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Video / Interesting / Abete vs Pino, quale va meglio? - Fatwood

Abete vs Pino, quale va meglio? - Fatwood

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Keywords: The Mountain Rambler, resina, pino, pinus, abies, picea abies, abies alba, pinus nigra, bushcraft, outdoor, abete vs pino, fatwood firestarter, fatwood uses, fatwood fire, fatwood tinder, fatwood firesteel, fatwood videos, finding fatwood, harvesting fatwood, homemade fatwood, fatwood harvesting, pine fire fatwood, lighting fatwood, make fatwood, legno di pino, tinder, ferrocerium rod, how to find fatwood, The mountain rambler, woods, tinder wood, firesteel, acciarino, survival, bushbox
Video length: 12:42
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