| Gradišče - Sveti Miklavž above Vipava The Church of St Nicholas is located below the slopes of Podraška Tura, near the more famous Gradiška Tura. From the church you can enjoy a beaut... 35 min |
| Liboje - Planinski dom na Brnici Planinski dom na Brnici, which can also be reached by car, is located north of Liboje and east of the village of Kasaze. From the house or its im... 30 min |
| Celje (hanging bridge) - Planinski dom na Brnici (on the ridge) Planinski dom na Brnici, which can also be reached by car, is located north of Liboje and east of the village of Kasaze. From the house or its im... 45 min |
| Celje (hanging bridge) - Planinski dom na Brnici (from northeastern side) Planinski dom na Brnici, which can also be reached by car, is located north of Liboje and east of the village of Kasaze. From the house or its im... 40 min |
| Dramlje - Sveta Uršula above Dramlje The Church of St Ursula in Vodule above Dramlje is said to have been built in the mid-17th century. The style of construction is Renaissance. It ... 30 min |
| Podsreda - Podsreda castle (Grajska pot) Podsreda castle (originally German name Hörberg or Herberch) is promoted by its manager (Kozjanski Park) as "the most castle-like of Slovenian ca... 40 min |
| Lovnik - Sveti Mihael on Pečica Saint Michael is located at Pečica above Sladko Gora. It is a branch church of the parish of Sladka Gora. The church offers a beautiful view of B... 30 min |
| Lockenhaus - Margarethenwarte (skozi Marchgraben) ... 45 min |
| Sveti Jurij - Sveti Donat The Church of St Donatus is located on the south-western part of Donacca Mountain. Donačka gora was also named after St. Donatus, formerly Rogask... 30 min |
| Polhov Gradec - Planinski dom na Ravneku Planinski dom na Ravneku, which is managed by PD Blagajana, is located east of Polhov Gradec, on the western slopes of the 705 m high Kuclj.... 25 min |
| Dravograd (Meža) - Skala (above Dravograd) Skala is a viewpoint located southeast of Dravograd. There is a registration box with a registration book and a stamp next to the lookout point, ... 25 min |
| Velenje (Stari trg) - Sveti Jakob (Jakec) (on mountain trail) A well-known and nearby excursion point for Velenje inhabitants is located on Gradišče Hill at an altitude of 528 m, on the southern edge of the ... 45 min |
| Cerovec pod Bočem - Gril's chapel on Boč (by road) The Grill Chapel is located on the southern slope of Boč in Cerovec, below the 612-metre-high Grill Hill, one of the many lower peaks of Boč. It ... 45 min |
| Zgornja Kostrivnica - Planinska koča Velikonočnica It stands in the western part of Boč, below the 782-metre-high Drevenik mountain in a grassy meadow. Many people also call Drevenik the Little Bo... 45 min |
| Polhov Gradec (Blagaj Castle) - Sveti Jurij (Praproče) The Church of St George is located on the outskirts of the village of Praproče. The church offers a beautiful view of the surrounding hills, espe... 45 min |
| Rošpoh (chapel next to the bus station) - Sveti Urban above Maribor A popular viewpoint over Maribor. Somewhere at the crossroads of Kobansko/Kozjak and Slovenske gorice. A branch church of the Kamnica parish, ren... 30 min |
| Marno - Sveti Štefan (Turje) ... 30 min |
| Gora - Stjenkova koča on Trstelj Stjenko's Cottage is located just below the top of Trstelj. From the hut, which is also reached by road, the view is limited due to the nearby fo... 45 min |
| Lipa - Stjenkova koča on Trstelj Stjenko's Cottage is located just below the top of Trstelj. From the hut, which is also reached by road, the view is limited due to the nearby fo... 35 min |
| Dolina Radeljskega potoka (Razdevšek) - Hunting cottage Radlje ob Dravi Hunting cottage Radlje ob Dravi is located between the valley of the Radlje Stream and the Church of the Three Kings. The hunting lodge offers a ... 40 min |