koncu. Je vedno dovolj planincev, medveda pa tukaj še nisem videla niti od daleč.
hribovska23. 01. 2011 |
Danes je bilo verjetno zelo veliko pohodnikov na Mirni gori sodeč po parkiranih avtih na Vrčicah,je pa tam prava zimska idila
nanica23. 01. 2011 |
Aleš,le obišči Mirno goro,da boš videl kako krepko si se zmotil v prvem stavku.
maremarcus23. 01. 2011 |
ojla, Mirna gora je kar dobro obiskana.Vsak dan je kar nekaj pohodnikov, ki pride gor, čez vikende toliko več.So pa tudi skupine, ki redno hodijo na določene dneve v tednu(sredkarji,četrtkarji.....). Če pa imaš namen na Mirno goro, se pa le zapelji do Črnomlja, pa tam štartaj.Pot je lepo označena, del poti pelje mimo belokranjskih zidanic.....Rade volje grem s teboj, če se le odločiš....lp
joža x24. 01. 2011 |
Ali je možno turo prepoloviti(1 ura hoje),tako da z avtom pripeljem višje.Z mojimi otroci se najboljše obnesejo ture dolge 1 do 1,5 ure v eno smer,ker mi je M.Gora neznana,ne bi rad z otroci šel na ble...
rjudnic24. 01. 2011 |
lahko avto pustiš kjerkoli in tako skrajšaš pot. Če ga pustiš na Planini imaš do vrha 15 minut, iz Kleču 30 minut itd.
nanica24. 01. 2011 |
Od Planine vodi na vrh zelo lepa in zanimiva gozdna učna pot.Priporočljivo za otroke v toplejših mesecih,ko si lahko ogledajo drevesa in ostalo rastlinje ter preberejo poučne napise na tablicah.
aleš439. 02. 2011 |
Sem bil na Mirni gori Bil je fantastičen dan , mir, snežna idila, poučni pohod mimo kočevarskih vasi ,(Škrilj) izlet idealen za popoldanske sprehode z psi (kdor jih ima). Pri domu sem jih srečal kar nekej! Prijazni ljudje. ..ma, še pridem, ziher
aktevc4. 03. 2011 |
a mi lahko kdo pove, če so na mirni tudi spalne kapacitete. Za okrog 15 ljudi? Rabimo za 2 nočitvi. Zanima pa me tudi cena. Hvala!
starakapa8. 04. 2011 |
Včeraj sem bil na Mirni gori.Moram reči,da sem bil prijetno presenečen nad novima oskrbnikoma.Bila sta zelo prijazna ,da o gobovi juhi in ajdovih žgancih sploh ne govorim.Iz pogovora sem kmalu ugotovil ,da sta planinca in ne neka zaslužkarja.Upam,da bosta dolgo ostala na gori.Videl sem tudi ,da so polagali nove tlakovce in da dom nekoliko RIHTAJO