Pictures of the week - 50
Picture of the week 8. 06. 2015 - 14. 06. 2015
| Picture description: zadovoljna ekipa na "razgledišču" |
Picture of the week 1. 06. 2015 - 7. 06. 2015
| Picture description: Midva na vrhu |
Picture of the week 25. 05. 2015 - 31. 05. 2015
| Picture description: Soba z razgledom |
Picture of the week 18. 05. 2015 - 24. 05. 2015
| Picture description: Obvezen mini postanek na poti - razgledovanje po okolici |
Picture of the week 11. 05. 2015 - 17. 05. 2015
| Picture description: utrinek |
Picture of the week 4. 05. 2015 - 10. 05. 2015
| Picture description: Zahod |
Picture of the week 27. 04. 2015 - 3. 05. 2015
| Picture description: Bohinjsko jezero |
Picture of the week 20. 04. 2015 - 26. 04. 2015
| Picture description: jaz in cepin na Elbrusu |
Picture of the week 13. 04. 2015 - 19. 04. 2015
| Picture description: Katera p je to žival? Hvala.. :) |
Picture of the week 6. 04. 2015 - 12. 04. 2015
| Picture description: