| The Dientes Circuit, Day 01 | Backpacking Patagonia 24. 06. 2018 17:00:02 Jen and I head as far south as we've ever been, to a little town on Isla Navarino, Chile called Puerto Williams. From here we take on a remote backpacking circuit called 'The Dientes'. It's a five day circuit for us and this is our first day into this magical land. ... |
| The Dientes Circuit, Day 02 | Backpacking Patagonia 28. 06. 2018 15:00:05 It's day two of our five day backpack on the Dientes Circuit in Isla Navarino, Chile. And the weather has already decided to make it's presence known. Here we go!Date of Hike: March 16th, 2018... |
| Part 1 | The Dientes Circuit, Day 03 | Backpacking Patagonia 1. 07. 2018 15:00:01 It's day three of our five day backpacking trip on the Dientes Circuit in Isla Navarino, Chile. And the weather has given us a tiny window to break camp and make the most of it. It's time throw on the packs and jam through some mountain passes while we can!... |
| Part 2 | The Dientes Circuit, Day 03 | Backpacking Patagonia 5. 07. 2018 15:00:01 It's the second half of day three of our five day backpacking trip on the Dientes Circuit in Isla Navarino, Chile. We've made it to where we should have already been. But now comes the challenge to see how far we can catch back up with our schedule before night falls.... |
| The Dientes Circuit, Day 04 | Backpacking Patagonia 8. 07. 2018 15:00:02 It's day four of our five day backpacking trip on the Dientes Circuit in Isla Navarino, Chile. And if there's one thing you learn about Patagonia is that the weather never plays around. Let's see how we handle today's hike.... |
| The Dientes Circuit, Day 05 | Backpacking Patagonia 12. 07. 2018 15:00:01 It's the final day of our five day backpacking trip on the Dientes Circuit in Isla Navarino, Chile. And Jen and I are ready to make our way out. Unfortunately this portion of the trail is the least marked and we will need to use our route finding skills to make it back to the road.... |
| La Junta, Cochamó, Chile | Hiking Patagonia 20. 07. 2018 18:35:35 Jen and I head North to the Lakes District of Patagonia to the small town of Cochamó. We had planned to do more backpacking, but the weather was too foul to make our way out. But, there was a break in the weather for one day so we decided to make a day trip out of it and check out the hidden gem tha... |
| Torres Del Paine, Day 01 | Backpacking Patagonia 22. 11. 2019 16:04:11 It's the final circuit hike for us in Patagonia Chile. And we are at the infamous Torres Del Paine National Park. We have five days to complete the 'W' circuit and it looks like we will have some good weather and some bad weather. ... |
| Torres Del Paine, Day 02 | Backpacking Patagonia 29. 11. 2019 15:00:10 On day two of the W circuit we spend some time viewing Glacier Grey before breaking camp and retracing our steps back to Camping Paine Grande for the night. Date of Hike: March 30th, 2018... |
| Torres Del Paine, Day 03a | Backpacking Patagonia 6. 12. 2019 15:00:09 Day three is a two part adventure. On our first part we make our way from Camp Paine Grande to Camp Italiano taking in views of Paine Grande and Los Cuernos along the way. Date of Hike: March 31st, 2018... |
| Torres Del Paine, Day 03b | Backpacking Patagonia 13. 12. 2019 15:00:11 This is the second half of our third day. We quickly set up our tent at Camp Italiano and made way up the French Valley with an amazing weather window. Date of Hike: March 31st, 2018GPS Track: https://bit.ly/2OsFBUC... |
| Torres Del Paine, Day 04 | Backpacking Patagonia 20. 12. 2019 15:00:00 Day four is a day of slogging it in the rain. We have 11mi and +2,000ft gain to make it to our camp at Refugio Chileno. Date of Hike: April 1st, 2018GPS Track: https://bit.ly/2XXdz7a... |
| Torres Del Paine, Day 5 | Backpacking Patagonia 27. 12. 2019 15:00:00 It's day five and our one shot to make it up to see the towers. We spent the night at Refugio Chileno and awoke to drizzly skies. So after waiting as long as we could we could we pack up our stuff and head up the trail. ... |
| 大山) | Mt Oyama (日本でのハイキング | Hiking Japan 10. 01. 2020 15:00:12 In the spring of 2017 I spent a few weeks in Japan. During my time there I made it out to a few hikes. This hike, Mt Oyama, was one I went on while I was staying in Tokyo. It was a rather simple train ride out to Kanagawa and then bus connection to get to the trailhead. ... |
