| San Martino di Castrozza | Salewa Get Vertical Winter 1617 16. 03. 2017 15:49:20 This beautiful location is well known for its many ski mountaineering possibilities and its spectacular landscape that combines wild forests with cliffy peaks and breathtaking panorama views.Videomaker: Harry Putz... |
 | Alta Badia | Salewa Get Vertical Winter 1617 3. 04. 2017 09:22:38 The second Get Vertical adventure took place in Alta Badia, South Tyrol. The region offers endless ski mountaineering activities in the Dolomites Mountains and delicious traditional food.#salewagetvertical... |
 | Contest | climb to ski | SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013 1. 03. 2013 08:55:34 Erstbefahrung Simonskopf, Lienzer DolomitenVOTE NOW!! https://apps.facebook.com/salewaclimbtoski/Participate.aspxThis is a participant video for the SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013 submitted from Oli Ver.... |
 | Contest | Climb to Ski Korbi Keckeis | SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013 1. 03. 2013 08:56:15 Winter 12/13VOTE NOW!! https://apps.facebook.com/salewaclimbtoski/Participate.aspxThis is a participant video for the SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013 submitted from Korbinian Keckeis.... |
 | Contest | Mathieu Navillod TIGNES | SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013 1. 03. 2013 09:40:09 Petite balade; ski sur le territoire de TIGNES.VOTE NOW!! https://apps.facebook.com/salewaclimbtoski/Participate.aspxThis is a participant video for the SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013 submitted from Mathieu Navillod.... |
 | Contest | makin love to frozen water | SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013 1. 03. 2013 10:56:56 VOTE NOW!! https://apps.facebook.com/salewaclimbtoski/Participate.aspxDieses Video zeigt mich mit meinem Snowboard bei unserer Lieblingsfreizeitbeschäftigung, dem Freeriden. Da mein Board eher Genügsam ist und es von selbst einfach nicht im Stande ist den Powder zu genießen, hat es mich auserkoren z... |
 | 30sec | Red Bull X-Alps 2017 20. 06. 2017 14:04:22 The Red Bull X-Alps adventure competition is back to challenge some of the worlds toughest athletes in a 1,138 km race across the Alps from Salzburg to Monaco via 7 turn points in 7 different countries... |
 | Speed Hiking 5. 07. 2017 11:31:54 ... |
 | Contest | 2chicksonfatsticks | SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013 4. 03. 2013 08:48:42 A girls freeride trip.VOTE NOW!! https://apps.facebook.com/salewaclimbtoski/Participate.aspxThis is a participant video for the SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013 submitted from Ricky Bck. More information about the competition here:... |
 | Contest | Hike to ride | SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013 4. 03. 2013 11:38:07 Dieses Video ist eine Bewerbung für das Salewa Climb to Ski Camp 2013.VOTE NOW!! https://apps.facebook.com/salewaclimbtoski/Participate.aspxThis is a participant video for the SALEWA Climb To Ski Camp 2013 submitted from Markus Breitfuß.... |
 | Freeride World Tour Fieberbrunn 2012 - Chronical W12/13 6. 03. 2013 12:57:45 Starring: Max Zipser, Björn Heregger, Eva WalknerLocation: FieberbrunnTourstopp Freeride World Tour, March 2012 Fieberbrunn creates an amazing background while we watch SALEWA Athletes Max, Björn and Eva getting ready for their turn during Freeride World Tour competition. They share their thoughts o... |
 | SALEWA Klettersteigtage 28. 03. 2013 16:43:04 Mehr Sicherheit im Klettersteig -- unter professioneller Anleitung haben alle Bergsportinteressierten von 08.-09.06.2013 die Möglichkeit, mehr über diesen beliebten Sport zu erfahren. Welches Kind möchte nicht mit der Familie einen aufregenden und unvergesslichen Tag erleben? Sowohl die Theorie als ... |
 | Obergurgl | Salewa Get Vertical Summer 2017 2. 08. 2017 17:24:21 The second Summer 2017 Get Vertical adventure took place in the high mountains around Obergurgl, Tyrol. We could have not asked for a better mountaineering playground!... |
