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Mountain ranges / Polhograjsko hribovje and Ljubljana / Tošč / Topol - Tošč (via Grmada)

Topol - Tošč (via Grmada)

Starting point: Topol (651 m)
Lat/Lon: 46,0911°N 14,369°E
Destination: Tošč (1021 m)
Name of path: via Grmada
Time of walking: 2 h 15 min
Difficulty: easy marked way
Altitude difference: 370 m
Altitude difference po putu: 550 m
Map: Ljubljana - okolica 1:50.000
Recommended equipment (summer):
Recommended equipment (winter): ice axe, crampons
Views: 47.957
 6 people like this post
Number of pictures: 76
Number of comments: 12
Access to the starting point:
From Medvode, drive to the village Sora, where you will head towards the village Topole (Katarina). When the road leads to the village, turn right and follow it. Soon it leads to the next crossroads where the road to the village of Belo branches off to the right. Here we park in a small parking lot on the side of the road.
From Dobrova, drive on towards Polhov Gradec. When the sign for Topole points to the right, take this road and follow it to the crossroads for Belo, where you park in a small roadside parking lot.
Path description:
From the village Topole continue along the macadam road towards the village of Belo. After about 10 minutes walk, leave the road and continue slightly to the right in the direction of Grmada. Continue along the initially wide cart track, which crosses the slopes without any major changes in elevation. After a few minutes of further walking, a relatively steep footpath branches off to the left from cart track and continues ascending. After a few minutes, the steepness eases and the path leads to a small preval, where you continue to the right (unmarked path to Goljek on the left).
Continue along the path, which, with a few drops and climbs, crosses the slopes to the west. The path from which we occasionally open up some views leads us after about 1 hour's walk to a crossroads at which a pleasant bench is placed.
Continue straight on the marked path in the direction of Grmada (Setnica on the left, Gonte Tourist Farm on the right). Next, the path crosses the slopes slightly to the left in a moderate ascent, then begins to climb steeply up the top and snow-slip-prone slope of Grmada. The steepness then eases and the path leads to the scenic summit ridge of Grmada, from which it is only a few steps to the top.
From the top of Grmada, continue along the marked path in the direction of Tošča (the start of the path is located a few metres below the top on the lookout ridge). The path descending from the top of Grmada to the north, with the help of a few fixed safety gear (easy), quickly leads to the Gonte tourist farm.
To the left of the tourist farm we will see the mountain markers for Tošč, which direct us to the folded and wide cart track. The marked path leaves cart track a little higher up and starts to climb steeply after this. The path, which runs almost entirely through the forest, leads us higher to the summit of Maly Tošč (902m) from which the path starts to descend towards the saddle between the two peaks.
Next, the path from Govejk joins us from the right, and we continue straight along the path ascending to the summit of Tošča. After about 15 minutes of further walking, the path leads us to a pleasant summit.
Topole - Grmada 1:15, Grmada - Tošč 1:00.
zemljovid puta - Tošč
On the way: Polhograjska Grmada (898m), Turistična kmetija Gonte (820m), Mali Tošč (902m)
We recommend: trips from the same starting point, similar trips, Inscription book
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Discussion about the trail Topol - Tošč (via Grmada)
magacoprnon9. 10. 2007
nepričakovano lepa tura. ne pretežko , ravno prav za nedeljski izlet. lepi razgledi in predvsem mir in tišina
Guest12. 10. 2007
Na to pot se pogosto odpravim po končani službi. Naj povem, da na poti ob delavnikih redko srečaš kakšnega pohodnika. Ob vikendih pa je seveda drugače.
Guest14. 01. 2008
V četrtek se nameravamo povzpeti na Tošč.
Prosim za podatke o trenutnih razmerah, o najprimernejši poti za starejše udeležence(upokojenci).Hvala.
Guest14. 01. 2008
Zelo lepa in nenaporna je pot od Svete Jedert. 1h lahkotne hoje, le začetek je malo bolj strm.
Lahko pa od Topola (Katarina) proti Grmadi. Vrh Grmade lahko obidete po širokem kolovozu, ki vas pripelje do turistične kmetije Gonte. Od tu do vrha pa še slaba ura skupaj okrog 2h.
Do turistične kmetije Gonte lahko pridete tudi z avtom.
Priporočam dobro obutev, ker je pot blatna.
katja872. 12. 2013
Včeraj smo se odpravili na Polhograjsko Grmado in Tošč.
Naredili smo krožno turo: Topol pri Medvodah - Polhograjska Grmada - Turistična kmetija Gonte - Tošč - Turistična kmetija Gonte - Topol pri Medvodah.

Bil je lep in sončen dan, na vrhu je malo pihal veter. Na nekaterih mestih je malo zasneženo in pomrznjeno, predvsem na severni strani Grmade, zato je treba biti na tem delu poti pazljiv.
Tura je bila izredno lepa, zato ni bilo čudno, da smo srečali ogromno pohodnikov. Priporočam za krajši družinski izlet mežikanje

Slike iz pohoda si lahko ogledate na spletni strani Planinskega društva Matica Murska Sobota:
sscott28. 05. 2018
Opozorilo. Včeraj sem šel po tej poti in domov prinesel 4 klope. Bodite pozorni in se preglejte.

modrook1222. 02. 2020
se da opravit krožna pot topol- grmada - tošč- topol? zanima me predvsem kako je pot markirana. je na tošču žig?
saram22. 02. 2020
Da.Pot odlično markirana
Enka22. 02. 2020
Na Tošču je žig. Falit pa v tem krogu tudi nimaš kje.
modrook1223. 02. 2020
In smo bili danes na grmadi in tošču.bilo je zelo vetrovno in oblačno. Sama pot zelo lepa. Ob povratku okoli 12.ure smo srečali ogromno ljudi proti vrhu,tudi z malimi otroki. Manjkalo je samo sonce nasmeh
Enka23. 02. 2020
Tam po 13h je bilo tudi sončka dovolj nasmeh
modrook1224. 02. 2020
Škoda, da ga nismo dočalali. Mogoče se pa kmalu vrnemo na ta lepa vrhova. Ob 13h smo bili že v ZOO Lj.
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