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Contest | Saasfee Kamel | SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013
19. 02. 2013 09:32:31
Das gefährlichste Ski-abenteuer, dass ich je gemacht habe...VOTE NOW!! is a participant video for the SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013 submitted from Raimund Schaffer....
Contest | Evi searching for Powder | SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013
21. 02. 2013 09:10:15
VOTE NOW!! ob mit Lift oder durch Muskelkraft, das Motto lautet Aufi aufn Berg und searchin for powder.This is a participant video for the SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013 submitted from Eva Britzmann....
Contest | somewhere in the pow | SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013
22. 02. 2013 09:10:05
Meine Lieblingsabfahrten aus dem letzten und dem aktuellen Winter.VOTE NOW!! is a participant video for the SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013 submitted from Marco Tribelhorn....
Contest | Christians FreeRide | SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013
25. 02. 2013 16:58:43
VOTE NOW!! kurzer Zusammenschnitt einiger meiner Skitouren.This is a participant video for the SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013 submitted from Christian Engelhardt....
Where we live is where we climb and ride (above Innsbruck) | SALEWA Chronicls W 12/13: Max Zipser
25. 02. 2013 19:19:24
Starring: Max ZipserLocation: Östliche Kaminspitze, Karwendelgebirge (above Innsbruck)Innsbruck -- this is where Max lives and where he rides. This time he takes us up on the Östliche Kaminspitze (2435 m). This is one of his favorite places: It's been for years that he climbs up here to ski back dow...
Contest | Ski. Free to ski. | SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013
27. 02. 2013 10:17:39
Freeride. Free to ride.VOTE NOW!! is a participant video for the SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013 submitted from Paillous Jean-Marc....
Contest | lindaction | SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013
28. 02. 2013 10:03:09
powow!This is a participant video for the SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013 submitted from Linda Camathias. More information about the competition here:
Contest | Fun in the POW | SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013
28. 02. 2013 16:05:35
VOTE NOW!! is a participant video for the SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013 submitted from Eva Heizinger....
Contest | Snowpocalypse now | SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013
1. 03. 2013 08:53:42
Spazierengehen und bissl Skifahren rund um InnsbruckVOTE NOW!! is a participant video for the SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013 submitted from Fu Zi....
Contest | break alone | SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013
1. 03. 2013 08:57:25
Just some of the gopro stuff from this winter when i was riding by myself.VOTE NOW!! is a participant video for the SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013 submitted from Damian Camathias....
Contest | Manu El's Climb to Ski Entry | SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013
1. 03. 2013 09:13:23
VOTE NOW!! is a participant video for the SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013 submitted from Manuel Ploner....
Contest | just tow days | SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013
1. 03. 2013 12:41:39
Skierlauf mit SpeedridVOTE NOW!! is a participant video for the SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013 submitted from Michael Hechtl. More information about the competition here:...
Contest | Salewa Camp Entry | SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013
1. 03. 2013 12:57:46
Freeride SkiingVOTE NOW!! is a participant video for the SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013 submitted from Lukas Pöllner....
Contest | Two Days | SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013
5. 03. 2013 08:42:24
Zwei Tage in der Ostschweiz. Hier ischs eifach schön.VOTE NOW!! is a participant video for the SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013 submitted from Daniel Baur. More information about the competition here:
5. 03. 2013 16:29:55
SALEWA ROCKSHOW 2013: Are you ready for the ultimate climbing tour?Apply right now! FOR Climbers The fifth SALEWA Rockshow is swinging through Europe and you can experience it live. Join us on the rock walls at the best climbing areas and be part of an internationa...
Discover Where we live with our Athletes - SALEWA Chronicles
2. 04. 2013 15:51:14
Max Zipser, McFly Winkler, Davo Karnicar, Bjorn Heregger, Glen Plake, Eva Walkner will show you our world! Watch the Chronical winter episodes...
Italian version) | Salewa set via ferrata recall
3. 04. 2013 10:30:51
Ritiro Precauzionale: Set da via Ferrata SALEWA con assorbitore di energia a corda.informazioni e aggiornamenti su In questa intervista a Egon Resch, General Manager Technical Hardware, risponde alle varie domande che gli vengono poste durante il live stream spiegando pe...
Helmet Salewa Duro
21. 06. 2013 16:12:50
This hard shell helmet made of polypropylene has a totally new type of construction that offers outstanding performance for alpine uses and is particularly suitable for via ferrata. Special features in overview: ...
Feel good fibers | DRYTON SALEWA
27. 06. 2013 09:38:52
DRYTONFEEL GOOD FIBERSDRYTON stands for fast-drying, comfortable, lightweight and flexible fabrics. While having the soft feel of natural material, it is still extremely functional. DRYTON makes moisture move away quickly along the length of its fibers and evaporate more efficiently. Body moisture i...
SALEWA Climb to Ski Camp 2014
10. 10. 2013 16:37:30
Do you enjoy skiing off-piste and always seek for some exciting backcountry terrain? take your chance and join us in Fieberbrunn. Online Application starts on November 11th....
