Partisan hospital on Formila/Boč
Altitude: 630 m
Lat/Lon: | 46,2829°N 15,6267°E |
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Popularity: 66% (1206. place)
Description of mountain:
At the end of 1944, in the autumn, a partisan hospital was established in Formila/Boč under the partisan name or code 0V-3B. Alongside smaller local partisan units, units of the Kozjanski Detachment and XIV Division were also active in the area. Boč was the main link between Kozjansko and Pohorje. Several dozen fighters were treated in the hospital. It was in the safe shelter of a Karst sinkhole. The barracks had bunk beds in two rows and the roof was covered with soil, moss, branches, leaves...Despite frequent German attacks in the immediate vicinity, the barracks functioned successfully until its surrender in March 1945. The wounded were moved in time to a reserve site above Makola. The cave with the karst sinkhole is still a visible memory, with a memorial plaque in the wall above it, while the barrack, which was rebuilt in 1993, is in a poor state due to vandalism. It is still well hidden today, even though it is directly next to a forest road. It is located some two hundred metres to the left, slightly below the forest road in the route from the Formile clearing to Makole or Plešivec...
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