| Weisshorn, 08 08 2016 16. 08. 2016 10:56:30 Start in Zinal, Aufstieg zur Cabane Tracuit. Am nächsten Tag Aufstieg über Bishorn 4153m und Weisshorn Nordgrat aufs Weisshorn 4506m. Abstieg über Ostgrat zur Weisshornhütte...... |
 | Mittellegi 2016 | Eiger 17. 09. 2016 22:02:48 ... |
 | Finale 2019 15. 05. 2019 10:58:10 Klettern Finale Ligure mit Stef's Bergsport... |
 | Malanser Rinne | Gauschla 12. 08. 2019 12:04:04 Skitour auf die Gauschla über die Malanser Rinne (Süd-Col)... |
 | Finale 2019 13. 08. 2019 13:43:40 Klettern an der ligurischen Küste... |
 | 04 2019 Malanser Rinne 17. 08. 2019 13:21:47 Kombinierte Skitour auf die Gauschla... |
 | 2020 02 06 Skitest Stef's Bergsport 8. 02. 2020 11:56:49 #stefsbergsport #skitouring #montana #wartau #mountaineering... |
 | Ostgrat - Weisshorn (4505 m) via the East Ridge 26. 09. 2022 17:58:14 Climb of the East ridge (Ostgrat) of Weisshorn (4505 meter) in the summer of 2022, Switzerland... |
 | Cable car ride ascent and descent | Untersbergbahn Salzburg, Austria 17. 10. 2021 18:33:56 We have recorded this footage during summer 2021 while traveling around Salzburg region in Austria.The ride in one of the two spacious cable cars takes only 8 ½ minutes. The ride itself offers a breathtaking view over the town of Salzburg, the Berchtesgaden region and the Rositten valley. On a clear... |
 | Salzburg, Austria - Trip to the Untersberg 19. 10. 2021 08:00:26 We have recorded this footage during summer 2021 while traveling around Salzburg region in Austria.The bottom station in Grödig/St. Leonhard, about 10 km south of Salzburg, can easily be reached by bus (nos. 25 and 28) and trolley bus line 5. The funicular was built between 1958 and 1961 and has bee... |
 | Austria - Sankt Gilgen Sankt Wolfgang Schafberg Schafbergbahn Schafbergspitze - A day at Wofgangsee 25. 10. 2021 20:34:49 In this video, we would like to share with you our memorial day at Wolfgangsee.For additional useful information please turn on the subtitles!További hasznos infokért kapcsold be a feliratot!... |
 | View from the Prédikálószék lookout, Hungary 17. 01. 2022 22:47:19 Amazing view of the Danube bend from the lookout, shortly after sunrise.Music: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/brpf6tRecorded with GoPro HERO10, the photos were taken by Nikon Z50... |
 | Tour to the Ottohaus | An adventourous weekend in the Rax Alps 22. 09. 2022 19:12:16 Weeks ago I planned a trip to the Rax Alps, and booked myself accommodation at the Ottohaus with the plan that I would be up there hiking and taking photos this weekend. Well, the weather thought to put a big twist on it, and so a little after mid-September it conjured up a whole weekend snowstorm, ... |
 | Pizzo Ferre (3103m) Skitour 01.06.19 6. 06. 2019 20:17:52 Vom Splügenpass 06:30 Uhr aufgebrochen, mein Kumpel konnte leider wegen Problemen mit dem Skifell nicht bis zum Gipfel mitkommen. Sehr empfehlenswerte Tour! Aufstieg 1300 hm, bei der Abfahrt nochmal 100 hm Gegenanstieg. ... |
 | - Skitour Elferrinne Kleinwalsertal (a richtig geiles Moooovie 30. 03. 2021 21:21:42 24.03.2021 Trio Infernale im Action Modus. Flanke statt Hauptrinne. Gulasch statt Tofu.Wird es je wieder so geilen Schnee geben?!Musik by The Budos Band - Gun Metal Grey... |
 | Skitour Rauhhorn 2240m (Hinterstein/ Allgäu) 19. 04. 2021 21:45:10 Vom 10.04.21Musik: Summerflow von 'https://www.frametraxx.deu200bu200b' 'Frametraxx: Gemafreie Musik'und von www.musicfox.com... |
