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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Mojčin dom na Vitrancu / Jasna - Mojčin dom na Vitrancu (on ridge)

Jasna - Mojčin dom na Vitrancu (on ridge)

Starting point: Jasna (830 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,4753°N 13,7819°E
Name of path: on ridge
Time of walking: 2 h 15 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 725 m
Altitude difference po putu: 755 m
Map: Kranjska Gora 1:30.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Author: 5Xum
Views: 42.162
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 34
Number of comments: 5
Access to the starting point:
a) First drive to Kranjska Gora, then continue driving to Vršič. Shortly after Kranjska Gora ends, we cross the Pišnica River, and just a few 10 metres further on we turn right into a larger parking lot, where we park next to Lake Jasna.
b) We drive to Trenta and then over the Vršič Pass to Kranjska Gora. When you reach Lake Jasna, park in the large macadam parking lot by the lake (the parking lot is on the left side of the main road).
Path description:
From the parking lot, continue a few metres back towards Kranjska Gora to the dam at the power station, where you will find a path that continues horizontally along the river. After a few metres, cross the riverbed and the path leads into the forest, where after a few metres of ascent you reach a crossroads by a bench.
Continue sharp left and the path is stopped by a sign, the path to Malo Pišnica is CLOSED. Continue along this path, which begins to climb steeply in the meanders. When the steepness subsides we reach a fork where the path to Malo Pišnica branches off to the left (this path is blocked), and to the right we follow the sign for Vitranc and Ciprnik. Continue straight up a narrower and slightly less visible track, which climbs steeply again. Just a few metres further on, the path leads us to a viewpoint from which we have a beautiful view of the Martuljško group of mountains. The path then climbs for a short time and then turns to the right, where it crosses the slopes towards the Kranj ski slopes with a few ups and downs.
When the path climbs steeply again in the meanders, you reach the next fork where the sign "Vitranc-Ciprnik" directs you to the left (straight ahead, the path leads towards the scree and on to the ski slopes). After the fork, the path climbs very steeply and becomes harder to follow for a while. The steep ascent leads from the forest floor to the grassy slopes just below the rocky cliffs and continues to climb steeply. After a while, we see a wooden arrow by the side of the path, pointing down the way we came. A few dozen metres later, the steep path veers off to the right and the still very steep climb continues along the ridge.
After a while, the ridge path leads past a rocky ravine, which opens up a beautiful view of Kranjska Gora on our right. Shortly afterwards, the steepness eases a little and we come to a fork where we can continue on the left path below the ridge or take in the view from the ridge. The two paths merge ten metres later and the steepness of the ridge increases again. The last ten metres of the climb along the ridge pass through a dense dwarf pines, and then the path flattens out. Then, on the right, we see the pillar of the cargo cableway leading to Vitranc, and after a few metres of gentle walking we reach a crossroads where the path from Kranjska Gora joins us on the left.
From the crossroads onwards we have about 300 metres to walk along the path that crosses the slope below the Lodge at Vitranc. Soon on the right we see the abandoned Dom na Vitranc and a few steps further the newly opened Mojčin dom na Vitrancu.
zemljovid puta - Mojčin dom na Vitrancu
We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Ciprnik ( 45 min), Visoka peč (1 h 15 min)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
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Discussion about the trail Jasna - Mojčin dom na Vitrancu (on ridge)
Alessp7. 11. 2015
Ravnokar smo se vrnili. Pot je oznacena super, a v primeru da prej dezuje bi v jesenskem casu odvsetoval. Veliko korenin in listja je lahko kar malo zoprno. Sicer je opis izleta ok. Ni mi pa cisto jasno kako je to klasificirano kot lahka tura. Naredis kaksnih 700 m visinske razlike v manj kot 2h. Je pa za rekreacijo super! Mi smo potem podaljsali na Ciprnik, kar absolutno priporocam, in se vrnili cez smucisca. Vse ok, le na visinsko razliko je potrebno paziti, ce kdo razmislja o otrokih. Skupaj se nabere med 800-900m! Sicer pa priporocam!
Daaam9. 11. 2015
@Alessp Klasifikacija ture ni odvisna od tega koliko višinskih metrov moraš premagati temveč je odvisna od tehničnih težav. Tako da, v kolikor si na poti ni potrebno pomagati z rokami je lahka pot ne glede na dolžino. Pri zahtevnih poteh se pojavijo prva varovala (zajle,klini,skobe) ki so povečini samo za boljši občutek in niso nujno potrebna za napredovanja, dočim pri zelo zahtevnih poteh je uporaba le teh nujna.
jana196620. 08. 2016
Danes na Ciprniku iz Jasne-izlet za uživanje v naravi ,vse pohvale osebju v Mojčinemu domu ,prijaznosti in postrežbi, vrnitev pa mimo Bedančevega doma v Kranjsko Goro ,drugače pa se strinjam z Alessp...Pravljicavelik nasmeh
prizup25. 04. 2018
Pot jezero Jasna-Mojčin dom na Vitrancu je kopna. Mojčin dom na Vitrancu je odprt!
CarpeDiem24712. 03. 2021
Je kdo hodil pretekle dni? Me zanimajo razmere.
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