 | Tutorial | Salewa Ultra Flex Mid GORE-TEX® 9. 10. 2017 19:16:02 The Ultra Flex Mid GORE-TEX® is a mens waterproof, breathable mid-cut shoe designed for speed hiking and high-intensity mountain training. Built around MICHELIN®s technical performance outsole, developed exclusively with SALEWA, the special rubber compound features a design with grooves and sculptur... |
 | German Version) | Salewa Klettersteigsets Rückruf 3. 04. 2013 10:32:30 Egon Resch, General Manager Technical Hardware SALEWA, gibt während des Livechats Antworten auf Fragen rund um den Rückruf von Klettersteigsets mit Seilbremse. Um jegliches Risiko für den Kunden auszuschließen hat sich SALEWA für diesen vorsorglichen Rückruf entschieden.... |
 | SALEWA TABLE BOULDER 10. 04. 2013 11:44:09 Ob als witziges Partyspiel, Freizeit-Challenge oder Training für die Bauchmuskulatur - table bouldern ist Trend. Ziel ist es, um einen Festtisch zu bouldern ohne den Boden zu berühren. Der Spaßfaktor ist hoch, aber Vorsicht: Technik, Kraft und Koordination sind die Grundvoraussetzung um am Tisch zu ... |
 | ITA | SALEWA Company Movie 6. 08. 2013 10:19:30 www.salewa.com SALEWA è il marchio leader in Europa per l'attrezzatura, l'abbigliamento e le calzature da montagna. Un vero multispecialista che, con oltre settant'anni di tradizione ed esperienza, continua a raggiungere obiettivi sempre più ambiziosi. ... |
 | Let go film about Roger Schäli | Loslassen 3. 09. 2013 19:00:31 http://loslassen.salewa.comExposure, challenges, big walls, thin air. This is the world of professional Swiss alpinist Roger Schäli. His life is lived in the vertical, in a place where letting go also means moving ahead.... |
 | Alpine Trekking Concept 25. 10. 2017 15:24:06 Alpine Trekking is all about wandering through the mountains, discovering remote places and spending an intense time in unspoiled nature. Whether you are looking for an ambitious multi-day challenge or an opportunity to recharge batteries, the Salewa Alpine Trekking collection enables you to purely ... |
 | Manifesto - Salewa 5. 03. 2018 18:03:52 THE DOLOMITES ARE OUR HOME Places dont belong to people: people belong to places, and we belong to the Dolomites. THE DOLOMITES ARE OUR HERITAGE We were born as mountaineers looking for something different. We strived for better equipment and so we started making our own. ... |
 | SALEWA WORLD Mountain Shop Bolzano 12. 12. 2013 14:17:01 Visita il CONCEPT STORE presso il SALEWA Headquarter a Bolzano! http://bolzano.salewa.it Nello shop di 500 m² trovate tutti i prodotti Salewa, Dynafit e Wild Country per uomo, donna e bambino. Nell'area Lounge potete dedicarvi alla lettura delle riviste di montagna e alla consultazione delle Guide ... |
 | Max Zipser | 'BIANCOGRAT' | SALEWA Chronicles 13. 12. 2013 09:03:07 As conditions for high alpine expeditions continued to be good till early summer, SALEWA Rider Max Zipser and his buddy Alexander Hoffmann decided to take a chance on the 'Biancograt'.The Biancograt is considered to be among the most beautiful routes in the whole Alps. ... |
 | SALEWA GORE-TEX® SURROUND Italiano 6. 03. 2014 17:43:19 http://escape.salewa.com Le calzature GORE-TEX® con tecnologia di prodotto SURROUND hanno una speciale fodera laminata GORE-TEX® che è integrata nella tomaia della scarpa e avvolge il piede, sopra e sotto. Grazie alla struttura della suola aperta, è possibile realizzare una scarpa totalmente... |
 | SALEWA GORE-TEX® SURROUND English 12. 03. 2014 11:57:19 http://www.salewa.com 'During adventure trips or daily life, GORE-TEX® footwear with SURROUNDProduct Technology provides perfect climate comfort - so not only do feet stay dry, theyalso stay nice and cool. The innovative sole structure on these shoes blends prominent... |
 | Stigmata - Simon Gietl - SALEWA 5. 03. 2018 18:22:49 What do you think? Is it climbable Simon? Andrea calls down. Thoughtful silence. Dont know, we would need to see. But I know one thing for sure. There is no other route there. No one has ever found a way through. I think we should go take a look.... |
 | San Martino di Castrozza | Salewa Get Vertical Winter 17-18 19. 03. 2018 20:46:59 Highlights from the Salewa Get Vertical in San Martino di Castrozza.For more on those intense mountain days: salewa.com/blog/where-the-mountains-live-ski-tour-in-the-pala-group/... |
 | per la Donna TV SPOT | Tecnologia GORE-TEX® SURROUND™ & SALEWA 24. 03. 2014 12:11:39 Tecnologia Gore-Tex Surround & SALEWA:informati: http://escape.salewa.comcompra online: http://goo.gl/7gJ0pSLa scarpa completamente traspirante pensata per il sole e per la pioggia: quando piove i piedi rimangono sempre asciutti e quando fa caldo i piedi rimangono piacevolmente freschi.... |
 | per l' Uomo TV SPOT | Tecnologia GORE-TEX® SURROUND™ & SALEWA 24. 03. 2014 12:15:08 Tecnologia Gore-Tex Surround & SALEWA:scopri la tecnologia: http://escape.salewa.comcompra online: http://goo.gl/7JiYvwLa scarpa completamente traspirante pensata per il sole e per la pioggia: quando piove i piedi rimangono sempre asciutti e quando fa caldo i piedi rimangono piacevolmente freschi.... |
 | SALEWA Sicherheitstraining 9. 04. 2014 12:31:12 Wer sich auf den Klettersteig begibt, sollte neben der richtigen Ausrüstung auch das gewisse Know-How mitbringen.Beim SALEWA Sicherheitstraining bereiten Dich unsere staatlich geprüften Bergführer auf den sicheren Drahtseilakt zum Gipfelglück vor. Erlebnisreichen Momenten in den Bergen steht somit n... |
 | Golden Gate route up El Capitan in Yosemite National Park - SALEWA Roger Schäli & David Hefti 11. 06. 2014 10:18:47 Yes, they did it! The Schäli-Hefti team worked superbly together, and kept their humour and nerve even in the most stressful situations. A dream came through for the two SALEWA athletes Roger Schäli and David Hefti in mid-May this year: a free ascent of the Golden Gate route up El Capitan in Yosemit... |
 | Salewa Air Fit 2.0 Carrying System 26. 06. 2018 14:00:03 The ALP TRAINER Series is our technical alpine hiking pack for two to three-day hikes, featuring our new AIR FIT 2.0 carrying system that is designed specifically to keep your back dry. It has 25% less surface area contact than our previous constructions and reduces contact without impairing load co... |
 | Salewa Contact Flow Fit 26. 06. 2018 14:00:03 Made from 100D nylon, the MTN TRAINER Series is designed for day hikes and via ferratas. Its patent-pending CONTACT FLOW FIT carrying system keeps the load close to the body, yet ensures that your back remains dry. It does this by allowing higher perspiration per cm2 than traditional constructions a... |
 | go/ - Loslassen /let 5. 08. 2014 14:31:49 The film is a tribute to the love of the mountains, to steep rock walls, but it is also about relationships between people like Rogers girlfriend Yuri, who as the daughter of the first man to climb the Eiger via the Japanese route, understands how mountain climber families live, think, hope, worry ... |
 | lassen/ - Loslassen /los 5. 08. 2014 15:08:11 Der Film erzählt in seinen knapp über 20 Minuten die Geschichte vom Arwa Spire (6193m) in Indien, den Roger im Jahre 2002 erstbegangen hat. Wo im Mai 2011 der Kameramann Daniel Ahnen bei einem Spaltensturz verunglückte und den Roger bei seiner Rückkehr zum Berg im September 2012 mit seinem Seilpartn... |
 | SALEWA Snowshoes Rocker 22. 08. 2014 16:12:50 SALEWA INTRODUCES INNOVATIVE ROCKER TECHNOLOGYCenturies-old snowshoe hiking is experiencing a boom. Thats because it opens the door for winter sport enthusiaststo discover their own fitness experience in the snowy mountains even without skis or snowboards. From... |
 | SALEWA Alpine Life Italiano 22. 08. 2014 16:12:50 Alpine Life http://alpinefile.salewa.comil fascino dell´atmosfera alpina, anche in cittàIl Loden e la lana cotta sono particolari tessutitipicamente alpini, originari dellAlto Adige.Naturali e di lunga durata, consentono di... |
 | SALEWA Puez TirolWool® Celliant® Hooded Women's Jacket 20. 08. 2018 17:36:27 A womens wind-resistant, water-repellent, warm, packable alpine hiking and trekking jacket with thermo-reflective TirolWool® Celliant® insulation to keep you warmer for longer.... |
 | SALEWA Ortles Stretch Hybrid Women's Jacket 20. 08. 2018 17:39:38 A womens thermal mid layer with superior wicking and breathability for active alpine use.... |
 | SALEWA Alpine Life deutsch 22. 08. 2014 16:31:39 Alpine Life http://alpinelife.salewa.com alpines Lebensgefühl für jeden TagAlpine Life I Winter 2014/15Loden und Walk sind einzigartige Stoffe typisch für die Berge. Diese natürlichen,... |
 | First Ascent of Tofana di Rozes (South Wall) “NO CREDIT” 2. 09. 2014 15:23:44 Die Tofana di Rozes (3225 m) ist das Wahrzeichen Cortinas.Die Südwand ragt nicht weniger als 800 Meter in die Höhe und bildet zusammen mit der guten Felsqualität eine Kombination die Klettererherzen höherschlagen lässt.... |
 | Polski | SALEWA i BMW Experience Days 17. 09. 2014 17:31:11 http://experiencedays.salewa.comVia ferrata oraz trekking w Zillertal: oto czego doświadczyli pierwsi zwycięzcy SALEWA i BMW Experience Days. Zagraj i ty!10 wydarzeń, 5 krajów BMW i SALEWA wystartuje jesienią podczas ONELIFETOLIVE Dni Doświadczenia (ang. Experience Days) w Niemczech i Austrii (4 w... |
 | Rückblick SALEWA Mountain Shop Grindelwald Sommer 2014 27. 10. 2014 16:39:41 Der SALEWA Mountain Shop Grindelwald hat diesen Sommer einiges erlebt. Mehr Informationen über uns findest du unter:http://www.salewa.ch/de/haendlersuche/store/salewa+mountain+shop+grindelwald... |
 | SALEWA TirolWool® Celliant® 2018 Short 30. 10. 2018 16:52:38 During stop-and-go activities in the winter, you spend a lot of your energy on maintaining the right body temperature for your own comfort. Our unique combination of Tirolwool® and Celliant® makes it possible for you to stay dry and warm. ... |
 | Don’t waste it | Climb to Ski Camp 2015: Enjoy it to the fullest! 25. 11. 2014 14:12:28 http://climbtoskicamp.salewa.com/ Climb to Ski Camp: for young and adventurous crowd. SALEWA athletes Björn Heregger, Luca Pandolfi and Arnaud Cottet will show the young up-and-comers what Climb to Ski means in a three-day ski camp: Inspired descents after strenuous hikes, lines that are only achiev... |
 | Non perdere l’occasione! Divertiti con noi - Climb to Ski Camp 2015 25. 11. 2014 14:47:25 http://climbtoskicamp.salewa.com/ Per i giovani avventurosi SALEWA ha creato il Climb to Ski Camp, un evento che li renderà felici dellarrivo dellinverno.Gli atleti SALEWA Björn Heregger, Luca Pandolfi e Arnaud Cottet mostrano ai giovani rider in un camp di tre giorni cosa significa Climb to Ski: di... |
 | SALEWA & BMW Experience Days 12. 01. 2015 17:49:37 BMW/SALEWA Experience Days in Germany and Austria (4 events), Italy (2 events), Poland (3 events) and Spain (1 event). All together, 200 participants (20 per event) will take part and will experience how much fun driving combined with outdoor activities can be ... |
 | SALEWA Alp Flow GTX 11. 02. 2015 16:41:37 The Alp Flow GTX keeps your feet dry and fresh all over. It features the innovative GORE-TEX® SURROUND technology, that lets your feet breathe even in critical areas like the ball of the foot without compromising total waterproofness. SALEWA´s own 3 Function System offers an unbeatable combination ... |
 | SALEWA Winter Train Backpack 22. 11. 2018 14:53:07 A robust, 26-litre ski mountaineering, speed hiking and mountain sports pack with a Contact Flow Fit carrying system and Split Shoulder Straps.Shop it here now: https://bit.ly/2Qs7xHt... |
 | Simon Gietl - Latok 1 - Heading Back - Part 1 - SALEWA 28. 11. 2018 10:01:46 Four tiny figures venture amidst the colossal and remote mountains of Karakorum. It is Simon Gietls, Thomas Huber, Yannick Boissenot, and Rainer Treppte. The destination is Latok I: a remote mountain, difficult and beautiful.... |
 | Logo re-launch 11. 02. 2015 17:08:22 2014: a new logo for the mountain sports specialistIt is distinctive in the sports industry: The powerful, majestic eagle with the bold SALEWA name underneath. Now, however, the time is ripe for an evolution in 2014. SALEWA is taking an essential step and is updating the well-known trademark. What b... |