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Mountain ranges / Corsica / San Pietro

San Pietro

Country: France
Mountain range: Corsica
Altitude: 1500 m
Lat/Lon: 41,7588°N 8,9929°E
Type: peak
Views: 2.443
Popularity: 30% (2374. place)
Number of pictures: 19
Number of trails: 0
Number of GPS tracks: 0
Description of peak:
It is a mountain of which Slovenians have very bad memories, because in 1981 a plane with 180 passengers and crew members hit the very top of the mountain with its left wing, and none of them survived. All the descriptions mention that the access is long and poorly marked, perhaps from the valley itself, but the route from the Col de Saint-Eustache pass along the D420 road, where there is a parking lot, is not so, and from here we are led along a wide, well-trodden and, above all, extremely well marked path, both to the summit and to the point of the accident, a few minutes away. The Corsicans do not seem to find the summit itself interesting, but many of them go to the point where there is a neatly erected imitation church, a commemorative plaque, a registration book and a description of the French version of the accident. It is a good hour's easy walk from the saddle to the accident point, and on the way back you can walk part of the way along a slightly different path, where you can also catch some shade, as there is none on the ascent, as it seems that the whole slope burnt down a few years ago.
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