Koča pri Savici - Dom pri Krnskih jezerih
Starting point: Koča pri Savici (653 m)
Lat/Lon: | 46,2896°N 13,8022°E |
| |
Time of walking: 5 h 20 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 732 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1175 m
Map: TNP 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
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Access to the starting point:
From the motorway Ljubljana - Jesenica, take the Lesce exit and follow the road towards Bled and on to Bohinjska Bistrica. Continue driving towards Bohinjsko jezero (Ribčev laz), at which you will come to a crossroads, where you will continue straight along the left (south) side of the lake in the direction of Ukanec and the Savica waterfall. Follow this increasingly narrow road to the large parking lot at the Savica cottage. There is a charge for parking.
Path description:
From the parking lot, follow the wide footpath towards the Savica waterfall and the Komna home. After a short ascent, the path leads us to a marked crossroads where the tourist path to the right branches off towards the Savica waterfall, and we continue slightly to the left or straight along the wide footpath in the direction of Komna. The path continues to climb for a short time along Savica, and then leads us to the first of the 48 marked serpentines. After an hour and a half of moderate ascent through the forest, the path leads us to the 48 serpentine from which we have a beautiful view of Lake Bohinj. Here the path turns slightly to the right and passes into the valley called Pekel, where it climbs gently for a while, then turns to the right and climbs slightly steeper again. After only a few 10 paces, the path turns left again and continues to climb parallel to the valley. The path, which is steep to moderately steep, gradually turns into a more sparse forest, from which you can soon see the house on Komna. The way forward leads us past a small man-made cave, and higher up, past a natural abyss, which is fenced off to prevent any of the hikers from falling into it. Next, the path climbs a little more and after a few steps of further walking leads us to a crossroads where the path to the right branches off to the Black Lake.
Continue straight ahead on the wide path (mulatjeri), which takes you just a little higher to the next crossroads. Continue again to the left (to the right the cottage at Triglav Lakes) along the path, which climbs a little more steeply and after a few minutes of further walking leads us to the hut at Komna.
From the home, continue right (left Vogel, Tolminski Kuk and mountain pasture Govnjač) along the marked path towards the hut below Bogatin. Next, a pleasant and completely sloping path leads us in 15 minutes' walk to Mountain pasture na Kraju, in the middle of which stands the hut Koča pod Bogatinom.
On the other side of Mountain pasture, a path branches off to the right towards Mountain pasture Za Skalo, and we continue straight ahead along a wide mulatier in the direction of Bogatinsko sedlo and Krn. The path then ascends crosswise over the relatively steep slopes of Srednji vrh, skirting the valley of Gracija on the right. The trail then climbs considerably further to the left, where it approaches the steep slopes of Bogatino. There is only a turn to the right and the path leads to Bogatinsko sedlo, from which a fine view of Krn opens up. At the saddle, continue straight ahead in the direction of Krn and Krnsko jezero (Bogatin and Mahavšček on the left, Lanževica on the right) on a path that gradually begins to descend. After a few minutes of descending, the path, which follows an old military causeway, leads to slopes partly covered with dwarf pines. A little further down, two paths branch off to the left, leading to Krn (Krn past Vrh nad Peski and over Batognica), and in both cases we continue straight ahead on the still descending path. Further on, the path is laid, and the path from Mali Šmohor joins us on the left. After a few minutes of easy walking, the path leads to mountain pasture Duplje, where at a crossroads we continue right in the direction of Lepena and the Doma pri Krnskih jezere (on the left Krnsko jezero and Krn). The path continues past the pasture, and then splits into two parts. Continue on the right path (the left path leads to Lepena and gives way to the Lodge at Krnsko jezero), which will take you within a few minutes to the aforementioned mountain lodge.

We can extend the trip to the following destinations: Krnsko jezero,
Planina na Polju,
Rdeči rob,
Mali Šmohor,
Veliki Šmohor,
Vogel (nad Lepeno),
Veliki Lemež,
Vrh nad Peski,
Gomiščkovo zavetišče na Krnu,
Discussion about the trail Koča pri Savici - Dom pri Krnskih jezerih
Enka28. 05. 2013 |
Živjo! Zanima me ali obstaja kakšna možnost krožne poti - se pravi povratek do Koče pri Savici po drugi poti. Pogoj je, da gre prav tako za lahko označeno pot  .
otiv28. 05. 2013 |
Možnost krožne lahke poti je možna od Koče pod Bogatinom naprej.
velkavrh29. 05. 2013 |
Po drugi poti je možen povratek samo od Komne k koči pri Savici prek Komarče,samo gre za zahtevno pot in jo odsvetujem. Mimo koče pod Bogatinom pa gremo v vsakem primeru.Jaz grem običajno prek Komarče na Komno, nazaj pa prek serpentin. Edino ovinek za nazaj lahko naredimo na Bogatinskem sedlu in zavijemo na levo na Lanževico-nezahtevno in se od tu spustimo po drugi poti k koči pod Bogatinom-nezahtevno.Lep pozdrav!
SuzanaM29. 05. 2013 |
Lani sem naredila zelo lepo 2 dnevno turo in sicer: 1. dan Slap Savica - Komna - Koča pod Bogatinom - Lepa Komna - Lanževica - Bogatinsko sedlo - Krnsko jezero 2. dan Krnsko Jezero - Batognica (čez Peske)- Prehodci - Bogatisnko sedlo - Koča pod Bogatinom - Slap Savica. Pot je nezahtevna, razgibana in zelo razgledna. V enem dnevu pa sem šla Slap Savica - Komna - Koča pod Bogatinom - Bogatinsko sedlo - Lanževica - Velika Baba (z velike Babe gre pot mimo doma pri Krskih jezerih) - Lepena - križišče glavne ceste Lepena/Trenta. V času poletnih počitnic je vozil avtobus od Nove Gorice prek Vršiča do Ljubljane, tako da sem lahko v obe smeri šla z javnim prevozom (vlak, avtobus). Je pa od Doma Klemente Juga v Lepeni do križišča 6 km hoje večinoma po cesti.