McFly & Nicolas Vaudroz | 'ELEMENTS CONNECT' | SALEWA Chronicles
18. 11. 2013 08:21:47
Two men, one passion, and a long-lasting friendship. SALEWA athlete McFly and artist and boarder Nicolas Vaudroz share the same passion for the mountains. It was in Verbier, Switzerland, where they first met. Now they have returned there to experience some magic days together of riding, swapping sto...
Björn Heregger and Stefan Häusl | SALEWA Chronicles 'MORE THAN FRIENDSHIP'
16. 01. 2014 11:52:02
Freeriding to SALEWA athlete Björn Heregger and his buddy Stefan Häusl is more than just another activity in the mountains during wintertime. They have spent countless times together in the mountains chasing the perfect lines. Out of these adventures a great and trustful friendship has grown. From t...
Successful summit of Fitz Roy non-stop - SALEWA athletes Simon Gietl & Gerry Fiegl in Patagonia
4. 03. 2014 08:40:28
On Jan. 23, 2014, Simon Gietl and Gerry Fiegl reached the powerful peak of Fitz Roy in Patagonia in just 21.5 hours. Prior to their success in the Andes of Argentina and Chile, they worked through precise preparations and a tenacious struggle with the local weather. It took a bit of lucky timing and...
12. 03. 2014 11:58:45 'Für Abenteuertrips oder die täglichen Herausforderungen des Alltags bieten GORE-TEX®-Schuhe mit SURROUND-Produkttechnologie perfekten Klimakomfort -- dasbedeutet, dass deine Füße nicht nur trocken, sondern auch angenehm kühl bleiben....
12. 03. 2014 12:07:26 'Pendant les voyages d'aventure ou la vie de tous les jours, les chaussures GORE-TEX® avec technologie produit SURROUND offrent une parfaite autorégulation de la température. Non seulement vos pieds sont au sec, mais ils restent aussi agréablement frais. La structure innovan...
24. 03. 2014 16:02:31
Gore-Tex Surround TechnologieDer vollständig atmungsaktive Schuh, geeignet bei Sonne und bei Regen: wenn es regnet, bleiben die Füße stets trocken und bei Hitze angenehm kühl...
SALEWA Climb to Ski Camp 2014 in San Martino di Castrozza Do u wanna ride in the Dolomites
28. 03. 2014 12:45:12
Some places we could go...In March 2014, snow conditions take us to San Martino de Castrozza. The small Italian town in the Dolomites is known among those involved in the Freeride scene. And it's not a total secret among riders on the north side of the Alps either. ...
31. 07. 2014 09:26:40
avanti/ - andare - per - Loslassen /mollare
5. 08. 2014 12:30:56
Il film racconta la storia dellArwa Spire (6193 metri, India) che Roger scalò per la prima volta nel 2002 e dove, nel maggio 2011, il cameraman Daniel Ahnen ebbe un incidente mortale in seguito a una caduta. Nel settembre 2012 Roger ha deciso di chiudere quel cerchio rimasto aperto lanno prima. Un c...
partir/ - Loslassen /laisser
6. 08. 2014 08:57:49
Ce film retrace lhistoire de lArwa Spire (6193 mètres, Inde) que Roger a gravit pour la première fois en 2002 et où, en Mai 2011, le cameraman Daniel Ahnen fut victime dune chute mortelle. Cest en Septembre 2012 que Roger a décidé de refermer ce livre resté ouvert un an auparavant. Un livre qui sest...
22. 08. 2014 15:55:56
SALEWA Ice Screw Quick ScrewAs early as 1964, Salewa revolutionized ice climbing by inventing the conical ice screw. Withthe patent-pending quick screw Salewa has again created an innovative solution setting new...
SALEWA Alpine Life english
22. 08. 2014 16:12:50
Alpine Life http://alpinelife.salewa.comThe alpine attitude in the city tooLoden and boiled wool are unique materialstypical of the mountains and native to SouthTyrol. With their special characteristics, these...
SALEWA Alpine Life deutsch
22. 08. 2014 16:21:06
Alpine Life alpines Lebensgefühl für jeden TagAlpine Life I Winter 2014/15Loden und Walk sind einzigartige Stoffe typisch für die Berge. Diese natürlichen,...
Deutsch | SALEWA und BMW Experience Days
16. 09. 2014 14:58:08 Action am Klettersteig und Wandern im Zillertal: hier ein paar Eindrücke der Gewinner der ersten SALEWA und BMW Experience Days. Spiel mit und sei auch Du dabei!...
Español | SALEWA y BMW Experience Days
17. 09. 2014 09:49:14
http://experiencedays.salewa.comVía ferrata y trekking en Zillertal: te mostramos la experiencia vivida por los primeros ganadores de los Experience Days de SALEWA y BMW. ¡Participa tú también!...
Safety Training Session - Climb to Ski Camp 2015
25. 11. 2014 12:30:05 Climb to Ski Camp: for young and adventurous crowd. SALEWA athletes Björn Heregger, Luca Pandolfi and Arnaud Cottet will show the young up-and-comers what Climb to Ski means in a three-day ski camp. ...
