Pictures of the week - 69
Picture of the week 17. 10. 2011 - 23. 10. 2011
| Picture description: Tale je šele lep... :-)) |
Picture of the week 10. 10. 2011 - 16. 10. 2011
| Picture description: Vse polno jih je bilo med ruševjem... |
Picture of the week 3. 10. 2011 - 9. 10. 2011
| Picture description: Začetek poti nad Luknjo je dobro zavarovan... |
Picture of the week 26. 09. 2011 - 2. 10. 2011
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Picture of the week 19. 09. 2011 - 25. 09. 2011
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Picture of the week 12. 09. 2011 - 18. 09. 2011
| Picture description: Ostanki snega... :-) |
Picture of the week 5. 09. 2011 - 11. 09. 2011
| Picture description: Viš v jutarnji zarji |
Picture of the week 29. 08. 2011 - 4. 09. 2011
| Picture description: Tole se pa danes tudi redko vidi....v okolici Strmca... |
Picture of the week 22. 08. 2011 - 28. 08. 2011
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Picture of the week 15. 08. 2011 - 21. 08. 2011
| Picture description: Polička :-) |