Zagrad - Velika Plešivica (via Mala Plešivica)
Starting point: Zagrad (800 m)
Lat/Lon: | 45,5043°N 14,0511°E |
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Name of path: via Mala Plešivica
Time of walking: 2 h
Difficulty: easy unmarked way, easy marked way
Altitude difference: 108 m
Altitude difference po putu: 375 m
Map: Slovenska Istra - Čičarija, Brkini in Kras 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
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Access to the starting point:
From the Ljubljana - Koper motorway, take the Kozina exit and follow the road towards Rijeka. In the village Obrov turn right in the direction of the village Golac from where you continue driving towards the hamlet Zagrad. In Zagrad (not at the junction 30m earlier) continue right (left Ostrič) and then after a few metres left on the upper road next to which there is a sign forest road use at your own risk (the right road joins the road leading to Veliki vrata). Follow this initially very bad road to a large clearing, which is the starting point of our tour (at the clearing the road turns into cart track).
Path description:
From the starting point, head to the clearing and climb in a gentle ascent to the upper part of the clearing. Here, on the right-hand side, you will see cart track (there are several tracks, but they all merge higher up), which goes into the wods and starts to climb moderately on the left-hand side of a larger sinkhole. After about 15 minutes of climbing on cart track, you will reach the marked path leading from Razsušica towards Plešivica.
Follow the marked trail to the right (Razsušica, Medvižica and Ostrič on the left) and initially climb moderately through the dense forest. The occasionally less visible path then begins to descend more steeply and after a few minutes of descent leads us to a place where an unmarked track joins us from the valley. Continue in the direction of Slavnik (inscription on the rock) along the path which, with a few short ascents and descents, leads us to the end of the forest road, which comes from the Velika vrata (Great Gate) prevala.
Leave the road quickly, as the markings direct you to the left onto a marked track which climbs through the lane of the forest. After a climb of some 10 metres, the track turns left and we continue straight ahead on a slightly less visible, but marked, path which climbs through increasingly sparse forest. The forest is quickly replaced by scrub (mainly juniper) and the path quickly leads us to the top of Mala Plešivica, with increasingly beautiful views.
From the top of Mala Plešivica, continue along the marked trail, which begins to descend northwards. During the descent, which takes place partly on an uncultivated slope, you can see the uncultivated peak Velika Plešivica in front of you and Slavnik to the left of it. The trail then soon leads past a water supply to cart track, after which a forest road is reached within a few minutes of descent. Follow the above-mentioned road down to the Velika vrata prevala, where you continue to the right and then immediately to the left.
Just a few steps after leaving the road, a track leads to a grazing area where horses graze. Here, signs direct us over a grazing fence to a grassy slope which we then climb along an initially very poorly visible path. During the ascent through the grazing area, we are helped by a few markings, which are quite rare in the lower part. Higher up, the path becomes more distinct and the markings are more frequent. This increasingly scenic route is then followed to the top of Velika Plešivica. Zagrad - Mala Plešivica 1:15, Mala Plešivica - Velika Plešivica 45 minutes.
Discussion about the trail Zagrad - Velika Plešivica (via Mala Plešivica)
klavdipo10. 02. 2009 |
Kup rjavečega železja na obeh vrhovih priča, da so markacisti že davno pozabili na ta dva vrhova!
squash1238. 09. 2013 |
Danes sva skupaj z ženo opravila to turo. Če si zaželiš samote je to prava tura zate. Na poti nisva srečala žive duše. Pot je dokaj vredu označena. Razgled z obeh vrhov je lep. Na vrhu bi lahko dodali kak žig. Srečno.
Pljusak21. 10. 2014 |
Ostrić-Razsušica-Medvižica su odlično markirane i pohvaljujemo ljude koji su to radili. Probat ćemo obići i ovu drugu stranu. Nijednom nismo sreli živog čovjeka,a bili smo dva puta.
navdušena14. 01. 2022 12:34:13 |
Kakšna je cesta do izhodišča? Je mogoče parkirati kje v Zagradu?
franca14. 01. 2022 15:11:54 |
mali pod Zagradom je ob cesti dovolj prostora
zvončica15. 08. 2023 23:00:09 |
Pot na Malo in Veliko Plešivico je odlično markirana, oba vrhova imata skrinjico z vpisno knjigo in žig. Na obeh vrhovih so postavljene tudi smerne table.