Gozdec - Dom Petra Skalarja na Kaninu
Starting point: Gozdec (1075 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,3385°N 13,4939°E |
| |
Time of walking: 4 h 15 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 1185 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1250 m
Map: Julijske Alpe - zahodni del 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
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Access to the starting point:
Drive into the centre of Bovec, where from the crossroads by the main square continue along the ascending road, which starts to climb past the post office towards the nearby church. Go around the church on the left and then arrive in Kaninsko vas. Bovec then ends, and the road continues westwards for some time. At a small fork, leave the main asphalt road leading to the village Plužna and continue along the road slightly to the right (after the crossroads marked for the Gozdec road). After the nearby farmhouse, the road splits again, and this time we take the road slightly to the left (slightly to the right Zavrzelno and the starting point of the route to Rombon). We continue to climb on the macadam road, which leads us higher up to the B station of the cable car to Kanin. At the B station, the road turns sharp left, and then, after about 1 km of further driving, a cross-country climb brings us to the next crossroads. From this junction, continue to the left or straight on (sharp right mountain pasture Cirque), and follow the road from the junction for a short distance. We soon see signs for Kanin along the road, and we park about 20 metres further on, in a small parking lot by the road.
From the Square of the Pigeon Victims, it is about 9 km to the starting point.
Path description:
From the starting point, go back a few steps and then follow the marked path towards Visoki Kanin and Vrha Laška planje. The trail immediately starts to climb steeply, and mostly leads us through a dense forest, only occasionally opening up some views of the surrounding area. During the ascent, the path leads us under the cliffs of Turno v Skednju (1555 m). When the cliffs end we arrive at an unmarked crossroads where we continue slightly right along the marked path (slightly left unmarked path leading to Veliki Babanski Skedenj 2121 m), which soon climbs steeply over a short steep slope, where there is a greater risk of slipping, especially in the wet. The steepness soon eases and you reach the abandoned mountain pasture Gozdec, which you pass on the right.
We continue to climb through increasingly sparse forest, so that the path opens up some views towards the Bovška basin and the Krn mountains. A fairly steady climb follows, and we, while loking at the walls of the Great Barn, arrive at a small spring located to the right of the path. The trail is also covered with grass, which can be quite wet in the mornings and after the rain. After a while the path turns more to the west and gradually becomes less steep. After a few minutes of scenic ascent, you reach the ruins of the old hut of Peter Skalar, which burnt down in 1972.
Go around the hut on the left and then climb gently to moderately for some time on a more grassy terrain. The path then turns more to the south, so that you get the feeling that you are going in the wrong direction. There is a steeper climb, and the path turns slowly to the right, so that we are walking mainly westwards. A few minutes of easy walking follows and you arrive at a marked crossroads, where you continue downhill to the right in the direction of Dom Petra Skalarja na Kaninu (straight ahead Visoki Kanin and Vrh Laška planje).
After a short descent, the trail lays down and then crosses the area of high-lying plateau. The ascent follows through the high mountain landscape of the Kaninski Podov, where there is no trail for the most part, but the markings are quite frequent, so there are no problems with orientation in fine weather, but it is of course quite different in fog. The path ahead leads through scree and between potholes, caves and crevasses, so caution is not superfluous, and in wet weather the smooth slabs can be quite slippery. We continue for some time cross-climbing the slopes of Velika Gnila glava (2114 m), and the trail leads us to the next marked crossroads at this point. Continue slightly to the right (to the left to return to the path towards the top of Laška Planje) and continue to follow the worse path and markings. Follow this path, which gives us a really nice view of the Kanin massif, all the way to Dom Petra Skalarja na Kaninu, from where a nice view to the east opens up.
Starting point - mountain pasture Gozdec 0:50, mountain pasture Gozdec - Stara koča 1:20, Stara koča - Dom Petra Skalarja 2:05.
Description and images refer to the situation in 2019 (July).
Discussion about the trail Gozdec - Dom Petra Skalarja na Kaninu
milanl5. 07. 2010 |
Slabo označena pot, še posebej na začetku, ko se moraš strmo odcepiti v desno in ne po poti v levo po cca. 30 minutah vzpona. Tudi oznake med potjo so namenjene Kaninu in se jih moraš držati da greš prav na Petra Skalarja. Predlagam obnovo oznak in že na začetku ob parkirišču oznaka za vzpon na Dom Petra Skalarja.
IgorZlodej5. 07. 2010 |
Dober predlog, samo bivši predsednik PZS je kriv, da smo nekateri izgubili voljo do dela na poteh.
joža x5. 07. 2010 |
Predlog: če so markacije zbledele ali mestoma nevidne bi lahko kdo postavil tablo"neoznačena pot"na izhodišču. Na pl.zemljevidu namreč markacije ne zbledijo,prideš na izhodišče, prevozil si že npr.že 250 km ,pa pač probaš kljub slabim markacijam,kaj se lahko potem še zgodi pa je že del črne.....
