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Mountain ranges / Goriško, Notranjsko and Snežniško hribovje / Koča na Planini nad Vrhniko / Vrhnika - Koča na Planini nad Vrhniko (via Špica)

Vrhnika - Koča na Planini nad Vrhniko (via Špica)

Starting point: Vrhnika (300 m)
Lat/Lon: 45,9636°N 14,2752°E
Name of path: via Špica
Time of walking: 1 h
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 433 m
Altitude difference po putu: 433 m
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 38.331
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 29
Number of comments: 4
Access to the starting point:
From the Ljubljana - Koper motorway, take the Vrhnika exit and then continue along the old road towards Logatec. At the last traffic light on Vrhnika, which you can recognise by the bank and pharmacy nearby, turn right in the route Mountain pasture. At all subsequent junctions, continue straight on, and we follow the road to the parking lot near the signs for the Shelter at Mountain pasture above Vrhnika.
Path description:
At the starting point, you will notice the mountain markings for Mountain pasture, which direct you to the ascending footpath. After a short climb, first through the scrub and then over the edge of the meadow, we emerge on a macadam road, which we follow to the left as we walk to Petkovec Storž (a log cabin with self-service drinks). Only a few metres further on, the signs for mountain pasture and Zaplana direct us left onto a wide footpath, which curves right from the road into a clump of lane of bushes. Continue up a relatively winding path, which continues through dense shade. Higher up, we come to a wide cart track, which gradually narrows and leads us higher up to a marked crossroads, at which stands the Mayor's Bench.
The ascent continues along the right-hand path in the direction of "Planina - Špico" (to the left Planina past Bukva), which continues for a short time on a gentle slope and then begins to climb steeply through the forest. Soon we join the wider path with Stara Vrhnika, where the path is laid for a while. A few minutes of easy walking follow to the Špica bench, then the path turns slightly to the left and gradually begins to climb more steeply. Follow this relatively steep path all the way to the Shelter at Mountain pasture above Vrhnika, which is reached after about 10 minutes of further walking.
Description and pictures refer to August 2010.
zemljovid puta - Koča na Planini nad Vrhniko
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Discussion about the trail Vrhnika - Koča na Planini nad Vrhniko (via Špica)
Enka5. 06. 2016
Luštna strma pot!
trdi13. 04. 2019
Te slike so pa že zelo stare... Sedaj je na izhodišču lepo urejeno parkirišče, cesta do storža je asfaltirana, zavetišče na Planini je obnovljeno, le hiše na sliki 5 so še vedno v isti gradbeni fazi....
donat14. 04. 2019
Tud pot iz Starega malna je precej spremenjena in obnovljena,(po podrtju dreves), nove stopnice na stmem delu in varovanja,speljana po desnem robu,..predvsem pa nova koča na vrhu, ki je odprta cel teden, razen ponedeljka. Bo treba mal slike zamenjat. l.p.nasmeh
zaplancek9. 03. 2020
A se še komu zdi, da je odkar imajo novo bajto in greznico tako neznosno zaudarja okoli bajte! Že pot pod samo greznico malo pred ciljem tisti blatni del je začela grozno smrdeti! Kr razočaran mrk pogled
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