Cojzova koča na Kokrskem sedlu
Altitude: 1793 m
Lat/Lon: | 46,34433°N 14,54697°E |
| |
Type: koča, bivak, sedlo
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Views: 766.990
Popularity: 98% (57. place)
Description of mountain hut:
Kokrsko sedlo is a passage between the Kamniška Bistrica Valley and the Kokra River. The saddle is surrounded by two high peaks, Grintovec and Kalška gora. There is a mountain lodge on the saddle, which also has a winter room. The Cojzova koča is open in the extended summer season. A cable car from the Kamniška Bistrica valley leads to the hut. There is a wind power plant near the hut.
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