Zgornja Bistrica - Sveti Trije kralji (via Bistriški vintgar)
Starting point: Zgornja Bistrica (375 m)
Name of path: via Bistriški vintgar
Time of walking: 3 h
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 806 m
Altitude difference po putu: 820 m
Map: Pohorje 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer): helmet
Recommended equipment (winter): helmet, ice axe, crampons
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Access to the starting point:
From the motorway exit Slovenska Bistrica-south, through the roundabout to the junction of the old Maribor-Celje road, where turn right to the centre of Slovenska Bistrica (approx. 600 m), where turn left at the traffic lights by the church. Go straight ahead, right past the Impol factory (roundabout - second exit), over the bridge over the Bistrica, at all further junctions go straight ahead, across the field to the end of the road by the waterworks, where you park your car. From the centre of Slovenska Bistrica, just 4 km.
Path description:
From the parking lot into the wods, where at first a wide and sloping path runs along the left bank of the Bistrica River, which is then crossed via a metal footbridge. Walk close to the Bistrica River and slowly climb up, soon coming across a signpost for the Roman Quarry, where white marble was quarried for artwork during the Roman Empire. (*** To visit the quarry, turn right over the footbridge, and in a few minutes you will be at the quarry, returning along the same path).
The path becomes steeper, and after a while Bistrica is already deep below us. A signpost points to a natural landmark, the 20 m high multi-tiered Šum waterfall, continue straight on. (*** To see Šum, take the narrow path to the right, which leads down to the waterfall, from there continue left uphill until you rejoin the main path, the total walking time is extended by about 20 minutes).
As you continue along the trail, you will come across a signpost for Ančnik's Castle, and we turn right over a wooden footbridge over a tributary of the Bistrica River, across marshy land and then over a metal footbridge to the left bank of the Bistrica River. The path becomes steeper, we admire the rapids and waterfalls of the Bistrica, we often see the remains of sawmills and mills along the way, and we are surprised to find a bench for a rest. We also come across an exposed spot which we have to cross carefully.
In the upper part, the path becomes more difficult and still runs along the Bistrica River, whose flow also calms down a bit, at the crossroads we pass an old mill on the right and follow the signs. Through the trees on the left side you will see a larger clearing, the path turns into the forest again, where you can see Marolt's fir tree, which is unfortunately already rather decayed. Further on, from the start, the path leads us out of the forest for the first time onto the plain, where we cross a larger meadow on the left to a macadam road, where we turn left over a bridge and then immediately right at the next crossroads. We are below Močnik, 2/3 of the way. After 200 m walk along the road, turn right (lok out for a faint signpost on an electricity pole on the left side of the road), turn left in the wods and continue on a moderate slope along a good visible path. In between, cross the asphalt road once, and just before the end of the trail, the trail from Veliki Tinja joins from the left.

Discussion about the trail Zgornja Bistrica - Sveti Trije kralji (via Bistriški vintgar)
damijanp3. 11. 2008 |
Po poti skozi Bistriški vintgar (sicer ne prav do Treh kraljev) smo šli v nedeljo. Nekaj utrinkov je na: Bistriški vintgar
bostjan857. 11. 2008 |
mi smo šli avgusta,tudi ne do treh kraljev,je kar naporno blo.http://outdoors.webshots.com/album/565597648lMYuKu
štajerc13. 04. 2009 |
Pot sem prehodil v soboto in moram reči da je zelo lepa in primerna za družinske sprehode. 
