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Mountain ranges / Kamnik Savinja Alps / Kalški greben / Suhadolnik - Kalški greben

Suhadolnik - Kalški greben

Starting point: Suhadolnik (901 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,3352°N 14,5102°E
Time of walking: 4 h 15 min
Difficulty: very difficult marked way
Altitude difference: 1323 m
Altitude difference po putu: 1350 m
Map: Kamniške in Savinjske Alpe 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer): helmet, self belay set
Recommended equipment (winter): helmet, self belay set, ice axe, crampons
Views: 24.577
 4 people like this post
Number of pictures: 72
Number of comments: 11
Access to the starting point:
From the motorway Ljubljana - Jesenice take the exit Kranj - East and follow the road towards Jezersko, but only as far as the village of Kokra. In this village, just a few metres before the road crosses the bridge over the Kokra River, you will see a road leading towards Suhadolnik. The road turnoff is located when we are on the right side of the river (left bank) and the road marker is approximately 7 km. Follow this road to the parking area, which is about 300 m in front of the Suhadolnik farm.
Path description:
At the beginning of the parking lot, you will see mountain direction signs directing you to the road, which will take you to a small crossroads near the Suhadole farm in less than 5 minutes' walk. Here we continue on the right-hand road, and we follow it for about 5 minutes, or until we reach the place where the signs lead us to the ascending cart track. We continue for a short distance on cart track, and then the signs direct us to the right onto a footpath which climbs moderately through the forest. Higher up, we return to cart track, which leads us a few metres further to a forest road, which we then follow to its end (it takes about half an hour to get here).
At the end of the road, the marked path splits into two parts. Continue along the left-hand path (to the right, the slightly easier "Old Path"), which continues to climb along the folded cart track. A little further on, the markings direct us slightly to the right onto torrential layers of sand, and the path continues through the forest on the other side, where it starts to climb steeply. Higher up, we reach a small cave, and the path beyond it becomes technically difficult. With the help of a rope ladder, we climb a step higher, and the path then continues on a steep slope, where occasionally a wedge helps us. Higher up, the path turns to the right, climbs steep and, especially in the wet, slippery slopes and then leads to an excellently protected crossing. With the help of wooden steps or ladders and the aid of a rope ladder, we climb up the steep slope, which would be very dangerous without the aforementioned fixed safety gear. Higher up, we are helped by a few more pegs, and the route then lays down and crosses a short exposed slope, where we are helped by an emergency fence. Just a little further on, we come to the next ladder, which does not have a belay, but the crossing is not particularly difficult. There is a short descent into a small gully, which is traversed after this. On the other side of the gully we climb steeply (a few staples help us), and then the path slowly lays down and in a few 10 steps of further walking leads us to a place where it joins the slightly easier "Old Path".
There is a short cross-climb and the path leads us to a larger plain where the "old hut" once stod. Cross the tall grasses to the other side of the plain and arrive at a marked crossroads. Continue straight ahead (left Kočna over Grdi graben) along a moderately steep path, which continues to climb through lane of bushes. Higher up, the path completely lays down for a while, then leads us between dwarf pines, where it starts to climb more steeply. Follow this slightly steeper path, which offers increasingly beautiful views, all the way to the Cojzova koča on Kokrsko sedlo.
From the saddle, continue to the right along the marked path in the direction of Kalški greben and Krvavec. The way forward initially continues along and along the ridge, and then leads us to a crumbly ravine, after which we climb over a slightly exposed passage. The path climbs steeply and then passes onto the scree of Kalška gora (here, at the start of the scree, we will see the old climbing route to Kalška gora, which has been abandoned for many years). Crossing the scree follows (possible snowfields in early summer), and then the path turns left into the wall, where it climbs very steeply. During the climb up the relatively crumbly wall, the fixed safety gear (mostly rungs) and numerous handholds are helpful. The wall is slightly higher and after a few minutes of further walking the path leads to a small saddle where there is a crossroads.
