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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Kalški greben / Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben

Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben

Starting point: Kokra (Roblek) (906 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,3167°N 14,5134°E
Time of walking: 3 h 55 min
Difficulty: partly demanding marked way
Altitude difference: 1318 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1318 m
Map: Kamniške in Savinjske Alpe 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer): helmet
Recommended equipment (winter): helmet, ice axe, crampons
Views: 9.590
 1 person likes this post
Number of pictures: 68
Number of comments: 8
Access to the starting point:
a) Drive to Preddvor or to the settlement Tupaliče, which is located on the main road Kranj - Zgornje Jezersko, and then continue driving in the direction of Jezersko. Once you reach Kokra, turn right at the road sign between 10. 5 km and 10 km down towards Spodnja Kokra (there are also mountain signs at the crossroads). Continue along the narrow asphalt road between the church on the right and the Kokra River on the left. The road then starts to climb, and we follow it at the crossroads in the direction of the Roblek farm. The mostly asphalted road leads us higher up to the Roblek farm, where we park in a suitable place.
b) From Jezersko, drive towards Preddvor, and at the road sign between 10 km and 10. 5 km turn left down towards Spodnja Kokra (there are also mountain signs at the crossroads). Continue along the narrow asphalt road between the church on the right and the Kokra River on the left. The road then starts to climb, and we follow it at the crossroads in the direction of the Roblek farm. The mostly asphalted road leads us higher up to the Roblek farm, where we park in a suitable place.
Path description:
From the starting point, continue along the road, passing the farm on the right, and then cross the pasture fence. The gently sloping road then leads us through the pasture, from where we have beautiful views, especially towards the mountains above the right bank of the Kokra River. On the other side of the pasture, the road goes into the forest and turns into cart track. As soon as cart track turns into forest, the marked path from the valley joins us from the right, and we continue along the initially still quite winding cart track. After a few minutes we arrive in the Ugly Valley, where cart track turns slightly left, and here we continue slightly right, on a marked footpath that begins to climb steeply through the forest. Further on, we climb quite steeply, and the path leads us through an area called Roblekov kot. Higher up, the path leads us along a torrential ravine, which we cross a little further on. On the other side of the torrent, partly on scree, we are getting closer and closer to the walls of Krvavec, where the path becomes exposed to falling rocks. Further on, the Roblekov angle narrows, so that the path gradually leads us towards the Lojtra rock jump. The well-protected, mostly relatively wide path then leads us over the above-mentioned passage, where there is also a habitat of mountain lily and Zois's bellflower. There are a few minutes of fairly steep ascent, and then the path gradually descends. When the path is further laid, the forest also thins out and the path leads us to the lower part of the mountain pasture Long field. After a pleasant grassy carpet, we quickly reach a crossroads where the Krvavec trail joins us from the right, and we continue straight to the nearby older shepherd's hut and a little further to a newer hut.
Above the hut, at the edge of dwarf pines, look for the continuation of the path, which continues slightly to the right. You quickly reach a small valley, which ascends, first gently and then moderately. Exiting the valley, you quickly reach a crumbly slope, which you traverse across to the right. After the crossing, which is not technically difficult, the path enters a series of small grassy valleys surrounded by dwarf pines. A few minutes of gentle ascent follows and the path leads to the crossroads at Škrbina, from where a fine view of the central Grintovci opens up. Here we continue left in the direction of Kalški greben and Cojzova huts on the path, which after a few further steps leads us to the next crossroads. Continue slightly to the left (Kalška gora and Cojzova koča to the right) along the path, which begins to climb gently up the slopes, which are becoming more and more scenic. The pleasant path, which can be very hot in the middle of the day, leads us first near a small ridge, and then gradually turns slightly more to the left, and leads us from dwarf pines to beautiful meadows, where we will find various kinds of flowers. The wide slope we are walking on then narrows and the meadows are gradually replaced by rocks. Higher up, the path leads to the scenic main ridge, which is then followed to the summit, which is often full of sheep droppings.
Roblek - Dolga njiva 2:10, Dolga njiva - Škrbina 30 minutes, Škrbina - Kalški greben 1:15.
zemljovid puta - Kalški greben
On the way: Planina Dolga njiva (Krvavec) (1688m), Škrbina (1871m)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben1
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben2
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben3
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Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben8
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben9
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben10
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben11
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben12
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben13
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben14
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben15
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben16
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben17
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben18
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben19
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben20
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben21
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben22
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben23
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben24
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben25
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben26
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben27
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben28
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben29
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben30
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben31
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben32
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben33
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben34
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben35
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben36
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben37
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben38
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben39
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben40
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben41
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben42
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben43
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben44
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben45
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben46
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben47
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben48
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben49
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben50
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben51
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben52
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben53
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben54
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben55
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben56
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben57
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben58
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben59
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben60
Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben61
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Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben68
Discussion about the trail Kokra (Roblek) - Kalški greben
Zgembo3. 01. 2020
Bil danes na tej turi, vreme je bilo super, snega precej, pa še poledenel je, dereze in cepin obvezno. Drugače zelo lepa tura, evo nekaj fotk nasmeh
tango26. 08. 2020
Gospodar pri Robleku nama je z veseljem dovolil parkirati pod orehom, domači kuža pa se prijazno posukal okoli naju in bil za nagrado dobro "počohan", potem pa res strmo do planine Dolga njiva. Nisva se mogla načuditi krasnih planik na v opisu omenjenem rastišču.! Od planine do vrha nič posebnega, z vrha pa čudovit razgled. Kamniško -savinjske kot na platnu, vrhoviJulijcev in Karavank pa malo zakoprenani. Prima!
ljubitelj gora10. 08. 2021 22:53:04
Včeraj po tej poti, ampak parkiram že precej pod kmetijo. V bližini poiščem markirano pot. Pri zajlah je snet en klin.
grega_p19. 09. 2021 18:55:50
Za leseno kočo (št 39) na planini Dolga Njiva ne zaviti preveč desno, kamor vabi več ovčjih stezic, saj boste težko našli prehode kasneje med rušjem. Tako kot sem jaz danes...
hočo19. 09. 2021 20:25:52
Nisi bil prvi...velik nasmeh
grega_p19. 09. 2021 22:35:46
velik nasmeh, se mi je zdelo...
Kafetarca2. 10. 2021 21:28:26
Tale pot je kolenogriz, me je konkretno namatrala.
Tejama25. 12. 2023 12:02:39
Pozdrav, a veste kakšne so razmere iz Podlebelce na Kalški greben? Hvala za info.
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