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Zabukovje - Sveti Jošt above Kranj

Starting point: Zabukovje (500 m)
Time of walking: 50 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 345 m
Altitude difference po putu: 345 m
Map: Škofjeloško in Cerkljansko hribovje 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 38.748
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 10
Number of comments: 5
Access to the starting point:
From Ljubljana, we drive to Kranj along the old road. Turn left at the first traffic light before the road starts to descend. Then follow the road to the crossroads, where the signpost points right towards Sveta Marjeta. Follow this road, which circles the slopes below Šmarjetno gora, to a crossroads where a signpost points left up towards Zabukovje. The road then soon leads to the crossroads, where we continue along the left-hand road, parking a little higher up in one of the roadside car parks.
From the Gorenjska direction, turn right at the traffic lights at the top of the hill and follow the description from the Ljubljana direction.
Path description:
From the parking lot, continue along the road leading to the village. There is a crossroads in the village, where you continue straight up behind the goat house on the left side of the crossroads. At the point where the asphalt ends, signs for Jošta direct us left up the meadow. After a few steps, the path leads into the forest, where it starts to climb. The path initially follows the cart track, which changes slightly higher up into a footpath that climbs steeply for a short time. The path then leads to a crossroads, where it continues to the right. The way forward for some time follows the cart track, which is soon abandoned as the signs direct us upwards to the left. After a few more minutes of walking, the path leads us to the chapel. Here we continue upwards to the left and after a short climb the path leads us to the next chapel at the Puščava home. Continue to the right (or left) and follow the path as it climbs up the top slope of the mountain to the summit, which is reached after a 5-minute walk.
zemljovid puta - Sveti Jošt above Kranj
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Discussion about the trail Zabukovje - Sveti Jošt above Kranj
balon22. 08. 2013
Ali imajo v domu žig? Otroka zbirata žige za Cici dnevnik?velik nasmehnasmeh
švedrc22. 08. 2013
Da,žig imajo.
zlatan24. 02. 2014
Vceraj, 23.2.2014, sem pozabil pohodniske palice Black Diamond v Zabukovju (nekaj metrov pred kriziscem na prvi sliki). Vem, da je minimalna moznost, da bi jih dobil nazaj, vseeno pa postenega najditelja prosim, da se javi (lahko na ZS) in se seveda zmenimo tudi za primerno nagrado.
Hribolaznik10. 07. 2016
Hm, domnevam, da je to izhodišče za na Jošt še najmanj v uporabi, saj, danes, na sončno soboto, sva bila s kolegom edina turista iz te smeri. Pa verjemite, da je bilo na vrhu ogromno pohodnikov. Mogoče pa domačini ne marajo preveč avtomobilov tu gori?
Ziva8810. 03. 2018

Dne 10/03/2018 sem na poti izgubila avtomobilske kljuce znamke skoda. Ce jih kdo najde, naj mi prosim javi na 040 844 127 (ceprav je glede na sneg to malo verjetno:/).

hvala, ziva
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