| Thoughts On The Patagonia DAS Parka 2. 12. 2022 18:00:16 In this video I briefly go over some of my thoughts on the Patagonia DAS Parka, I don't really get into specifics, though would you like to see more nitty gritty detail? Leave a comment saying what you prefer!... |
 | Thoughts On The Petzl Nomic Ice Axe 12. 12. 2022 23:39:20 This is just a brief overview on the Petzl Nomic Ice Axe, a more in-depth review will be coming out soon!... |
 | Thoughts On The Petzl Dart Crampons 12. 12. 2022 23:39:36 This is just a quick little video looking at the Petzl Dart Crampons, expect a full review coming soon!... |
 | Thoughts On The Petzl Laser Speed Ice Screw 12. 12. 2022 23:39:59 This is just a short video on my thoughts on the Petzl Laser Speed Ice Screw, a more in-depth review is coming soon!And as I said here are some resources for placing screws(ORxAMGA)1. Placing Screws)2. Removing Screws)... |
 | La Sportiva G-Tech & La Sportiva G5 EVO Comparison 29. 12. 2022 16:21:52 This is a 'quick' video comparing the La Sportiva G-Tech to the La Sportiva G5 EVOChapters00:00-00:12 Intro00:13-1:43 G-Tech1:44-5:58 G5 EVO+Comparisons 5:59 Wrapping Up... |
 | The La Sportiva G-Tech - Thoughts On 29. 12. 2022 16:22:07 Hey y'all this is just a quick video of me going through my current thoughts on the La Sportiva G-Tech... |
 | SCARPA Phantom Tech & La Sportiva G-Tech Comparison 29. 12. 2022 16:22:23 In this video I compare the SCARPA Phantom Tech to the La Sportiva G-Tech, both of these boots are the standard for lightweight ice climbing boot category. I go over the technical specs of each boot, so I'll have chapters in the video to make it easier for you to find the Info you are looking for... |
 | Rocky Talkie - Thoughts On 16. 01. 2023 19:15:02 Heres a quick video on Rocky Talkies. For more information or updated info check out kellenerickson.com... |
 | Petzl Ange Finess 17cm Quickdraw - Thoughts On 17. 01. 2023 19:15:00 Heres a quick rundown on the Petzl Ange Finess draws. Check out kellenerickson.com for more current information... |
 | Ice Screw Holders - Thoughts On 18. 01. 2023 19:15:02 If youre curious about some other options of ice screw holders check out kellenerickson.comChapters00:00- 00:40 Intro00:41-3:38 Petzl OCTO3:39-7:30 BD Ice Screw Up7:31-11:22 ACE ANKER... |
 | My Layering System For Ice Climbing 24. 01. 2023 19:15:00 Hey there! This is my layering system for ice climbing, and in the video I cover my system used for the 22-23 season as well as the 21-22 season. This video will be divided into chapters so if theres a specific item you are looking for just check the chapters. There is also commentary on the video b... |
 | New La Sportiva Mega Ice EVO - Upcoming 26. 01. 2023 19:15:00 In this video I chat about the new La Sportiva Mega Ice EVO... |
 | La Sportiva Aequilibrium Speed GTX - Upcoming 31. 01. 2023 19:00:02 Here's the link to that posthttps://www.instagram.com/reel/CjIoknggqMc/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link... |
 | Patagonia Nano-Air Light Hybrid Hoody - NEW 7. 02. 2023 22:59:57 Here's a quick first impression on the New Patagonia Nano-Air Light Hybrid Hoody. A first thoughts video will come down the road as soon as I have more time in the jacket.... |
 | Patagonia R1 TechFace Hoody 13. 02. 2023 22:00:00 In this video I go over the Patagonia R1 TechFace Hoody. At the time of recording the video I hadn't climbed in it yet, but that was soon fixed after this past weekend. So be on the lookout for more info on this jacket that's coming soon!... |