 | Skitour Großer Widderstein 2533m 17. 05. 2021 10:18:44 Tour am 17.04.21Musik von : 'https://www.allesgemafrei.de'... |
 | Überschreitung Trettachspitze 2595m 28. 08. 2021 14:11:35 Musik von ´´Frametraxx´´... |
 | Skitour Tschachaun 2334m 17. 11. 2021 18:00:02 Eine tolle Tour im Namloser Tal hinter Berwang... |
 | Skitour Chlin Hüreli 2797m | Wenn es schon im November perfekten Schnee hat 21. 11. 2021 19:48:25 Musik: Songs ´´Point of View´´ und ´´Indie Radio´´ von Frametraxxhttps://www.frametraxx.de/... |
 | Skitour Güferhorn und Rheinwaldhorn (Adula) 2. 01. 2022 18:50:39 Impressionen einer sehr langen 2 Tage - 2 entlegene 3000er TourMusik von www.frametraxx.de... |
 | Selection of superb Long-Lines | Freeride Arlberg 5. 04. 2022 18:46:19 Der zweite richtige Freeride-Tag in der Saison für mich, einmal quer übern südlichen Arlberg.Schaut auch gerne bei meinem Freeride Video aus Davos rein:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UODkG8uPPlA... |
 | Hoher Ifen 2230m Skitour mit Abfahrt über Abseilstelle 19. 12. 2022 22:51:40 Vom 02.April 202150m Seil reicht aus für AbseilstelleMusik von www.musicfox.com... |
 | Traumabfahrten im Prättigau | Skitour Rotspitz 2516m und Schafberg 2456m 9. 02. 2023 21:40:55 Rotspitz Westflanke und Schafberg Südost Musik von ´´D-Wall´´, check out on Spotify EP ´´Waste of a Bullet´´... |
 | EINFACH KLETTERN - Kletterroute schrauben. Wie geht das? 5. 03. 2023 11:00:17 Du willst eine Jahresmitgliedschaft in der Climbing Factory Nürnberg gewinnen? So gehts:In der von Marc, Felix und Alex geschraubten Route sind 3 Quizfragen versteckt, die Du erklettern musst. Merke Dir die Quizfragen und schicke die Antworten an ... |
 | Climbing Daily Ep.2086 - Staša Gejo's BATTLE With The Hardest Boulder Of Her Life 28. 02. 2023 16:34:14 Get Stasa's Unparallel Flagship shoes: http://bit.ly/3IF7sMgStaša Gejo is one of the best climbers in the world regardless of whether she's climbing at World Cup events or on real rock. On a trip to Fontainebleau in Autumn she had her sights set on Mécanique Élémentaire 8B+...which would be her hard... |
 | Climbing Daily Ep.2086 - DOUBLE 8B Flash Boulder RampageKind Of 1. 03. 2023 16:54:58 Up to 30% off Scarpa shoe SALE: http://bit.ly/3y2ht1qThis week the classic Off The Wagon Sit gets a rare ascent, while 8B boulder flashes seem to be the theme of the winter. Jost Kobusch is the king of suffering and takes on Denali in Winter and we have a HUGE 9a roundup.... |
 | Top 3 All Day BIG Wall Multi-Pitch Shoes Climbing Daily Ep.2087 3. 03. 2023 15:30:02 Check out the Five Ten Niad: https://bit.ly/3J60gu9La Sportiva TC Pro: https://bit.ly/3kFZgU8Tenaya Masi: https://bit.ly/3J349PtIf you are the type of climber who spends their time on long routes, multi-pitches or even Big Walls...then this show is for you! Today we look at three shoes that will sup... |
 | Staša Gejo on Mécanique Élémentaire 8B+ 4. 03. 2023 18:15:00 Full video here https://bit.ly/3Yb2Tzb... |
 | Is Matt the latest Scarpa Athlete 5. 03. 2023 08:00:06 Up to 30% off Scarpa shoe SALE - http://bit.ly/3y2ht1q... |
 | V Karavankah zima opleta z repom 26. 02. 2023 17:06:05 Po skoraj poletnih temperaturah smo se v nedeljsko jutro zbudili in odpeljali v pravo zimo v Karavanke.... |