Sessione di Safety Training - Climb to Ski Camp 2015
25. 11. 2014 14:06:01 Per i giovani avventurosi SALEWA ha creato il Climb to Ski Camp, un evento che li renderà felici dellarrivo dellinverno.Gli atleti SALEWA Björn Heregger, Luca Pandolfi e Arnaud Cottet mostrano ai giovani rider in un camp di tre giorni cosa significa Climb to Ski: di...
27. 11. 2014 09:17:28 Countless winter athletes from beginners to experts will again head into the mountains in Winter 2014. Conquering the vertical to enjoy pow snow demands more than just the right gear, conditions and technical expertise....
9. 12. 2014 15:03:49
The SALEWA mountaineer Simon Gietl is the protagonist of an outstanding expedition in the Eastern Ranges of the Himalayas, in the Sichuan province (eastern Tibet), together with his friends Daniel Tavernini and Vittorio Messini. ...
SALEWA Brandclip
11. 02. 2015 16:52:05
SALEWA is a truly authentic mountain sports brand that is dedicated to constantly innovate, improve and optimize gear and services for mountaineers and mountain enthusiasts even for high altitude experiences. With a meaningful use of latest technology as well as a responsible use of resources we suc...
Deutsch | SALEWA Brandclip
11. 02. 2015 16:59:23
SALEWA ist eine authentische Bergsportmarke, die innovativeLösungen für ambitionierte Bergsportler und Menschen mit viel Leidenschaft und Affinität zu den Bergen bietet. Dank langjähriger Expeditionserfahrung gilt das auch im hochalpinen Bereich. Bei der Produktentwicklung setzt der Multispezialist ...
Français | SALEWA Apex sac à dos
12. 02. 2015 08:32:18
'Petit, léger et rapide : l'Apex 22 est le nec plus ultra en matière d'efficacité. Développé avec l'athlète SALEWA Michi Wohlleben, nous avons conçu un sac à dos dans le modèle le plus simple qui soit : il reste près du corps permettant la plus grande liberté de mouvement et sa forme en V permet d'a...
Italiano | SALEWA Apex
12. 02. 2015 08:37:32
Piccolo, leggero e veloce, l'Apex 22 è il migliore se si parla di efficienza alpina. Sviluppato in collaborazione con l'alpinista SALEWA Michi Wohlleben, abbiamo creato uno zaino ridotto alla sua forma essenziale per seguire i tuoi spostamenti: aderisce al corpo per non limitare i movimenti e la for...
Français | ISPO Award Winner | SALEWA Speed Ascent
12. 02. 2015 09:02:13
'La vitesse peut parfois faire peur mais il existe également celle à laquelle on peut se fier. Avec un système de laçage à double rangée et une languette cousue sur les côtés, vous pouvez vous fier à 100 % à cette vitesse. ...
Italiano | ISPO Award Winner | SALEWA Speed Ascent
12. 02. 2015 09:05:02
C'è una velocità che fa paura, ma c'è n'è anche una di cui ti puoi fidare. Grazie all'allacciatura avanzata e la linguetta sovrapposta, la velocità in montagna non farà più paura. La nostra tecnologia Take-Off con la posizione delle dita verso l'alto e il VIBRAM Rollingait System con la suola di pro...
Deutsch | Outdoor Industry award | SALEWA Wildfire Pro
12. 02. 2015 09:13:24
Von der VIBRAM® Megagrip Sohle über den blasenfreien Alpine-Fit und die überlappende Zunge bis hin zu der Microfiber-Leder-Kombination auf der Oberseite: der Wildfire Pro ist ein Schuh, der wie ein Laufschuh läuft, wie ein Wanderschuh wandert und wie ein Kletterschuh klettert. Es ist der einzige Sch...
Outdoor Industry award | SALEWA Wildfire Pro
12. 02. 2015 09:17:59
From SALEWAs overlapping, tongue, the BLISTER-FREE Alpine Fit, to the VIBRAM® Megagrip sole and the leather and microfiber upper, the Wildfire Pro is a shoe that hikes like a boot, runs with ease, and climbs like a pro. It's the only shoe that you can put on at home and take to the top of the rock....
Français | SALEWA Pedroc
12. 02. 2015 11:08:27
'Lorsqu'il fait humide, venteux et que vous avez un long chemin à parcourir pour atteindre votre chez-vous, c'est avant tout une protection fonctionnelle qui compte le plus.Légère et souple, la veste Pedroc Hybrid offre une respirabilité maximale et est parfaite pour les randonneurs rapides qui n'on...
Italiano | SALEWA Pedroc
12. 02. 2015 11:10:51
Se piove, c'è vento e sei ancora lontano da casa, è la protezione funzionale quella che conta! La giacca Pedroc Hybrid è leggera, flessibile, con massima traspirabiltà ed è ideale per gli escursionisti veloci, che possono portare con sè solo per la miglior attrezzatura....
13. 02. 2015 09:30:37
Small, light, and fast -- the Apex 22 is the ultimate in alpine efficiency. Developed with SALEWA athlete Michi Wohlleben, we reduced a backpack to it's simplest form. Due to the Contact Fit system, it stays close to the body and allows freedom of movement -- and the v-shape allows easy access to ge...
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