SuzanaM29. 05. 2013 |
Fotografije z drugega dneva si lahko pogledate pod Forum/Trenutne razmere/Julijske Alpe/Batognica dne 2.5.2013.
Enka1. 06. 2013 |
Hvala vsem. Očitno je zadeva takšna kot sem predvidevala - kakšne prav pametne variante krožne poti ni, razen morda za kak krajši odsek. Tvoj 2. dan bi z veseljem uporabila, SuzanaM, samo bo v skupini nekaj precej vrtoglavih, ki bi jim znala biti Batognica prehud zalogaj  .
sh1. 06. 2013 |
Batognica tudi vrtoglavim ne bi smela delati težav. Nanjo prideš s Krnske strani dejansko po stopnicah, proti Peskom pa tudi ni prepadno, zgoraj pa je čisto ravno. Vsaj kolikor imam jaz v spominu gre za lahko pot.
Enka1. 06. 2013 |
Ja, saj vem. Samo tisti, ki ni tako zelo vrtoglav, pač težko razume  . Bi peljali na Batognico nekoga, ki se mu je zdela skrajno neprijatenta pot čez Prode (Koča pri 7 jezerih - Vogar)?
ih_hihi22. 09. 2013 |
Zdravo! kakšen je časovni okvir hoje Savica-Krnsko jezero, do Komne čez Komarčo?
AndrejRibic22. 09. 2013 |
To pot sem prehodil julija 2013. 1 ura - savica , črno jezero čez komarčo 1,5 ure do Komne 1 ura od Komne do mulatjere na Bogatinskem sedlu 1,45 ure do koče na Krnskih jezerih. Skupaj je bilo s postankom na Bogatinu realno še 1 urca zraven. Skupno lahko računate na cca 6 ur s postankom,ki nudi lepe poglede na Krn in Julijce. Pa dober tek
mukl31. 08. 2014 |
Bolj kakor kakršnakoli graja, naj bo moje pisanje bolj v opozorilo tistim, ki med svojo pot po planinah, planirajo tudi postanek ali nemara nočitev v domu pei krnskih jezerih. Od se namreč ne boste mogli javiti svojim bližnjim, ker ni GSM signala. Zadeva se morda zdi precej obrobna, a, če se vračaš z visokogorja, sem skoraj prepričan, da so domači veseli tvojega klica in vesti, da si srečno prispel. Pa varen korak.
Ruzowski31. 08. 2014 |
Do "signala" se pride po slabih 10 minutah hoje proti zgornji postaje žičnice. Tako, da kak sprehod pred spanjem ne škodi nikoli. 
mukl31. 08. 2014 |
No, jaz ga nisem našel niti tam, niti pri stebru in niti pri prvem stebru elektrike in hoje je več kakor slabih 10 minut 
francimedved31. 08. 2014 |
Na dvorišču doma je, zadaj za zimsko sobo, ni močan a se da telefonirati.
serajko1. 09. 2014 |
Lp vprašanje je , če govorita o istem ponudniku
Laščan1. 09. 2014 |
Pred slabim mesecem sem prenočeval tukaj in se domačim javil izpred zgornje postaje tovorne žičnice.Signal (za 040) je bil pred "barako", kjer so vem speljane "zajle" za v dolino. LP
mukl1. 09. 2014 |
Verjetno 040 dobiš, karšnkoli že je, Telekomovega pa nikakor ni in ni bilo.
serajko1. 09. 2014 |
lp Če na tel. piše da je možno klicati112 je signal enega operaterja prisoten. Če te možnosti ni pa ni nobenega signala
mukl1. 09. 2014 |
Fantje in dekleta, da ne bomo zašli! s svojim postom sem želel povedati le to, da komu prihranim živce, s čimer bolj mislim na tiste, ki čakajo na klic nekoga, ki se vrača s hribov. Jaz sem npr. nekomu, ker ga nisem mogel poklicati, odžrl noč, ker je to osebo pač skrbelo....
IgorZlodej1. 09. 2014 |
Dokaj dober signal je pri planini Duplje (041). Za nujne klice pa itak poskrbijo v domu 
mukl1. 09. 2014 |
Prav iz firbca sem naslednji dan spremljal kdaj se bo pojavil dovolj močan signal, tak, ki bo omogočil klic in to se je zgodilo šele malce pod bogatinskim sedlom, pa še tam je metalo ven, joj, zdej pa ne bom več komentiral, prisežem 
krn522. 01. 2018 |
Planinsko društvo Nova Gorica sporoča, da bo Planinski dom pri Krnskih jezerih odprt v zimskem času za daljše obdobje, natančneje od 17. februarja do 3. aprila 2018.Za rezervacije in informacije kontaktirajte društveno pisarno v času uradnih ur torek in četrtek od 15. do 18. ure na tel. 05 30 23 030 ali preko e-pošte: planinskod.novagorica@siol.net. V času odprtja koče bomo dosegljivi direktno v koči na tel. 051 328 928 ali preko e-pošte: krnskoj@gmail.com.
krn528. 05. 2018 |
Sporočamo, da bo Planinski dom pri Krnskih jezerih odprt od sobote, 2. 6. 2018 dalje. Dom bo dosegljiv na telefonski številki 051 328 928 ali na e-naslovu: krnskoj.gmail.com Lepo vabljeni.