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Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu

Starting point: Vurmat (Šturm) (295 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,5829°N 15,4448°E
Time of walking: 1 h 45 min
Difficulty: partly demanding marked way
Altitude difference: 609 m
Altitude difference po putu: 610 m
Map: Pohorje 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): crampons
Author: Marx
Views: 11.215
 4 people like this post
Number of pictures: 32
Number of comments: 5
Access to the starting point:
On the Maribor - Dravograd road, near the Fala hydroelectric power station, you will see a bridge over the Šturm Stream. The border between Styria and Carinthia is located exactly on this little bridge. Leave your vehicle at the sawmill or somewhere nearby.
Path description:
The trail starts at the sawmill, which is also visible from the Maribor - Dravograd road. The route initially follows a wide macadam road, which leads us past a few houses scattered around the hill village of Vurmat. Higher up, we reach a sharp left turn, where we leave the road and continue along the usually quite muddy cart track. Walk along cart track for only a minute or so before crossing a footbridge. After the footbridge, the path becomes steeper and turns into the Zrnkov ravine. Further on, we climb along a partly slippery and steep path, which is also protected by a steel cable in one part. Above the steel cable, the path is laid, and then, after the second footbridge, it starts to climb steeply again on a path that is quite overgrown in places. Higher up, the path leads us over a third footbridge, after which we come to a secluded byte and a little further on to Virtić's mill.
From the mill onwards, the path continues along a gently sloping macadam road, which leads us past a pond, after which it climbs steeply in two serpentines. The road continues past the Knap farm, after which we reach the village of Sveti Duh na Ostrem vrh. When we arrive in the village, the path first leads us past the NOB monument, and above it we arrive at the Church of the Holy Spirit, which is located at the top of the hill.
The stamp and the registration book can be found in the nearby Heric Inn.
zemljovid puta - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, Inscription book
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Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu4
Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu5
Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu6
Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu7
Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu8
Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu9
Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu10
Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu11
Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu12
Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu13
Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu14
Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu15
Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu16
Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu17
Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu18
Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu19
Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu20
Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu21
Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu22
Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu23
Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu24
Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu25
Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu26
Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu27
Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu28
Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu29
Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu30
Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu31
Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu32
Discussion about the trail Vurmat (Šturm) - Sveti Duh na Ostrem Vrhu
dija13. 04. 2014
danes prehojena pot, vendar v nasprotni smer, na vrh sva se podala po neoznačeni poti, ki ima start nekoliko 10 m proti Mariboru, tako da sva (s partnerjem) prišla na markirano pot pri Volovšku. Ta neoznačen del se je vlekel in vlekel, bil zelo strm.. pot traja 2km... na koncu je zato bila krožna pot. Rahel dež naju je prignal pod skale na pečini-razgledna točka, potem pa naprej proti Sv. Duhu. Od tam pa naju je pot pelala po Šturmovi grabi navzdol, kjer je žuborel potoček.
Marx29. 03. 2015
Bil na poti 28.03.2015.
Zdaj je del poti od začetka do kmetije Gradinšek (slika 6) asfaltiran.
Tudi kombi z slike 5 je izginil...
Tretji mostiček pred ishodom do lovske bajte in Virtičeveg mlina (slika 24) je nevaren (star drves) in je na njem potrebna previdnost...
pohodnik388. 04. 2015
V ponedeljek 6.aprila prehodil omenjeno pot in je brez posebnosti vidne pa so še vedno posledice lanske hude ujme ki je divjala tu naokoli.Nekaj vtisov z poti v video utrinkih.


Lp! Tonenasmeh
skladatelj893. 09. 2016
Kombi s slike 5 se je vrnil, le da na njem več ni nobenih markacij. So ga prebarvali nasmeh
pohodnik3827. 01. 2019
Danes pa tej poti na Duh na Ostrem vrhu pot je normalno prehodna ni podrtih dreves le malo je poledenelo.Priporočljive male derezice ob sestopu.Bilo je odličnonasmeh

SLIKE in osebni vtisi z poti

Lp! Tonenasmeh
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