Continue along the right path in the direction of Kalški greben, which leads us along a slightly exposed ridge and with the help of some fixed safety gear to the most difficult part of the route. The route leads us to an almost vertical wall, which we have to climb down with the help of fixed safety gear. Helmets are compulsory, but a self-belay kit is recommended! The route then starts climbing again towards Kalški greben, which is about half an hour's walk along a lookout ridge.
Suhadolnik - Kokrsko sedlo 2:30, Kokrsko sedlo - Kalški greben 1:45.
zemljovid puta - Kalški greben
On the way: Cojzova koča na Kokrskem sedlu mountain hut (1793m)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, panorama, Inscription book
Suhadolnik - Kalški greben1
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Discussion about the trail Suhadolnik - Kalški greben
fpetel131. 08. 2008
Stena je res strma in izpostavljena. Samovarovalni komplet sem pustil v avtu za kar mi je bilo pošteno žal ko sem plezal in se potil po tej navpični steni (zavarovana je hvala bogu odlično). Pot je drugače zelo lepa vendar krušljiva in zahtevna vse od Zoisove koče.
Damien_8321. 05. 2011
Danes opravil to turo, morem rečt da zelo zanimiva, na vsakem koraku nekaj novega (lestev, jeklenice, klini) od Zoisove koče pa že adrenalinska..sem bil tudi brez samovarovalnega kompleta, najbolj sem si ga zaželel pri tisti navpični steni, ampak je kr šlo. Čim manj dol gledat, pazit kam nogo postaviš in kaj prmeš mežikanje
velkavrh22. 05. 2011
Zelo lepa,dolga tura, jaz se jo že opravil v obe smeri. Za nazaj v dolino se je lepo spustiti na sedlu med Kalško goro in zaključkom Kalškega grebena na razbrazdane Kalce in prideš gor spet pri sedlu med Kalškim Grebenom in Kornom, se spustiš v prelepo planino Dolge njive in pod Velikim Zvohim prideš na Krvavec. Seveda moraš imeti na parkirišču na planini Jezerca preskrbljen prevoz. Do tu se namreč smeš pripeljati iz Cerkelj. To sezono jo mislim ponoviti. Damien 83 L.P.
boris122. 05. 2011
DAn vsem gornikom rabim informacijo ali je res kalski greben ze tako kopen ??????KOnec tedna mislim narediti turo
Damien_8322. 05. 2011
Pot je kopna, razen ko prečiš melišče nad Zoisovo kočo ga je nekaj malega a se ga da prehodit in pa na vrhu za vzorec, bi naložil par fotk pa še nisem čisto pogruntal kako zmeden
metod24. 06. 2012
Danes je bila pot na Kalški greben lepo prehodna in varovala brezhibna. Le megla je zapirala pogled na Grintavec in Kočnomrk pogled in kar dobro je ¨vleklo¨.
bostjanp24. 06. 2012
Tud s smeri iz Kriške čez ježo in naprej proti grebenu je na trenutke potegnala megla, okoli poldneva se je malo dvignilo in je blo na grebenu celo sonce. Potem je pa oblak dol padu pod 2000m in pokril praktično celotne KSA do 16 ure. Drugače pa..kravata je bila zavezana konkretno, na koncu pa posuta s soncem.
ghost13wolf8. 07. 2013
A ima kdo informacijo, če je še kaj težav s snegom?
gordol29. 08. 2013
Bil danes, vse super, varovala so 1A. Kot omenjeno, edino tista stena (slika 58/59) ni tako nedolžna, zna res koga presenetiti... SVK res ni potreben; za bolj ne sigurne pa verjetno prav pride na tem delu.
katja8723. 09. 2013
V nedeljo, 22.9.2013, smo se po tej poti odpravili na vrh.

Naredili smo krožno turo: Suhadolnik - Cojzova koča na Kokrskem sedlu (čez Taško) - Kalška gora - Kalški greben - planina Dolga njiva - Kokra (Podbelca).
Avtomobile smo imeli tako parkirane na obeh izhodiščih mežikanje

Tura je trajala 8 ur. Kljub občasni oblačnosti in meglicam, smo imeli prekrasne razglede velik nasmeh

Sama plezalna pot ni dolga, vendar je na tistem navpičnem delu kar precej adrenalinska. In prav zaradi tega dela nam ni bilo žal, da smo samovarovalne komplete imeli s sabo :p

Slike iz pohoda si lahko ogledate na spletni strani Planinskega društva Matica Murska Sobota:
soncyka17. 10. 2013
Živjo. Je šel kdo iz Zoisove koče na Kalški greben? Kakšno je trenutno stanje tam gori glede snega? Prehodno z zimsko ali brez zimske opreme?
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