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Zavrate - Baba (nad Rečico)

Starting point: Zavrate (552 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,1611°N 15,1522°E
Time of walking: 40 min
Difficulty: partly demanding marked way
Altitude difference: 237 m
Altitude difference po putu: 237 m
Map: Posavsko hribovje - zahodni del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 12.792
 3 people like this post
Number of pictures: 12
Number of comments: 7
Access to the starting point:
First we drive to Laško, then we continue driving towards the villages of Spodnja and Zgornja Rečica and Hude jame. In the village Zgornja Rečica you will come to an unmarked crossroads, where you will continue along the road on the left, and then follow it to the Zavrate pass, which you will recognise from the numerous hiking signs and the log cabin next to which is the entrance to the Barbara rov mine (it is one of the entrances to the mine).
The starting point can also be reached from Zasavje by driving from Hrastnik towards Rimske Toplice and Laško. When the road leading from Hrastnik to Laško starts to descend, you will see signs for the village Sedraž, which will direct you to the left. After about 100m of further driving, we reach a crossroads where we continue straight on towards the village Brezno (left Brdce, right Sedraž). The ascending road soon leads us to Brezno, where we come to an unmarked crossroads. Continue left and follow the road to the Zavrate pass, where you park.
Path description:
From the Zavrate pass, follow the footpath towards Baba and the Ostrež summit. The path initially leads us past the log cabin "pri knapu pod Baba", and then continues along the initially folded cart track. After a few minutes of easy walking, we see a direction sign pointing to the left on a well-trodden footpath, which starts to climb steeply. Higher up, the path becomes so steep that the fixed safety gear, which are not strictly necessary in dry conditions (in wet conditions, there is a high risk of slipping), are helpful. Follow this very steep and well-surfaced path to the top of Baba.
zemljovid puta - Baba (nad Rečico)
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Ostri vrh ( 40 min)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama
Zavrate - Baba (nad Rečico)1
Zavrate - Baba (nad Rečico)2
Zavrate - Baba (nad Rečico)3
Zavrate - Baba (nad Rečico)4
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Zavrate - Baba (nad Rečico)6
Zavrate - Baba (nad Rečico)7
Zavrate - Baba (nad Rečico)8
Zavrate - Baba (nad Rečico)9
Zavrate - Baba (nad Rečico)10
Zavrate - Baba (nad Rečico)11
Zavrate - Baba (nad Rečico)12
Discussion about the trail Zavrate - Baba (nad Rečico)
VanSims17. 04. 2010
Mislim, da bi to pot komot lahko označili za lahko. Strma ni ne vem kako zelo. Zajle so samo zadnjih 5-10 min. Morda je ta pot primerna za začetnika, ki bi se želel na prijazen način spoznati z zajlo! Potrebne so morda le navzdol.
grega_p11. 05. 2010
V mokrem znajo biti stvari navzdol drseče, drugače pa pot ni težka in je primerna za lep po(do)poldanski izlet. Če vam je pa premalo pa nadaljujte do Ostrega vrha (še pol ure).

Video današnje panorame iz Babe:

Če koga zanima: 26.5. planinci PD Laško organizirajo pohod iz Hude jame (Rečica) na Šmohor, Gozdnik, Mrzlica, Ostri vrh in Baba (informacija od domačina)
EUGEN12. 05. 2010
Lahko nadaljuješ:
Laško,Govško brdo,Zavrate,Baba,Ostri vrh,
minka8. 03. 2011
zanima me dolžina poti Zgornja rečica-Baba-Ostri vrh-Kal in če je dobro označena.
hvala za odgovor
marchy8. 03. 2011
Minka, ne skrbi pot je zelo dobro označena. Tudi prostora je pri brunarici dovolj za parkirat, le cesta je od Sp. Rečice do Zg. Rečice zelo ozka in proti prevalu Zavrate dokaj strma, potrebna je previdna vožnja. (ko pelješ mimo Plečnikove cerkve v Zg. Rečici se drži samo levo). Od brunarice pri Knapu imaš do Vrha Babe cca. 45 min, nato se po grbenu spustiš dol in nato gor do Ostrega vrh, to je slabe pol ure. Na Kal pa nisem šel, mogoče letos naredim to turo. Uživaj in varen korak, marchy
ansev12324. 06. 2019
Super pot. Ne bi se ravno strinjala, da gre za delno zahtevno pot.
taubi6624. 06. 2024 10:42:23
Žal je ta steber z vpisno knjigo podrt. V škatli s knjigo pa je mravljišče.
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