Pfannspitze / Cima Vanscuro
Altitude: 2678 m
Lat/Lon: | 46,68066°N 12,5017°E |
| |
Type: peak
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Views: 141.615
Popularity: 55% (1610. place)
Description of peak:
Pfannspitze is a 2678-metre high mountain in the western part of the Carnic Alps. From the summit on which the cross stands, you have a very nice view of the Dolomites di Sesto mountain group and the rest of the western Carnic Alps. The nearby Große Kinigat in particular is very visible. Around the summit you will also see many remains from the First World War.
Mountains in radius
Webcams in radius
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Obertilliacher Bergbahnen,
Padola (Talstation Padola),
Passo Monte Croce / Kreuzbergpass,
Rifugio Pendio Monte Elmo,
Sexten (Bergstation Hasenköpfl),
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