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Dražgoše (Na Pečeh) - Planina Kališnik

Starting point: Dražgoše (Na Pečeh) (816 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,2521°N 14,1771°E
Time of walking: 1 h 5 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 364 m
Altitude difference po putu: 395 m
Map: Škofjeloško in Cerkljansko hribovje 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 828
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Number of pictures: 30
Number of comments: 0
Access to the starting point:
a) Drive to Železniki, then continue to Dražgoše. Follow the main road through Dražgoše to a part of the village called Na Pečeh, where you will see signs for Bičkova skala. At this crossroads the route described above begins. There are no parking spaces in the vicinity.
b) Drive to Kranj, then follow the signs for Besnica (the turn-off from the old road Ljubljana - Kranj is before the bridge over the Sava River, or after the bridge if coming from the route of Kranj). Continue through Spodnja, Zgornja Besnica and Njivica. A little further on, you arrive in Nemilje, and after this settlement the road starts to climb steeply. When you reach Podblica, follow the main road, and above Podblica you reach the main road Kropa - Dražgoše, which you follow to the left (if the bend is too sharp, there is a turning point a few 10 metres to the right). Continue past the church of St. Jederti and then arrive at Dražgoše, where you first reach a crossroads where the road to Sv. Križ turns left. Continue along the main road and then arrive in the centre of Dražgoše, where, in the area called Na Pečeh, you will see the signs for Bičkova skala (the signs are from the opposite direction of the road), where the route described above begins. There are no parking spaces in the vicinity.
c) Drive to Kropa, then continue to Dražgošeam and Železniki. When you arrive in Dražgoše, in the centre of Dražgoše, in the area called Na Pečeh, you will see the signs for Bičkova skala (the signs are from the opposite direction of the road), where the route described starts. There are no parking spaces in the vicinity.
Path description:
From the starting point, continue on the side road in the direction of Bičkova skala and Dražgoše mountains. At first walk along the steep asphalt road towards the hamlet of Jelenšče, then continue left on the road in the direction of house numbers Dražgoše 43, 68 and 70. With fine views, follow the asphalt road up to the edge of the forest, where a path branches off the road to the right, leading to Dražgoška gora, mountain pasture Kališe and Vodiška mountain pasture (the branch is not marked). After a short climb, continue right at the crossroads (the signpost points straight ahead), then climb through the hay meadow. When you reach a wider path a little further on, continue left (right to return to the tarmac road, but reach it higher up than your starting point), and then follow it for some time, climbing cross-country to the left. A little further on you reach cart track, which you just cross and continue in the direction of mountain pasture Kališe and Vodice (left Dražgoška gora for 5 minutes, right Jelenšče), along a path that climbs a little more, a little further on, it reaches the edge of the plateau Jelovica, where it lays down and joins cart track a little further on (here it joins with the path leading past the lookout Dražgoška gora), which is followed slightly to the right. Cart track soon leads to a forest road where there is a marked crossroads.
The left road continues in the direction of Partizanski vrh, the marked path to Vodiška mountain pasture continues to the right, and the road can also be followed back to Dražgoše, while we continue slightly to the left, on the footpath in the direction of mountain pasture Kališnik. From the point where we leave the road, we start to descend gently through the forest, the path becomes flatter lower down, and then quickly leads us to the abandoned mountain pasture.
Description and pictures refer to the situation in 2018 (January).
zemljovid puta - Planina Kališnik
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Partizanski dom na Vodiški planini (1 h 30 min)
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Dražgoše (Na Pečeh) - Planina Kališnik29
Dražgoše (Na Pečeh) - Planina Kališnik30
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