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Mountain ranges / Posavsko hribovje and Dolenjska / Trdinov vrh / Planinski dom pri Gospodični - Trdinov vrh

Planinski dom pri Gospodični - Trdinov vrh

Starting point: Planinski dom pri Gospodični (822 m)
Lat/Lon: 45,7654°N 15,2955°E
Time of walking: 50 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 356 m
Altitude difference po putu: 356 m
Map: Dolenjska 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter):
Views: 43.584
 2 people like this post
Number of pictures: 11
Number of comments: 6
Access to the starting point:
From Novo Mesto or Otočec we drive to the village of Velike Brusnice. Continue along the road towards the village of Gabrje. When the road almost leads us into the village, we come to a crossroads where we continue to the left (right Gabrje centre). The road then leads us past the church and on towards Gorjance. Follow the road in the direction of the Gospodični home, where you park in the parking area along the road 100m above the home.
From Metlika we drive towards Novo Mesto, but only as far as the Vahta Pass. Turn right here and follow the forest road for about 10km to a roadside parking area about 100m above the lodge.
Path description:
From the parking lot, continue along the road going in a different direction from the mountain lodge. Follow the road for just one minute to the place where the sign for Trdinov vrh directs you upwards to the left. The path then leads us after a moderate ascent to an undistinguished side ridge, which the path soon leaves and leads us slightly higher to a forest road. The footpath crosses this road and continues to climb gently through the forest. Next, the path descends gently for a short time and leads us to a forest road. Follow this road for a good 100m to where the footpath turns right uphill. Next, follow the steep path, which after a good five minutes leads to Trdinov vrh.
zemljovid puta - Trdinov vrh
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
Planinski dom pri Gospodični - Trdinov vrh1
Planinski dom pri Gospodični - Trdinov vrh2
Planinski dom pri Gospodični - Trdinov vrh3
Planinski dom pri Gospodični - Trdinov vrh4
Planinski dom pri Gospodični - Trdinov vrh5
Planinski dom pri Gospodični - Trdinov vrh6
Planinski dom pri Gospodični - Trdinov vrh7
Planinski dom pri Gospodični - Trdinov vrh8
Planinski dom pri Gospodični - Trdinov vrh9
Planinski dom pri Gospodični - Trdinov vrh10
Planinski dom pri Gospodični - Trdinov vrh11
Discussion about the trail Planinski dom pri Gospodični - Trdinov vrh
andrej jerina19. 10. 2008
Danes smo z družino opravili izlet na omenjeni vrh. Prelep jesenski izlet skozi gozd zlatih barv. Na nekaj delih je pot malce bolj strma, ampak z vztrajnim čakanjem na otroke, se vse obrestuje. Danes ravno lepih razgledov ni bilo zaradi meglic, zadovoljstvo pa ostaja. Vsekakor priporočam za družinski izlet z otroki.
brankobr21. 11. 2008
za vse "dolenjske" nekdanje clane AO sekcije
PD zeleznicar LJ - obvezna tura, vsaj enkrat na leto, ali pa enkrat na mesec
in sicer tek navzdol.
brankobr20. 12. 2009
spet je zima in zgodnji jutranji zimski obiski trdnovega vrha se bodo vsedli v duso. se posebej, ce je suh sneg..
balon13. 11. 2023 11:58:14

zanima me kje se nahaja žig.

Lep pozdrav,

DVas13. 11. 2023 14:53:51
Žig Trdinovega vrha se nahaja pri tistem krogu z zemljevidom. Okoli njega boš našel vsaj 2 žiga. Se mi zdi pa da so trije.
balon7. 12. 2023 08:12:38
Hvala za odgovor.

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