damijanp26. 06. 2010 |
Včerajšnji praznični dan smo izkoristili za lep družinski krožni izlet - skozi Vintgar na Tri kralje in nato čez Planino in Tinje nazaj na izhodišče. Nekaj utrinkov je na: Trije kralji
Marky13. 01. 2012 |
Za vikend naredil eno izi turo iz Smrečnega do Treh kraljev in naprej na Osankarico.. Super pot.. prava za relaksacijo.. Pot je super.. shojena.. do cca. 900m n.v. brez snega, potem pa nekaj malega ampak samo omembe vredno  Fotografije pa si lahko ogledate na M-foto.si
pohodnik384. 05. 2013 |
27.4.prehodil tole pot ki je bila lepa kot vedno.Vode veliko v Bistriškem vintgarju kar je zanimivo opazovati kako dere v dolino z svojo neustavljivo močjo.Pot sem podaljšal še do Črnega jezera,sedaj je stanje verjetno že drugače saj se je sneg pospešeno talil,res pa je da bi na Treh kraljih malo bolj ozančili pot do Črnega jezera da se ljudje ne bi izgubljali... Nekaj vbideo utrinkov z poti Lp! Tone 
stipi6922. 03. 2014 |
Krasna pot, lepa nedeljska turca za druženje, se splača kje malo postati, pogledati kak "slap", Rimski kamnolom recimo, si napaseš oči, potem pa stisneš do treh kraljev 
gajstz9. 04. 2016 |
3:45 v eno smer do treh kraljev, pol pa še toliko nazaj? 7ur ni kar tako...
BibaS13. 04. 2016 |
Se da tudi v zmernem tempu prit v 3 urah ali pa še prej, če že malo pospešiš korak. Drugače pa gor peš, za nazaj grede pa pokličeš nekoga, da pride z avtom pote 
seinfeld29. 05. 2017 |
Smo včeraj šli po tej poti, le do jelke, kar znese od parkirišča in nazaj točno 9km. Lepa, nezahtevna tura, ki pa je jo je za opraviti po suhem. V mokrem zna biti precej neprijetna in okrog slapu tudi nevarna. Priporočljivo tudi za manjše otroke.
de-jan-ja5. 08. 2017 |
Danes sva šla po tej poti in moram povedati da sva bila zelo razočarana nad označbami. Skozi vintgar do močnika je vse vredu, naprej pa bolj slabo, veliko razpotij in nobene merkacije tako da sva nekajkrat zašla. Če ne poznaš poti zlahka zaideš iz smeri. Mislim da bi se morali odgovorni bolj zavzeti za označbe glede na to da je to lepa in zanimiva tura, na katero se nekateri se odpravijo prvič!
mosovnik6. 09. 2018 |
Ker že lep čas (vse od zime) nihče od odgovornih za to lepo pot(markacisti PD-ja)ni "opazil" podrtih dreves na poti, sva dva ljubitelja narave odstranila nekaj ovir in pri tem nama je motorna žaga še kako koristila. Zgoraj višje je ostalo še nekaj dela. Pa srečno in upam, da sem koga dregnil in ga zbudil iz zimskega spanja.
pohodnik3824. 03. 2019 |
Včeraj sem opravil omenjeno pot skozi Bistriški vintgar do Treh kraljev ter nadaljeval še do Črnega jezera.Pot normalno prehodna le od Močnika naprej bi lahko bila kakšna tabla in več markacij na poti.Od Treh kraljev do Črnega jezera je še nekaj snega na poti drugače pa normalno prehodno.Bilo je super SLIKE in osebni vtisi z poti Lp! Tone 
pasteta23. 07. 2019 |
Bili danes (22.09.2019) šli do Maroltove jelke in naprej okoli do Sv.Urha in nazaj. Do kamnoloma ne moreš več, ni brvi. Do jelke slaba pot, brv še komaj stoji (lesen del). Sama pot precej zaraščena. Od jelke naprej pa katastrolno slabo označena pot. Od cerkve nazaj samo en kažipot!?? Sama pot je ČUDOVITA!
Hribolazec816. 02. 2024 19:37:38 |
Pozdrav, kakšna je sedaj ta pot, so brvi popravljene in prehodne, ter ostala pot? Hvala 
Andrej4523. 02. 2024 23:59:11 |
@Hribolazec81 o teh brveh, ki govorijo niso potrebne za samo pot, ampak za ogled znamenitostih preko potoka ob poti.