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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Dom na Matajure / Avsa - Dom na Matajure (old path)

Avsa - Dom na Matajure (old path)

Starting point: Avsa (880 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,1985°N 13,5847°E
Name of path: old path
Time of walking: 2 h 30 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 665 m
Altitude difference po putu: 700 m
Map: Julijske Alpe - zahodni del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 1.910
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Number of pictures: 47
Number of comments: 0
Access to the starting point:
a) Drive to Tolmin, then continue driving to Kobarid. When you reach Idrsko, turn left in the direction of Livek and follow the signs for Avsa and Matajur from Livko. From Avsa, continue for another 300 metres and then park at the marked parking area.
b) From Kobarid, drive towards Tolmin, but only as far as Idrsko, where you turn right towards Livek, and from Livko follow the signs for Avsa and Matajur. From Avsa, continue for another 300 metres and then park in the marked parking area.
Path description:
From the parking lot, follow the marked path in the route Monte Mataiur, initially walking through the forest and crossing at cart track. There is a climb through two short hayfields, and then back into the dense forest, with a moderate to steep ascent, and a slight descent here and there. At a higher level, cross a metal fence, after which the path turns right and continues along cart track. Cart track soon ends and we continue on the track, which continues over a partly grassy slope surrounded by strips of woodland. A little further on, the path turns left and completely flattens out on the slopes of Srednji vrh.
Here you can climb to Srednji vrh in a few minutes on a trackless path, otherwise continue on the marked path which crosses the slopes of the summit and joins the forest road a little further on. Follow the road to the right and quickly reach a marked crossroads in a small valley between Mrzli vrh and Srednji vrh.
At the crossroads, a marked but unmarked trail branches off to the right to Mrzli vrh, Srednji vrh and Idrska planina, and we continue along the road, which splits on the west side of Mrzli vrh.
Continue on the left road (Idrska planina on the right), which is joined by the "new" trail from Avsa or Livko just a little further on.
From the less visible crossroads, continue along the road and arrive at the next, this time well-marked crossroads.
To the right, the normal route to Monte Mataiur continues, and we continue straight on in the direction of Home to Monte Mataiure and continue walking along the road, which we leave a little further on, as the markings direct us right into the forest. We then climb through the woods, then cross the wider cart track, which branches off the road a little higher up to the right. Continue to climb along a fairly steep mountain path, which gradually lays down and joins the forest road as you leave the forest.
Before reaching the road, we have crossed the national border practically unnoticed, and a little higher up we reach a stone-built stone hut located near the Glava / Grotta di Casera cave. Continue along the road, cutting a right turn higher up the path, and then, when the forest has thinned out considerably, you will arrive at a marked crossroads, located on the left-hand serpentine of the road.
From the serpentine, the road continues straight ahead to Monte Mataiur, and we continue along the deteriorating road, which then crosses the south-eastern slopes of Monte Mataiur. After a few minutes of traversing, we reach the southeast ridge and also a marked crossroads where we join the trail from the Pelizzo Hut.
Continue straight on towards Dom na Matajure (downhill to the left Pelizzo Hut, right Monte Mataiur summit) and continue crossing the grassy slopes. Follow the scenic and well-maintained path to Dom na Matajure, which is reached after about 10 minutes of further walking.
zemljovid puta - Dom na Matajure
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Matajur
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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Discussion about the trail Avsa - Dom na Matajure (old path)
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