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Mountain ranges / Northern Limestone Alps / Schafberg / St. Wolfgang - Schafberg (via Schafbergalm)

St. Wolfgang - Schafberg (via Schafbergalm)

Starting point: St. Wolfgang (545 m)
Destination: Schafberg (1783 m)
Name of path: via Schafbergalm
Time of walking: 3 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 1238 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1238 m
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Author: Mowa
Views: 4.036
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 9
Number of comments: 4
Access to the starting point:
Drive through the Karavanke Tunnel into Austria and then along the motorway to Salzburg. Continue east on the B158 to the village of Strobl on the edge of the Wolfgangsee. Then follow the signs for St. Wolfgang (approx. 5 km) where you park. The parking places on the outskirts of the village are free of charge. Continue on foot towards the centre and from there parallel to the lake along Pilgergasse, Sternallee and Ried. After crossing the cog railway, follow Ried for approx. 100 m and then turn right uphill. As you approach the railway again, you will see signs for Schafberg, which you follow all the way to the top.
Path description:
Follow the asphalt road through the forest to the Aschinger farm, where signs point slightly left onto a wide macadam path. This also passes through the forest, and the view of the neighbouring mountains is getting better and better. Leave the forest for a while at mountain pasture Dorneralm, and the wide path then becomes a track just before crossing the forest border. At mountain pasture Schafbergalm, with a view of the Schafberg summit, join the dirt road from Winkl/Mondsee. Follow the signs. After crossing the railway (intermediate railway station), the path becomes a track which ascends steeply, first to the final railway station, then to the hut and the summit.
zemljovid puta - Schafberg
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Discussion about the trail St. Wolfgang - Schafberg (via Schafbergalm)
Lunca29. 06. 2017
A je se kaksno izhodisce?
turbo29. 06. 2017
turbo29. 06. 2017
Nič, kopiraj ves naslov in prilepi zadrega , pa bo zavijanje z očmi
Lunca9. 07. 2017
mislila sem predvsem na kakšno višje izhodišče nasmeh Hvala mežikanje
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