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Video / Interesting / visita e informazioni - Monte San Gabriele (Škabrijel)

visita e informazioni - Monte San Gabriele (Škabrijel)

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Keywords: Andrea Tomasella, Monte San Gabriele, Nova Gorica (City/Town/Village), Škabrijel, Andrea Tomasella, Gorizia (Italian Comune), Mountain (Geographical Feature Category), Landscape, Panorama, Nature, Natura, Storia, History, World War I (Military Conflict), Pot miru, The walk of peace, weg des friedens, il sentiero della pace, Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Italian Region), Italy (Country), italia, Slovenia (Country), kromberk, clouds, city, cities, blog, addolorata, montagna, montagne, escursione, monte, san, gabriele, passione
Video length: 02:35
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