 | Petzl Ange Finesse, Nano-Air Light Hybrid Hoody, R1 TechFace Hoody - Update 15. 02. 2023 20:00:15 Here's a different style video where I just talk about my current thoughts with certain pieces of gear.Chapters00:00-00:27 Intro00:28-8:32 Petzl Ange Finesse 8:33-16:56 Patagonia Nano-Air Light Hybrid Hoody... |
 | La Sportiva G-Summit - Upcoming 22. 02. 2023 18:00:15 If you're considering getting some new ice climbing boots I would highly consider these, as they are stacking up to be a true quiver killer.... |
 | climber Marco Barlascini u202c | line 3d | Per Voi Giovani | sector Nosfaratu | u202aMello Boulder 29. 04. 2015 19:20:28 video linked to the Melloboulder climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/mello-boulder-2015/Val Masino/Val di Mello u202aMello Boulder u202c- u202asector Nosfaratu - Per Voi Giovani - line 3d - climber Marco Barlascini ... |
 | climber Marco Barlasciniu202c | line 1c | Tondolandia | sector Scivolo | u202aMello Boulder 29. 04. 2015 19:20:29 video linked to the Melloboulder climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/mello-boulder-2015/Val Masino/Val di Mello u202aMello Boulder u202c- u202asector Scivolo - Tondolandia - line 1c - climber Marco Barlascini ... |
 | u202aMello Boulder u202c-u202asector Zocca u202c-u202aCose preziose u202c-u202aline 1b u202c-climber u202aLorenzo Garavagliau202c 7. 05. 2015 19:29:12 video linked to the Melloboulder climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/mello-boulder-2015/Val Masino/Val di Mello u202aMello Boulder -sector Zocca -Cose preziose -line 1b -climber Lorenzo Garavaglia... |
 | u202aMello Boulder u202c-u202asector Vermuth strisciut u202c-u202aPlacca costolosa u202c-u202aline 5a u202c-u202aLorenzo Garavagliau202c 7. 05. 2015 19:29:12 video linked to the Melloboulder climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/mello-boulder-2015/Val Masino/Val di Mello u202aMello Boulder -sector Vermuth strisciut -Placca costolosa -line 5a stand -Lorenzo Garavaglia... |
 | line 3a -climber Matthias Gnalu202c | u202aMello Boulder -sector Proprietà Privata -Il Lancio 7. 05. 2015 19:29:37 video linked ti the Melloboulder climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/mello-boulder-2015/Val Masino/Val di Mello u202aMello Boulder -sector Proprietà Privata - Il Lancio - line 3a - climber Matthias Gnal... |
 | climber Max Piazzau202c | line 1u | Bruttissimo Plus | u202aMello Boulder -sector Tarzan 7. 05. 2015 19:29:37 video linked ti the Melloboulder climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/mello-boulder-2015/Val Masino/Val di Mello u202aMello Boulder -sector Tarzan - Bruttissimo Plus - line 1u - climber Max Piazza... |
 | climber AnnaBorella | line 2e | Climb For Life Woman | u202aMello Boulder -sector Preda Peintada 7. 05. 2015 19:29:37 video linked to the Melloboulder climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/mello-boulder-2015/Val Masino/Val di Mello u202aMello Boulder sector Preda Peintada - Climb For Life Woman - line 2e - climber Anna Borella - video by Nicola Noè... |
 | climber Alexandra Balarikevau202c | line 27b | Mellolista | u202aMello Boulder -sector Bagni Ersaf 7. 05. 2015 19:29:37 video linked ti the Melloboulder climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/mello-boulder-2015/Val Masino/Val di Mello u202aMello Boulder sector Bagni Ersaf - Mellolista - line 27b - climber Alexandra Balarikeva - video by Nicola Noè... |
 | u202aMello Boulder u202c-u202asector Zocca u202c-u202aSpigolo delle morose u202c-u202aline 14a u202c-u202aclimber Lorenzo Garavagliau202c 8. 06. 2015 22:02:35 video linked to the Melloboulder climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/mello-boulder-2015/Val Masino/Val di Mello u202aMello Boulder -sector Zocca -Spigolo delle morose -line 14a -climber Lorenzo Garavaglia... |
