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Mountain ranges / Karawanks / Stolpnik / Žička kartuzija - Stolpnik (Žička kartuzija - Stolpnik - Črešnjice)

Žička kartuzija - Stolpnik (Žička kartuzija - Stolpnik - Črešnjice)

Starting point: Žička kartuzija (410 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,3101°N 15,3933°E
Destination: Stolpnik (1012 m)
Name of path: Žička kartuzija - Stolpnik - Črešnjice
Time of walking: 3 h 15 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 602 m
Altitude difference po putu: 670 m
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Author: bruny
Views: 1.934
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 33
Number of comments: 0
Access to the starting point:
a) From the motorway Maribor - Ljubljana, take the exit Tepanje and follow the road towards Draža vas and Žičy. In Žiča, turn right towards Špitalič and Žička Carthusium. There are ample parking spaces next to the Carthusian Carriage House for safe parking.
b) From Frankolovo via Črešnjice and Sojek to Žiča Carthausia
c) From Poljčane via Loč, Žič and Špitalič to the Carthaus.
Path description:
After a short visit to the Žička Carthusian complex, head right up the hill, marked Slovenske Konjice, Stolpnik and Tri križe. In the first part there is a forest path, in the central part there are meadows, pastures, fields, farmhouses and cottages along a partly asphalt and macadam road. There are quite a few views. At the Trije križi crossroads turn left, right for Skala and soon reach Tri križe.
At the Three Crosses, continue left for Stolpnik and after a good hundred metres turn right towards Krniški rob and follow the rough forest road to reach the Count's Stant.
From Grofov štant up the forest path you reach the top of Stolpnik with the lookout tower.
From Stolpnik, descend with the help of a signpost in the direction of Črešnjice. A well-marked classic mountain trail, which here and there turns into a forest trail logging trail due to numerous wood felling. It is dominated by deciduous forest, with conifers here and there and a partly rocky world. Immediately before the end of the trail, above the village of Črešnjice, a transition to meadow/pasture cart track, which descends by the sports ground to the asphalt surface and by the church to the centre of Črešnjice.
The route described is about 9000 metres long, 670 positive vertical metres and 570 negative vertical metres. From Črešnjice it is possible to descend via an asphalt link/road to the Žička Carthausia.
zemljovid puta - Stolpnik
On the way: Trije križi na Konjiški gori (727m), Krniški rob (807m), Grofov štant (802m)
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Stolpnik
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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