IgorZlodej5. 07. 2010 |
V Gozdecu je na izhodišču tabla, na prste ene roke si upam prešteti vse , ki od tam gredo na Visoki Kanin ali do Doma PS, bistveno več jih gre recimo na Babanjski skedenj na katerega pa ne vodi markirana pot in se ni še nihče izgubil. če ne verjamete pojdite na vrh tega lepega razglednika nad kaninskimi podi pa boste videli koliko je vpisov. Problem naših pohodnikov je, da skoraj nič ne storijo pri pripravi ture, se ne seznanijo s potmi in opisi, nimajo planinskih kart, potem pa jočejo, ker niso markacije take, da bi kar bile v oči. Sicer se pa lahko pritožite na društvo, ki je pristojno za urejanje te poti ali na KPP pri PZS. Nekomu je pač bilo v interesu, da se na Bovškem več ne bo urejalo poti in jaz mu lahko za to le čestitam, ker mu je v celoti uspelo.
turbo5. 07. 2010 |
Še najbolje je hoditi "za nosom". Ne samo po kaninskem pogorju. Kar tako, nasplošno. Gužve ponavadi ni, doživetja so globoka, pristopiš na marsikateri vrh, za katerega marsikdo še slišal ni in še in še. Kljub slabim markacijam se vseeno splača poizkusiti. To zagotovo ni del črne kronike. Kajti markacije zbledijo, že res, uhojena pot, steza,pa ostane. Plus zemljevid s seboj in mora iti. Vsekakor v lepem vremenu, v megli ti markacije tako ali tako nič ne pomagajo. Sicer pa, brez zamere, še najboljše markacije v gorah so zdrava pamet in izkušnje. Če misliš, da ne bo šlo, zagotovo ne bo. Če pa že . . . na srečo se ne bi zanašal.
Gorazd G5. 07. 2010 |
Oba predhodnika sta odlično napisala in, vsaj po mojem mnenju, zadela bistvo.
roba30001. 07. 2015 |
Je kaka nova informacija o tej poti? Mogoče obnovljene markacije?
mlakar191. 07. 2015 |
ne pot je ista markacije skoraj ni koča zaprta
IgorZlodej1. 07. 2015 |
Letos so bile obnovljene markacije od ceste, začetek poti do vodem, to je nekoliko pod ruševinami stare koče. Prav tako je bila pot lepo obžagana in očiščena. Kolikor mi je znano, bodo tekom poletja obnovljene tudi vse markacije do Visokega Kanina.
BT882. 07. 2015 |
Ker bo Igor mogoče tole prebral in jo bo tam okrog gotovo kaj mahnil kako kaže z borovnicami tam pod špičko za info. se oddolžim po želji informatorja
papillon3. 07. 2017 |
Mogoče kdo ve, ali so markacije zdaj v celoti obnovljene ali ne?
mirank3. 07. 2017 |
Včeraj smo se priklopili na to pot cca 15min nad pogoriščem stare koče. Od tam dol so bile popolnoma v redu; za od tam navzgor pa ne morem zagotoviti, vendar je koča vidna in tudi teren pregleden, tako da ni panike, če le niste popolnoma odvisni od tega. Zanesljiv korak in srečno
papillon12. 07. 2017 |
Super, najlepša hvala za odgovor.
nikilito13. 09. 2018 |
Hi everyone! I'm writing to know if someone followed this path through Godzec and if there are visible marks on the track until Dom Petra Skalarja. Can you also help me with the right direction? I understood the path until the 4th photo. And then? I guess that I must turn right somewhere .. Thank you very much.
djimuzl13. 09. 2018 |
Quick translation off the path description: From the parking lot we focus on the footpath in the direction of Kanin and Laška Planja. The path starts in the forest with a moderate ascent. After half an hour we reach the abandoned mountain pasture planina Gozdec (1305m). Later the path gets steepeer. We walk under the walls of the Veliki Skedenj. At a height of 1814 m, we pass the ruins of the old Kanin lodge (Krlišče), where the path turns left, it descends slightly, and then in a slight ascent, it leads to a crossroads. There we continue to the right in the direction of Petar Skalar's lodge (straight Visoki Kanin). Path now leads us through Kaninski podi – which is tipical high-lying plateau or karst area. It is well marked, but especially in the low visibility (fog) very hard to follow, and leads us in a moderate climb through labyrinth of the abysses, scrapes and cracks to the Peter Skalar's mountain lodge (Dom Petra Skalarja). Difficult orienting! The lodge is not open but the nearby winter room usually is.
zvezdica_zaspanka22. 07. 2019 |
Zdravo, enkrat do konca poletja se odpravljam sem gor, pa me zanima, kakšna je zdaj pot - je kakšna težava najti markacije ali se da znajti? Sicer sem ponavadi opremljena z zemljevidom in kompasom, ampak raje ne bi skrenila s poti, če ni treba
Tadej25. 07. 2019 |
Včeraj sem bil na tej poti. Markacije so bile obnovljene, obnovljen pa je tudi zgornji opis.
LukaSLO30. 07. 2019 |
Kaj se dogaja z Domom Petra Skalarja na Kaninu? Je že odprt? Nekje sem prebral, da ga že dve leti prenavljajo ...
Tadej31. 07. 2019 |
Prejšnji teden je bil zaprt.
mirank30. 06. 2022 16:48:41 |
Stanje pri koči enako kot prej-kot po povodnji. Za razliko poskrbi dixi bivak, katerega sestavni deli so se, nametani na kup spremenili, v bivak za gade.
darinka45. 08. 2022 15:47:21 |
Včeraj smo sestopili z Visokega Kanina do koče Petra Skalarja. Bivak žal je podrt. Šipe so še vedno na kupu in čakajo na prevoz v dolino. Pot je označena. Možici so kar lepo vidni in vsaj mi nismo imeli težav. Pokramljali z jamarji pri koči, ki se trudijo prenavljat. Predstavljala sem si manjšo kočo. Ampak ker sem bila tam prvič sem bila presenečena . Tudi v nadaljevanju hoje mimo požgane koče in zavetišča GRS ni bilo težav s sledljivostjo. Tudi tam prenavljajo , oziroma bodo morda obnovili kočo. Pot v dolino do Gozdeca je očiščena. Pokošena trava. V glavnem v lepem vremenu ni težav s sledljivostjo. Le kondicijsko je treba biti dobro pripravljen.