Žovneško jezero - Žovnek Castle
Starting point: Žovneško jezero (305 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,2771°N 15,01°E |
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Time of walking: 15 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 104 m
Altitude difference po putu: 104 m
Map: Kamniške in Savinjske Alpe 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
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Access to the starting point:
a) From the motorway Ljubljana - Maribor, take the exit Vransko, then continue along the parallel old road towards Celje. A little after Kapla, leave the main road and turn left in the direction of Braslovč. Continue through Gomilsko, and we follow the road towards Braslovče until we reach a point where signs for Žovnek Castle point us to the left. Continue along the slightly narrower road by the Žovne Lake, and we follow it to where we see the mountain signs for Žovnek Castle on the electricity pylon. As there are no suitable parking places at the starting point, it is better to park a little lower down in a suitable place along the road, but you can also drive higher up the road towards Žovnek Castle and then park there in a suitable place along the road.
b) From the motorway Maribor - Ljubljana, take the exit Šentrupert and then continue in the direction of Mozirje. Leave the main road at Parižlje and continue along the local road towards Spodnje Gorče. Here, cross the main road Gomilsko - Braslovče and continue driving towards the village and castle of Žovnek. Continue along the slightly narrower road by the Žovenice lake, and follow it to where you can see the mountain markers for Žovnek Castle on the electricity pylon. As there are no suitable parking places at the starting point, it is better to park a little lower down in a suitable place along the road, but you can also drive higher up the road towards Žovnek Castle and then park there in a suitable place along the road.
Path description:
From the electricity pylon, bear right across the meadow to the edge of the forest, where you will see a slightly larger marking on a tree. Here the path enters the forest, which begins to climb quite steeply. The path soon becomes wider and leads to the wider cart track, which leads to a small crossroads. Here, continue left uphill (the right-hand path bypasses Žovnek Castle) and continue up the steep path to reach Žovnek Castle in 2 minutes.
Discussion about the trail Žovneško jezero - Žovnek Castle
nanica25. 02. 2012 |
Na včerajšnjem družinskem izletu smo potešili kar nekaj naših strasti.Motociklizem(Vransko),pohodništvo in zanimanje za gradove na slovenskem(Žovnek).Od jezera do gradu je pot kratka in trenutno mestoma blatna ter mokra.Z vzpetine na kateri so mogočne razvaline nekdaj enega največjih gradov pri nas je lep razgled na okolico.Vsa pohvala prizadevnemu društvu,ki se je lotilo obnoviti in zaščititi mogočne ruševine.Vpisna knjiga priča,da je točka priljubljena pri domačinih in ostalih.Pogled na zaledenelo jezero in vzpetino z katere se dviga ostanek visokega stolpa po je skoraj kot prizor iz pravljice.
seinfeld25. 08. 2013 |
To je zelo primeren cilj za poldnevni izlet. Žovneško jezero je izjemno zanimivo zaradi velikega števila različnih vrst ptic. Pogosto sta opažena ribji orel in orel belorepec. Včeraj smo celo opazovali nimfo(papigo). Na grad je pa z jezera lep sprehod. Grad Žovnek ima bogato zgodovino, z njega izhajajo celjski knezi.