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GPS tracks / Karnijske Alpe / Bivio sentiero 469 - Bivio sentiero 403a

Bivio sentiero 469 - Bivio sentiero 403a

Date of publication: 12.01.2023
Distance of the track: 1.01 km
Descripton of GPS track:
Bivio sentiero 469 - Bivio sentiero 403a
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The user of the GPS tracker is responsible for his own safety and the website owner is not responsible for any inaccurate data.
Sledi v bližini:
Südalpenweg - 03, Kärnter Grenzweg, Passo Pramollo - Sella Madrizze, Studena Bassa - Sella Aip, Conca di Pricot (quota 1125 m - Bivio sentiero 433 Panegouz, Baita Winkel - Attacco ferrata Contin, Passo Pramollo - Ex Rifugio Nordio-Deffar, Cason di Lanza - Prato Pramollo, Passo Pramollo - Rifugio Gortani, Passo Pramollo - Egger Alm, Attacco via ferrata Contin - Monte Cavallo di Pontebba, Dolinzaalm - Naßfeld, Naßfeld - Zollnersee Hütte, Via Fausto Schiavi, Karnischer Höhenweg 403, Wanderweg 413 - Hermagor, Europäischer Fernwanderweg E10 (Nassfeld - Silian), Via Alpina Red R18, Via Alpina Red R19, Caserma Guardia di Finanza - Val Rio Bombaso
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