 | u202aMello Boulder u202c-u202asector Zocca u202c-u202aCose preziose u202c-u202aline 1c u202c-climber u202aLorenzo Garavagliau202c 8. 06. 2015 22:03:00 video linked to the Melloboulder climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/mello-boulder-2015/Val Masino/Val di Mello u202aMello Boulder -sector Zocca -Cose preziose -line 1c -climber Lorenzo Garavaglia... |
 | DEMO PRIVATO Sigla Boulder iphone 8. 06. 2015 22:04:09 ... |
 | u202aMello Boulder u202c-u202aIl Mostro u202c-u202aTi Spalmo Di Mieleu202c -u202aline 2b u202c-u202aChloé Caulieru202c 8. 06. 2015 22:04:29 video linked to the Melloboulder climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/mello-boulder-2015/Val Masino/Val di Mello sector Il Mostro - Ti Spalmo Di Miele - line 2b - climber Chloé Caulier... |
 | u202aMello Boulder -sector La M -Arboretum -line 8a -climber Chloé Caulieru202c 8. 06. 2015 22:07:01 video linked ti the Melloboulder climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/mello-boulder-2015/Val Masino/Val di Mello u202asector La M -Arboretum -line 8a -climber Chloé Caulieru202c... |
 | u202aMello Boulder -Melloblocco -Zero In Condotta -line 1b -climber Chloé Caulieru202c 8. 06. 2015 22:07:27 video linked ti the Melloboulder climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/mello-boulder-2015/Val Masino/Val di Mello u202aMello Boulder -sector Melloblocco - Zero In Condotta - line 1b -climber Chloé Caulier... |
 | u202aMello Boulder -Altman -Disco Inferno -line 5a -climber Mauro Calibani u202c 8. 06. 2015 22:08:35 video linked ti the Melloboulder climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/mello-boulder-2015/Val Masino/Val di Mello u202aMello Boulder -sector Altman - Disco Inferno - line 5a - climber Mauro Calibani... |
 | climberDavid Razzau202c | u202aMello Boulder -Melloblocco -Zero In Condotta -line 1b 8. 06. 2015 22:08:56 video linked ti the Melloboulder climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/mello-boulder-2015/Val Masino/Val di Mello u202aMello Boulder -sector Melloblocco -u202c u202aZero In Condotta - line 1b - climber David Razza... |
 | line In Visita | blocco 5 | sector Curva | Daone Boulder 19. 06. 2015 19:18:11 video linked to the Daonebouler climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/daone-boulder-2015/Val DaoneDaone Boulder - sector Curva - blocco 5 - line InVista... |
 | line La Notte Scende | blocco 1 | sector Curva | Daone Boulder 19. 06. 2015 19:18:47 video linked to the Daonebouler climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/daone-boulder-2015/Val DaoneDaone Boulder - sector Curva - blocco 1 - line La Notte Scende... |
 | Sponda | line A | blocco 2 | Sector Platz | Daone Boulder 24. 06. 2015 22:21:16 video linked to the Daonebouler climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/daone-boulder-2015/Val DaoneDaone Boulder - sector Plaz - blocco 2 - line A SPONDA... |
 | El bech | line C | blocco 36 | Sector Plana | Daone Boulder 24. 06. 2015 22:43:32 video linked to the Daonebouler climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/daone-boulder-2015/Val DaoneDaone Boulder - sector Plana - blocco 36 - line C EL BECH... |
 | line H | blocco 3 lato nord | Sector Plana | Dafne Boulder 24. 06. 2015 23:09:48 video linked to the Daonebouler climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/daone-boulder-2015/Val DaoneDaone Boulder - sector Plana - blocco 3 lato nord - line H... |
 | line B1 | blocco 4 | Sector Plaz | Daone Boulder 24. 06. 2015 23:30:16 video linked to the Daonebouler climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/daone-boulder-2015/Val DaoneDaone Boulder - sector Plaz - blocco 4 - line B1... |
