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Skiing Mt. St. Helens with the crew
3. 05. 2018 07:58:18
Skiing Mt. St. Helens on 4/30/18 in vertiginous conditions. For anyone who is curious, the spin at 2:18 was very unintentional....
The Sierra Trifecta
25. 05. 2018 09:10:10
Woke up at Carson Pass, Skied Crescent Couloir on Round Top, drove to Echo Pass, biked the Pony Express Trail to the base of Lover's Leap, climbed Bear's Reach on the east wall of the leap, and made it back to SF in time for Cinco de Mayo festivities. It was a good day. Inspiration by Chris Benchetl...
Climbing in the Needles
26. 06. 2018 19:43:07
Climbing in The Needles memorial Day Weekend 2018.Day 1: Airy Interlude, Thin IceDay 2: Igor Unchained, Spooky, The HowlingDay 3: first pitch of Ghostbumps, first pitch of Atlantis....
Climbing Braille Book
15. 07. 2018 03:15:12
Twas a warm day...
A humbling attempt at the South Face of Washington Column
15. 07. 2018 04:35:20
Probably should have actually practiced some aid before we tried this thing...
Bail from Mithril Dihedral - Day 4
17. 08. 2018 09:44:49
Bailing from Mithril Dihedral on 8/11/18....
Climbing the Harding Route on Keeler Needle - Day 3
17. 08. 2018 10:04:18
Climbing the Harding Route on Keeler Needle 8/10/18. It was a bit of an ambitious attempt being that we had both been climbing outside for less than a year and we both had no experience climbing offwidth....
Up the the East Buttress and down the East Face of Mt. Whitney - Day 2
17. 08. 2018 17:39:26
Spontaniously decided to downclimb the East Face after climbing the East Buttress in 3 blocks in 1.5 hours....
Climbing Fishhook Arete - Day 1
17. 08. 2018 17:58:14
The approach to Upper Boy Scout Lake and climbing Fishhook Arete on 8/8/18....
Climbing the Regular Northwest Face of Half Dome
7. 09. 2018 02:14:42
With a combined almost 1.5 year of climbing experience, we felt the RNWF of Half Dome would be a reasonable objective. Turns out, it was. Mac Jacobson and I hiked the approach and fixed the first 3 pitches Friday 8/24/18. We left the base Saturday morning, bivied at Big Sandy that night and finished...
Climbing The Prow on Washington Column
25. 11. 2018 21:46:14
Climbing the Prow on Washington Column on 11/17/18 - 11/18/18. Big wall stoke is high....
A mission to ski the North Couloir of Mt. Gabb
26. 05. 2019 03:31:16
We started the morning of 4/19/19 at Rock Creek Sno-Park next to Palisade Campground. On day one we skinned into the Treasure Lakes area and set up camp at 11,200 ft. We summited Treasure Peak (12,800ft) and skied some slushy snow back to camp. On day two, we packed up camp, crossed Cox Col at 13,00...
Massive Tuolumne Climbing Linkup (North Peak to N + W ridges of Conness to Tenaya to Cathedral)
28. 08. 2019 11:13:04
North Ridge of North Peak to North Ridge of Mt. Conness to West Ridge of Mt. Conness to Northwest Butress of Tenaya peak to Southwest Buttress of Cathedral Peak on 8/19/19.Yes, the north ridge of Conness is that good....
Climbing the West Face of the Leaning Tower in day
1. 10. 2019 21:53:50
Climbing the West Face of the Leaning Tower in Yosemite in a day with Matt Tuffs on 9/29/19. This was Matt's first big wall and only his second multipitch climb (I incorrectly stated it was his first in the video)....
Sheraton Watkins - A Tour of Yosemite Ledges Part 1
25. 10. 2019 21:44:51
Adam and I climbed the south Face of Mt. Watkins in two days from 10/18-10/19 and bivied on Sheraton Watkins the night of 10/18. Here is a tour of the accommodations and and overview of some of the gear we used. Apologies for the messed up sound... I must have had my finger over the mic on the camer...
