Altitude: 3252 m
Lat/Lon: | 47,05072°N 13,24847°E |
| |
Type: peak
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Popularity: 90% (348. place)
Description of peak:
At 3252m, Ankogel is one of the highest peaks in its group of mountains (Ankogel gruppe). Only Hochalmspitze (3360m) and Großetendk (3317m) are higher than it. As the ascent to the summit of Ankogel is greatly shortened by a cable car, which takes you over 2600m high, the summit is a very popular mountaineering destination. From the summit on which the cross stands, there is a very nice view of the central High Tauern, where you can see the aforementioned Hochalmspitze, Säuleck and, to the west, the highest peak in Austria, the Great Klek, or Großglockner in German.
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