 | La Vanga | blocco 55 | sector Curva | Daone Boulder 21. 07. 2015 16:29:54 video linked to the Daonebouler climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/daone-boulder-2015/Val DaoneDaone Boulder - sector Curva - blocco 55 - La Vanga... |
 | line L | blocco 47 | sector Dos dei Aser | Daone Boulder 21. 07. 2015 16:30:35 video linked to the Daonebouler climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/daone-boulder-2015/Val DaoneDaone Boulder - sector Dos dei Aser - blocco 47 - line L... |
 | line D | blocco 49 | sector Lago | Daone Boulder 21. 07. 2015 16:31:30 video linked to the Daonebouler climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/daone-boulder-2015/Val DaoneDaone Boulder - sector Lago - blocco 49 - line D... |
 | line La Pelle del Rospo | blocco 9 | sector Curva | Daone Boulder 21. 07. 2015 16:31:54 video linked to the Daonebouler climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/daone-boulder-2015/Val DaoneDaone Boulder - sector Curva - blocco 9 - line La Pelle del Rospo... |
 | u202aMello Boulder u202c-u202asector Tetto di Fu202ciu202alorera u202c-u202aline 3e u202c-u202aclimber Lorenzo Garavagliau202c 21. 07. 2015 16:34:06 video linked to the Melloboulder climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/mello-boulder-2015/Val Masino/Val di Mello u202aMello Boulder -sector Tetto di Filorera -line 3e -climber Lorenzo Garavaglia... |
 | climber Simone Tentori | line 8c | Il Carretto | u202csector Zocca Superiore | u202aMello Boulder 21. 07. 2015 16:34:36 video linked to the Melloboulder climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/mello-boulder-2015/Val Masino/Val di Mello u202aMello Boulder u202c- sector Zocca Superiore - Il Carretto - line 8c - climber Simone Tentori... |
 | video by Gianluca Maspesu202c | line 14a | Smelly Kelly | Ersaf | u202aMello Boulder 21. 07. 2015 16:35:36 video linked to the Melloboulder climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/mello-boulder-2015/Val Masino/Val di Mello u202aMello Boulder u202c- Ersaf - Smelly Kelly - line 14a - video by Gianluca Maspes... |
 | u202aMello Boulder -sector u202aErsaf -Sono fuori dal tunnel -line 13b -climber Roby Bianchini -ph Maspesu202c 21. 07. 2015 16:35:57 video linked to the Melloboulder climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/mello-boulder-2015/Val Masino/Val di Mello u202aMello Boulder u202c- Ersaf - Sono fuori dal tunnel - line 13b - climber Roby Bianchini - video by Gianluca Maspes... |
 | u202aMello Boulder u202c-u202asector Tetto di Fu202ciu202alorera u202c-u202aRocce rosse u202c-u202aline 30e u202c-Lorenzo Garavagliau202c 17. 12. 2015 17:47:53 video linked to the Melloboulder climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/mello-boulder-2015/Val Masino/Val di Mello u202aMello Boulder -sector Tetto di Filorera -Rocce rosse -line 30e -climber Lorenzo Garavaglia... |
 | u202aMello Boulder u202c-u202asector Tetto di FIlorera u202c-u202aline 2b u202c-u202aclimber Lorenzo Garavagliau202c 17. 12. 2015 17:48:37 video linked to the Melloboulder climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/mello-boulder-2015/Val Masino/Val di Mello u202aMello Boulder -sector Tetto di FIlorera -line 2b -climber Lorenzo Garavaglia... |
 | u202aMello Boulder u202c-u202a146 sector Tetto di Filorera u202c-u202aline 2a u202c-u202aclimber Lorenzo Garavagliau202c 17. 12. 2015 17:49:44 video linked to the Melloboulder climbing guide:http://www.versantesud.it/shop/mello-boulder-2015/Val Masino/Val di Mello u202aMello Boulder -146 sector Tetto di Fu202ciu202alorera -line 2a -climber Lorenzo Garavaglia... |