Climbing 'Big Time' on the Watchtower in SEKI
26. 11. 2019 05:40:30
John Bolte and I cruised out to Sequoia National Park to repeat a new free route that was put up on the Watchtower a couple months before. The route was beyond incredible and we couldn't stop smiling the entire way up. John sent the entire route clean and I took one fall on the crux pitch. the route...
El Cap Tower - A Tour of Yosemite Ledges Part 2
26. 11. 2019 07:16:18
Plush bivy for 4+...
Climbing the Nose of El Cap in 8 hours (NIAD)
26. 11. 2019 07:35:46
After getting off the Nose in 4 days on 11/3, I took one rest day to strategize a NIAD run with Chris Farrah. Chris hadn't been on the Nose in over a year and we had no idea what our time would be. We were hoping for something in the 12 to 14 hour range but we would not have been surprised if it too...
Climbing The Nose of El Cap in 4 days with 2 first time big wall climbers
26. 11. 2019 21:33:37
Graham and I had seen Keith crush 5.12 at Mission Cliffs in San Francisco for the past 2 years and always wondered who the 5'2' old man crusher was. We eventually befriended Keith and found out he had only been climbing in the gym for 6 years and recently started trad climbing outside. His previous ...
The Portaledge - A Tour of Yosemite Ledges Part 3
27. 11. 2019 00:34:15
A quick tour of sleeping in a portaledge adjacent to the great roof. Liz and I came in to the top third of the Nose via the triple direct. We spent 2 nights on the wall and topped out at about 2 the next day!...
Eagle Buttress Traverse in Tahoe - Socially Distant Climbing
7. 05. 2020 01:24:30
Climbing in times of the quarantine...
Two Routes on the Diamond on Long's Peak in Spring
5. 06. 2020 23:54:08
Chris and I headed up to the Diamond on 6/2/20. We climbed The Casual Route day 1, rappelled back down and on day 2 we climbed Pervertical Sanctuary. We topped out, hiked all the way back to our bivy at the base and spent the night, intending to climb D7 on day 3. We woke up to wind and a lack of ps...
Climbing the South Buttress of Mt Moran in the Tetons
17. 08. 2020 17:37:59
After getting back down from the Grand Traverse very late on 6/15, we took a rest day, rented a canoe, and went off to climb the South Buttress, Right on Mt. Moran on 6/17/20. We were told by a park ranger that the route is a triathlon of climbing, canoeing and bug swatting. This certainly turned ou...
Climbing Thin Red Line on Liberty Bell (5.12, Grade IV)
17. 08. 2020 17:53:58
Even though neither of us had previously sent a 5.12 route of any length on gear, Adam and I decided to attempt Thin Red Line during a 3 day stint up at Washington Pass in the North Cascades. I managed to onsight the entire thing except for one move on the second 5.12 pitch (which I reclimbed on lea...
The Bismark (feat. 30' fall) - A Tour of Yosemite Ledges Part 4
7. 11. 2020 15:47:06
After spraining my ankle two weeks earlier hiking down the east ledges of El Cap, I convinced two buddies to go up an aid wall, being that I still could not jam my foot in a crack. We decided to climb Mescalito (the aid route that shares the most pitches with the Dawn Wall) and were hoping to do it ...
Aid Climbing the Dawn Wall (Mescalito)
8. 11. 2020 04:33:45
I had been hanging out with a buddy in El Cap meadow who had been on a wall with Pass the Pitons Pete for 12 days and mentioned Pete was looking for porters to haul down some loads from the top El Cap. This was the day before I was planning to climb the West Face of the formation so after my buddy C...
Avalanche Rescue on Mt. Whitney
13. 11. 2020 02:05:30
This video was captured April 22, 2017. I was not very experienced at the time being that this was my second trip skiing in the backcountry and I had just taken my AIARI 1 course a few months prior. I was always hesitant to post this video becasue I believe we could have done a better job with the r...
