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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Čukla / Zavrzelno - Čukla

Zavrzelno - Čukla

Starting point: Zavrzelno (700 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,3443°N 13,5397°E
Destination: Čukla (1767 m)
Time of walking: 3 h
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 1067 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1067 m
Map: Julijske Alpe - zahodni del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 28.095
 7 people like this post
Number of pictures: 11
Number of comments: 11
Access to the starting point:
First, drive into the centre of Bovec, where you follow the road up past the church towards the village of Kaninska. Follow the road and it will soon lead you to a crossroads where you continue straight ahead. The left-hand road descends into the village of Plužna. The road then quickly leads to the next crossroads, where you turn right in the direction of Rombon. Continue to the point where the road crosses a torrent (near the parking lot and the trailhead there are mountain signs and a small well).
Path description:
We start at a small well, where signs direct us to a footpath (not the cart track), which initially climbs through a sparse forest. After 15 minutes' walk, the path enters a dense forest, where it continues to climb moderately. After a walk of just over an hour and a half, the path, which crosses some old military mulattoes, leads out of the forest onto grassy slopes, over which you climb in a few minutes to mountain pasture Goričica, where the hunting lodge stands.
Here we have a view of the mountains to the south of the Bovška basin, and we continue to the right along the path, which leads us to a crossroads in a few minutes. Continue along the right (lower) path in the direction of Rombon (left Črnelska špica), which after a few easy steps leads us to the place where the military hospital once stod - the ruins (we have a few 10 metres to the ruins, and the memorial plaque is only a few metres off the marked path).
The marked path turns left here and crosses the last lane of the forest. When you come out of the forest, you will see a number of military tunnels on your right (and a cross on the opposite side). The path continues up the now very worn-out dirt track and leads you past a number of remnants of the war. The path then lays down and leads us to a point where we get a view of Rombon.
Continue right (straight ahead Rombon) along the path, which takes you to the top of Čukla in 3 minutes.
Starting point - mountain pasture Goričica 1:45, mountain pasture Goričica - Čukla 45 minutes.
zemljovid puta - Čukla
On the way: Planina Goričica (1336m)
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Rombon (2 h)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama
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Discussion about the trail Zavrzelno - Čukla
Guest24. 04. 2007
Guest24. 04. 2007
Kako po brezpotju? Iz kje? Me zanima. Hvala.
tisa1. 11. 2010
Mene tudi zanima.Ampak ta tura gotovo ni primerna za zimski čas, ker so dnevi tako kratki. Kaj meniš?
IgorZlodej1. 11. 2010
Tura je primerna tudi za zimski čas, še posebej zato, ker je na sončni strani. Po brezpotju se gre na vrh Čukle pod vršnim delom, kjer je potrebno z označene poti v nekem levem zavoju zaviti v desno, potem pa po "plošči" vse do vrha. Varianta je tudi že od "pokopališča" v desno, kjer je treba poiskati opuščeno stezo, ki preči celotno južno pobočje Čukle, na vrh se potem povzpnemu z vzhopdne strani. Seveda je vse odvisno od razmer, če je pomrznejno je nevarno za zdrs.
falcon4. 07. 2011
Na vsak način bom poizkusil najti to bliž
ales505. 07. 2011
sm bil na ćukli,je pot malce strma sicer ,je lepa ampak naporna pot,poleti je lepo,ampak moraš zgodaj zjutraj na pot,dokler ni vročina,se pa splača še na rombon,ki je urco hoda še naprej,nasmeh
Nežk3. 04. 2018
Pot do planine Goričica je shojena, naprej ne. Žal nisem našla poti naprej s planine, sicer bi potegnila še do Čukle. Gamaše zelo priporočljive, sneg je ujužen.
haridautovic19. 04. 2018
Danes sva bila gor na Čukli,,sicer po južni gor(zaradi čudovitega pogleda na Bovško kotlino) in po normalni nazaj,,,snega je še kar nekaj,,vendar nič takega da se nebi dalo gor priti ,,
winni19. 07. 2020
Pot začne kar strmo, do koče Goričice je markirana praktično vsaka skala in drevo. Potem je očitno markacistom pošla barva in naprej proti Rombonu že imamo srečo, če najdemo kakšno zbledelo markacijo, je pa pot preko travnikov lahko sledljiva.

Nekje na polovici poti prečkamo lepo ohranjeno in uhojeno mulatjero, katera pa ni označena na nobeni mapi, me zanima kje začne in kam poteka?
haridautovic19. 07. 2020
Mulatjera preči celotno pobočje Rombona,vendar je deloma uničena zaraščena in težko sledljiva od drsne skale naprej,pripelje na markirano pot iz Kluž za na Rombon na 1500mnv.Začne se na cesti ki pelje iz Bovca v Gozdec in postajo B kaninske žičnice skozi goščo po mulatjeri proti Pl,goričica.Pod planino pelje naprej proti drsni skali,po nekaj minutah hoje vas pripelje na čudovit razglednik proti Bovški kotlini,če niste izurjen brezpotnik in vam orjentacija dela težave ne priporočam nadaljevanja poti.
geppo19. 07. 2020
s kolegom sva šla ( verjetno po tej, ki jo omenjaš wini )od Planine Krnice pa vse do lovske koče na Goričici. V gozdu je čisto lepo sledljiva. Pri prečenju travnatih površin je precej zaraščena in težko sledljiva. Sploh tam, kjer je bil pred leti požar. Je pa lepo razgledna in prav uživala sva na tej poti.
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