Lipševa vrata (Vrata, Felsentore)
Views: 169.382
Popularity: 58% (1505. place)
Description of mountain:
The Lipše Gate, also called the Gate or Felsentore by the locals, is one of the two well-known landmarks of the Olševo mountain range. Even more famous is the Potočka zijalka. There are three Lipše Gates, located on the Austrian side of the Olševa, close to the border. A protected mountain trail leads through and past them. They are in a very precipitous area, especially under the Little and Big Lipše Gates there are deep precipices. All three gates are truly fascinating creations of nature. Through the highest gate, the Great Lipše Gate (1508 m), you have a beautiful view of Austrian Carinthia, and from the Small Lipše Gate (1480 m) you can even see Storžič.