Party Wall on the Rainbow Wall (Original Route, 5.12-, Grade V)
23. 11. 2020 02:50:43
I first met Avishay in Jerusalem on my way back from a climbing trip to Wadi Rum this past February. A mutual friend connected us and after a 6am text telling my buddy and I to be ready at our hostel in an hour, he scooped us up and we found ourselves en route to a 'secret' climbing area in Palestin...
Peter Foster Free Soloing in Joshua Tree
11. 12. 2020 05:47:21
Everyone in Hidden Valley Campground woke up Tuesday morning to a surprise notice that the campground was closing at noon the same day. I walked over to Peter's site to see what he was up to for the day but on my way over, I noticed him scrambling up the boulders to the base of Spider Line. He had t...
Epic Bail from Quarter Dome
19. 04. 2021 22:33:21
Evan Mann and I went to go climb a route called Pegasus on Quarter Dome, a formation tucked deep into Tenaya Canyon past Half Dome. We cruised the first part of the approach getting within a few hundred feet of the base in four hours but spent an additional three navigating sketchy snow slopes using...
The Quarter Dome Hilton - A Tour of Yosemite Ledges Part 5
19. 04. 2021 22:34:07
The ledge isn't officially called the Quarter Dome Hilton but it is opposite the valley from the Sheraton Watkins and I hope the name sticks....
Climbing the Steepest Route on El Cap (Native Son, 5.9 A4)
19. 04. 2021 22:38:39
Lance, Alex and I linked up in early April to climb Native Son in what became an epic adventure of constant laughs as we quested up overhanging granite. The position was outrageous and we took our time, embracing the vertical camping lifestyle. ...
Chickenhead Ledge - A Tour of Yosemite Ledges Part 6
22. 04. 2021 17:25:51
I climbed the Shield on El Cap in 12 hours and 50 minutes on Tuesday but didnt bring a camera along to document it. On Lances last pitch, I found myself perched on Chickenhead Ledge with a minute to spare before I had to get ready to take over on lead so I captured this video with my phone. The foot...
All of them on Lost Arrow Spire Direct - A Tour of Yosemite Ledges Part 7
5. 05. 2021 18:09:26
Arguably the best bivy ledges of any big wall in the valley. Climbed on 4/27/21. #plushbivyformany...
Climbing the Salathe Wall in 11 hours
5. 05. 2021 19:23:21
The original plan was to do Watkins in a day but word on the street was that it was seeping so we made a day before change of objective to climb the Salathe. Chris had done the route a couple years ago wall style but this was my first time on the route other than the Freeblast. It kind of got me psy...
Climbing Autobahn on the South Face of Half Dome (5.11+ R)
12. 05. 2021 19:18:17
Years ago while obsessively researching routes in Yosemite, I came across a line on the south face of Half Dome called Autobahn and added it to my mental todo list. It was first climbed in 1985 but is seldom done today due to its runout nature. Some pitches contain a single protection bolt in 150 fe...
Captain’s Quarters - A Tour of Yosemite Ledges Part 9
17. 05. 2021 17:36:04
Here is a tour of the Captains Quarters, a nice 1x15 ledge shared by the routes Jolly Roger and Sunkist. Lance and I were climbed the later and while things certainly did not go as smoothly as I anticipated in this video, we still managed to top out in 15:57 to take the speed record....
Big Sandy Ledge - A Tour of Yosemite Ledges Part 8
17. 05. 2021 18:37:38
Big Sandy Ledge on Half Dome is iconic and often the first ledge to be slept on for aspiring big wall climbers. I spent a cold and tiring night on Big Sandy a couple years back and it was memorable to say the least. Chris and I climbed The Nose of El Capitan and Regular Northwest Face of Half Dome i...