 | Unexpected Fall During Night Ski Touring️ skitouring shorts splitboarding gopromax 3. 03. 2023 15:00:23 Like & Subscribe if you like the video.Much more on @jernejkokelj... |
 | 26.2.2023 | Smokuški vrh 26. 02. 2023 18:30:04 Iz centra Begunj do Sv.Petra, nato malo spusta in naprej na Smokuški vrh (1122 m) ter sestop proti Sankaški koči na toplo.... |
 | Solent View 5. 09. 2022 15:59:17 CHAT RULESYou must respect all users, regardless of your feelings towards them. Always treat others the same way you would wish to be treated. The use of profanity (bad language) is prohibited, this is a 'family friendly' chat. Discussion about politics, religion, race, sex, or violence is not permi... |
 | Appley Beach 15. 12. 2022 10:59:51 Appley Beach is a stunning stretch of white sand that extends around a mile into the Solent and is exposed during low tide. This camera gives you stunning views of Appley Tower and the mid-Solent Forts. ... |
 | Cowes Yachting 15. 12. 2022 11:02:17 Cowes has always been described as a 'sailing mecca' for anyone into yacht racing or cruising. This 4k camera points into the Solent and captures all the activity, including ferries, as vessels leave Cowes Harbour. It also shows the turning point for cruise ships and container vessels as they leave ... |
 | Old Harbour Dive Centre 26. 10. 2022 14:56:38 ... |
 | Weymouth Harbour 1. 03. 2021 16:47:02 Weymouth harbour webcam. Chat has been disabled for this video as we are not able to moderate the comments 24/7.... |
 | Weymouth Pavilion webcam 17. 02. 2023 13:21:52 ... |
 | Bridport Harbour (West Bay) 20. 05. 2021 12:49:15 Bridport Harbour (West Bay) webcam. Chat has been disabled for this video as we are not able to moderate the comments 24/7.... |
 | Lyme Regis Harbour 26. 05. 2021 12:05:27 ... |
 | Finland - Levi Ski Resort - Levi Golfkenttä/Golf course 10. 06. 2022 17:06:46 ... |
 | Finland - Levi Ski Resort - Näkymä Levin huipulta. View from top of Levi. 22. 06. 2022 14:25:34 ... |
 | Finland - Levi Ski Resort - Kylänäkymä. Village view. 3. 10. 2022 07:49:25 ... |
 | Finland - Levi Ski Resort - Hissit 13/14, lifts 13/14. 21. 02. 2023 09:57:43 ... |
 | Finland - Levi Ski Resort - Hissit/Lifts 7, 7b ja 6 21. 02. 2023 13:21:48 ... |
 | Seven Stars in Kyushu - Riding Japan’s 7 Star Luxury Sleeper Train 25. 12. 2022 15:00:14 Today we will ride the most luxurious sleeper train in Japan, the Seven Stars in Kyushu around Kyushu.This train is renowned as the pinnacle of luxurious travel and is possibly the hardest train to ride in the world.... |
 | A rickshaw factory that manufactures the best quality rickshaws across Asia 2. 01. 2023 12:58:00 #RickshawFactoryThatManufactures#TheBestQualityRickshaws across Asia... |
 | Jiří Beran - Xaver s hostem 26. 02. 2023 22:25:08 Jiří Beran je epidemiolog a vakcinolog. V dubnu 2002 se stal ředitelem a vedoucím lékařem Centra očkování a cestovní medicíny v Hradci Králové. Založil a v letech 20022008 vedl obdobné centrum při Klinice infekčních nemocí Fakultní nemocnice v Hradci Králové. V roce 2004 se stal vedoucím Samostatnéh... |
 | Senza forno e neanche lievitazione, - Se hai 2 uova e yogurt fai questo dolce in 5 minuti 28. 08. 2022 15:30:11 Se hai 2 uova e yogurt fai questo dolce in 5 minuti! Senza forno e neanche lievitazione. SENZA BURRO ,ASMR -------- PUOI ATTIVARE SOTTOTITOLI E TRADUZIONE ------- aiuta a crescere il canale, lascia un mi piace al video ... |