| Mt Kongo (日本でのハイキング、金剛山) | Hiking in Japan 24. 01. 2020 15:00:07 In the spring of 2017 I spent a week visiting Osaka, Japan. Having seen enough of the city I wanted to get out to the mountains for a day hike. So I hopped a train south and then made my way to a bus stop which I knew would take me to Mt Kongo. However, I didn't know which was the best trail up the ... |
| 10/3/2018 sezónne uzatvorenie skialp turistiky na Vtáčnik 11. 03. 2018 12:28:38 ťažký mokrý sneh a hore 4°C... |
| 3/3/2K18 Drozdovo-V.Inovec skialp fotky z túry 20. 03. 2018 21:33:23 Boli sme sa vyvenčiť na SKI Drozdovo... |
| 2018 zjazd k lago di San Giacomo 1. 09. 2018 23:01:12 ... |
| downhill passo Chaschaunu/Livigno 2. 09. 2018 00:01:14 ... |
| 2018 Livigno zjazd vo svajci 14. 09. 2018 17:18:02 ... |
| Livigno 2018 training camp day 4 15. 09. 2018 12:57:14 ... |
| Majorca 2019 | Descent of Sa Calobra 15. 05. 2019 19:06:59 Sa Calobra is a small village in the Escorca municipality on the northwest coast of the Spanish Balearic island of Majorca. The port village is a popular destination for coach trips and road cyclists and is accessible by a single winding road, designed by Italian-Spanish engineer Antonio Parietti an... |
| Šuchtáci na Skalke 2019 13. 10. 2019 12:50:49 ... |
| Lomničák cez Gipsyho ferratu Jordánovku 27. 10. 2019 16:46:11 traverz popod západnú stenu Téryho kuloárom, vzdušnou Jordánkou a nakoniec zostupovka do Lomnického sedla... |
| 2020/02 Priečne sedlo Šuchtáci 13. 06. 2020 16:52:44 ... |
| 2019/11 Tatranský ľadový dóm na Hrebienku vo Vysokých Tatrách 13. 06. 2020 18:21:50 Ľadový dóm v kupole na Hrebienku... |
| 2019/10 Lezkyňu trafil do hlavy padajúci kameň TATRY 13. 06. 2020 18:37:45 ... |
| Orla Perć (Orlia prť) 2020 1. 08. 2020 21:20:18 Je to najťažšia,najnebezpečnejšia a najatraktívnejšia zaistená vysokohorská cesta na území poľských Tatier.... |
| Šuchtáci na Bradavici 2476m 3. 08. 2020 14:23:44 Bradavica je netypická bašta zo štyrmi vrcholmi. Vypína sa nad Velickou dolinou a na rozdiel od Gerlachovského štítu je aj v letnej sezóne oázou horského ticha a pokoja.... |
| Výstup na Končistú 2538m 28. 08. 2020 23:36:55 Jeden z najľahšie dostupných vrcholov v Tatrách. Na vrchole Končistej sa nachádza skalný útvar Jármayho stôl alebo nákova, ktorá v roku 2019 po údere bleskom stratila svoj typický tvar, ale ešte aspoň dve tretiny z nej ostali. Z vrcholu Končistej je krásny panoramatický výhľad do Popradskej kotliny... |
| DOBY TATRY Winter Plesnivec Brnčálka (január 2020) 1. 09. 2020 14:35:49 ... |
| Veľký Choč | Najkrajší vyhliadkový vrch Slovenska 8. 12. 2020 08:35:22 Výstup na Veľký Choč z Lúčok... |
| Výstup na Hrubý vrch 2428m 12. 12. 2020 18:14:49 ... |
| Orlia prť 2020 fotky 12. 12. 2020 21:52:57 video z fotiek... |
| Bradavica 2020 fotky 12. 12. 2020 21:56:17 Bradavica 2020 film z fotiek... |
| BELIANKY foto 12. 12. 2020 21:59:40 ... |
| Kozi Wierch 2020 | ORLIA PRŤ 12. 12. 2020 22:48:05 ... |
| Výstupu na Štrbský štít (2381m) foto 2020 20. 12. 2020 12:26:18 Pomenovanie štítu je odvodené od obce Štrba, v katastrálnom území ktorej štít do roku 1947 ležal. Pastieri z tejto obce v minulosti pásli svoje stáda v Mlynickej doline, ktorá sa tiež nazývala Štrbská dolina.... |
| Belianky jeseň 2020 27. 12. 2020 00:13:44 ... |
| prechádzka na Štrbský štít 2381m 28. 12. 2020 10:30:13 ... |
| skialp hrebeň NAPANT fotky 6. 01. 2021 12:34:41 ... |
| Ploská 1532m | skialp Veľká Fatra 27. 01. 2021 15:20:46 z L.Revúc do L.Revúc... |
| výstup na Kežmarský štít 2556 m n.m 18. 07. 2021 18:26:37 vystup cez Cmiterovu kotlinu a zostup cez....... |
| Zimný prechod hlavného hrebeňa Nízkych Tatier 4/2021 22. 07. 2021 12:35:05 otvorenie skialp sezóny Trangoška-Štefánička-Ďumbier-Chopok-Srdiečko... |
| FOTKY z Javorového štítu 2417m 11. 10. 2021 13:12:17 ... |
| Javorový štít 2417m 26. 06. 2022 12:06:58 cez Keleho pilier IV UIAA... |
| z Račkovej na Bystrú /2248m/ cez Jakubinu /2194m/ Klin/2173m/ 24. 07. 2022 11:37:04 ... |
| Wołowiec-Ostrý Roháč-Plačlivé-Smrek-Baranec | Roháče z Jamníckej doliny (Západné Tatry) 3. 08. 2022 19:50:55 Hrebeňovka Západných Tatier - Roháčov... |
| Roháčska hrebeňovka 13. 09. 2022 14:48:22 Zverovka Pod Spálenou dolinou, parkovisko Predný Salatín Brestová sedlo Parichvost Salatín (Salatínsky vrch) Skriniarky Spálená Pachoľa Baníkovské sedlo Baníkov Lúčne sedlo Hrubá kopa Tri kopy Smutné sedlo Smutná dolina Ťatliakova chata Zverovka... |
| Šuchtáci Stredohrot 2441m & Lomničák 2634m 14. 09. 2022 11:45:07 Je súčasťou Prostredného hrebeňa, ktorý rozdeľuje Malú a Veľkú Studenú dolinu.... |