Sending Golden Gate on El Cap Ground Up (5.13a, Grade VI)
3. 06. 2021 22:05:08
I texted Amity Warme to see if she would be interested in climbing Golden Gate ground up and just two days later, we were prehauling to Heart ledges and setting off on the wall the day after. This was our first time climbing together but I got the vibe it would be a good partnership from the few enc...
Tower to the People - A Tour of Yosemite Ledges Part 10
5. 06. 2021 08:20:12
Baller portaledge bivy shared by Golden Gate and El Corazon on El Capitan....
Climbing in the Ruth Gorge Alaska
3. 07. 2021 06:02:23
Expedition Opa! members Ima Amundarain and Tyler Karow spent 18 days climbing and eating their way through the Ruth Gorge from 6/7/21 to 6/24/21. This video is a compilation of the routes and meals climbed and consumed on their trip....
Climbing 4 Routes on Mt. Russell in Day
13. 08. 2021 03:34:39
Peter Foster and I hiked out to the Whitney/Russell zone on August 1st with food and stoke for 6 days. On our first day, we linked up Western Front, Bloody Corner, Mithril Dihedral, and Star Trekkin'. We brought extra gear and fixed anchors down Star Trekkin' to rap. For those interested, The corner...
Free Soloing up and down Mt. Whitney
13. 08. 2021 03:36:53
Peter Foster in his natural state of free soloing and acquiring mass amounts of booty. Peter climbed up the East Buttress and down the East Face on our rest day.Watch Peter free solo 77 routes (up to 5.11d) in a day in Joshua Tree:
Climbing 5.12 on Mt. Whitney
13. 08. 2021 04:04:12
On day 3, we opted to try a route put up by two of my friends that takes the most direct line up the East Face of Mt. Whitney (King Pile, 5.12, Grade V, FA: Moser, Ness 2019-2020). The climbing was incredible and the position, even more so. We got the second ascent of the route and Peter managed to ...
The Venturi Effect (5.12c, Grade V)
14. 08. 2021 19:36:13
Venturi is without a doubt one of the best climbs I have ever done if not the very best. It takes an incredibly ascetic line up perfect rock on one of the most striking alpine faces anywhere. It is very sustained at the 5.11/5.12 level and certainly keeps you on your toes from the first few feet to ...
Traversing 5 14ers in day (Sill to Thunderbolt, 5.9, Grade IV)
27. 08. 2021 23:08:29
This past Tuesday, I linked up with Sam Stuckey, Chris Farrah, and Imanol Amundarain to climb the Sill to Thunderbolt Traverse (commonly done as the Thunderbolt to Sill Traverse). We started at Big Pine Creek Trailhead at first light and ended in the town of Bishop after a 20 mile downhill bike rid...
Blind Faith to Alien Finish (5.12b, Grade IV) - The Rostrum
6. 09. 2021 08:45:57
Lance Colley (aka Pink Pantz Lantz aka YOSAR's worst nightmare) and I linked up in the valley on the last day of August for a quick climb as I was on my way to the coast. We had plans to climb El Cap but we both felt lazy and eventually settled on the Rostrum after changing our objective 3 or 4 time...
Top Roping Father Time on Middle Cathedral Rock (5.13b)
2. 10. 2021 06:58:52
Here is some raw footage of me climbing Father Time (5.13b, 20 pitches) on Middle Cathedral Rock in Yosemite Valley taken by Elliot Bernhagen back in May. Its 22 minutes of straight climbing footy from the same angle so dont watch the whole thing unless you really dont have anything better to do in ...
A Gastronomical Climbing Expedition - Kyrgyzstan 2021
14. 10. 2021 16:05:42
Expedition 'Unemployed Engineers and Cedar' ventured to the Ak-Su Valley in the Karavshin region of Kyrgyzstan in September 2021 on a tour of rocks, food, and bathrooms. Here is a film of the trip. ...
Selling my Ram Promaster (159', high roof) - Van Tour
7. 11. 2021 04:30:33
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