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Mountain ranges / Julian Alps / Žerjavec (Kavče) / Kočna - Žerjavec (Kavče) (steep north path)

Kočna - Žerjavec (Kavče) (steep north path)

Starting point: Kočna (660 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,4179°N 14,0831°E
Name of path: steep north path
Time of walking: 25 min
Difficulty: easy unmarked way
Altitude difference: 145 m
Altitude difference po putu: 145 m
Map: TNP 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Author: heinz
Views: 1.486
 4 people like this post
Number of pictures: 21
Number of comments: 0
Access to the starting point:
From the motorway Ljubljana - Jesenice take the exit Lipce, where you turn left in the direction of Blejska Dobrava and Spodnje Gorje. Soon after crossing the railway underpass, we are at the next crossroads, where we turn right - Bled, Kočna. The road, serpentine at first, climbs straight westwards and soon reaches the summit or settlement of Kočna in a left turn. Our starting point is on the left side of the road, a few metres before the local sign. Because of the unbroken line, continue past the first houses, where you will see a bus stop on the right. Here we turn around and go back, almost to the bend, before descending back down into the valley. We stop in a gravel parking lot.
Path description:
Facing the valley, after a few steps from the starting point, we enter the path leading into the forest on our right. After a few metres in the woods, turn left. The path, which is initially gentle, soon climbs gently to the edge of a slope overlooking the valley, where there is also a crossroads. Here, bear right at right angles, uphill (straight ahead, the path ends). After a few metres of gentle ascent through the trees, you come out into the open. Here you need to be careful. Just after this part, after climbing gently up to the first tree on the left-hand side of the path, turn sharp right onto the steep slope of the Crane (leaving the marked path). Occasionally, the path, which is a little harder to follow, turns steeply towards the summit, generally keeping to the right-hand edge of the northern slope of the hill. The steep path then leads past a rocky area on the left, the top of which offers views towards Jelenkamn and part of Jesenice. From here you can also observe Kres nad Kočno and the famous Poljanska Baba. The trail continues to be quite steep for a short time, but then the steepness starts to ease. When the path almost flattens out, we walk southwards along the top ridge of Žerjavec for a short time. Soon, at the southern end of the peak, we come across a beautiful, scenic rocky jetty with a bench, which represents the summit, where we rest and enjoy the view of the village Kočna, Poljanska Baba, Gorje with Pokljuka, Boršt, and the part of Karawanks on our right.
zemljovid puta - Žerjavec (Kavče)
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Discussion about the trail Kočna - Žerjavec (Kavče) (steep north path)
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