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Mountain ranges / Posavsko hribovje and Dolenjska / Svete gore / Bistrica ob Sotli - Svete gore (Evropska pešpot E7 iz Bistrice ob Sotli)

Bistrica ob Sotli - Svete gore (Evropska pešpot E7 iz Bistrice ob Sotli)

Starting point: Bistrica ob Sotli (203 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,05661°N 15,66248°E
Destination: Svete gore (527 m)
Name of path: Evropska pešpot E7 iz Bistrice ob Sotli
Time of walking: 50 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 324 m
Altitude difference po putu: 324 m
Map: Celotna pot je lepo prikazana tudi na Googlovem Streetview-u
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Author: jerque
Views: 578
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Access to the starting point:
Bistrica ob Sotli is located at the junction of 4 roads. It is reached from the north by the road from Celje or Maribor via Podčetrtek. From the south it is reached by the road from Brežice via Bizeljsko. From the west it is reached by the roads from Šentjur via Kozje and from Brestanica, which merge in Podsreda. From the east, it is reached by the road from Hrvace Zagorje, which crosses the border at the nearby border crossing near Kumrovec.

In the centre of Bistrica ob Sotli, parking is available in the parking lot next to St Peter's Church. If it is busy during church services and there are no classes, you can try the primary school as an alternative.
Path description:
From the centre of Bistrica ob Sotli, follow the main road towards Brežice. Soon, when the road starts to descend near the old school building, a brown road sign informs you that you need to turn right to follow the footpath to Svete gore. Practically at the same point, a green signpost directs you to the left onto a narrow path between two houses. The path, which runs along the edge of the forest, climbs gently for about 200 m until it reaches an asphalted road, which makes a sharp turn at this point. Continue straight ahead on the asphalt road, still slightly uphill, for approximately 200 to 300 metres. Once past the last house, there is a new fork, obey the green signpost and turn left onto cart track, past the chapel and the water reservoir. Cart track soon leads into the forest and becomes a forest track. From here on there are no more signs almost to the top, but this route is also used by some other trails, so follow carefully the different types of markings, e. g. the red and yellow ones for the European Footpath E7, the pair of crossed rings for the Love Trail, and there are also red and white markings in the shape of the Austrian flag.

By following these markings it is easy to stay on the right path, which leads through the forest and over the quarry, past the sign of the Cross of the Cross, to a new fork just below the saddle. The signpost for Svete gore points us right straight towards the hamlet just below Svete gore (officially part of Zagaj), but this path is more difficult to pass and unmarked due to poor elevation and fallen trees. It is therefore advisable to make a short detour. Follow the signpost to the left towards Bozje noga and the path will quickly lead you past the chapel to the road that branches off the main road at the pass between Bistrica ob Sotli and Bizeljski. Turn right on the road. The road soon leaves the forest and we can already see the bell tower of St Mary's Church.

In the hamlet, turn right onto the road, where a road sign prohibits all vehicles, and a little further on there is a roadblock. This very steep asphalted road, with a newer wooden Stations of the Cross on the left, leads to the highest Lourdes Chapel. After a few stops on the Stations of the Cross, you can also turn left onto the steps that lead directly to St Mary's Church.
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