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Deutsch | SALEWA Apex backpack
12. 02. 2015 08:24:35
Klein, leicht und schnell - der Apex 22 ist kompromisslos in Sachen Effizienz. Nach den Wünschen von SALEWA-Athlet Michi Wohlleben haben wir einen Rucksack in seiner simpelste Form entwickelt: dank seinem Contact Fit Tragesystem bleibt er nah am Körper und schränkt deine Bewegungsfreiheit nicht ein....
Deutsch | ISPO Award Winner | SALEWA Speed Ascent
12. 02. 2015 08:48:17
Es gibt Geschwindigkeit, die dir Angst einjagt und es gibt Geschwindigkeit, der du Vertrauen kannst. Mit einer zweireihigen Schnürung und einer überlappenden Zunge kannst du dieser Geschwindigkeit zu 100% vertrauen. Unsere Take-Off Technologie bringt deine Zehen in Position und das VIBRAM Rollingai...
ISPO Award Winner | SALEWA Speed Ascent
12. 02. 2015 08:59:10
There's speed that can scare you  and there's speed that you can trust. With double-row lacing and an overlapping tongue for perfect foothold, this is speed you can trust with your life  and you'll be going further with our own Take-Off technology, a pre-setted position for the toes, and VIBRAM's R...
Latok 1 - Heading Back - Simon Gietl - SALEWA
30. 11. 2018 18:43:14
To have ambitious dreams and make them come true is difficult. But there is something even more difficult: to have ambitious dreams and not make them come true. Read the full story at
Welcoming Anna Stöhr to the Salewa athlete team
2. 01. 2019 16:56:19
In celebration of the New Year, we are pleased to announce that Anna Stöhr will be joining the Salewa athlete team! After a tough year that shaped her as a person and as a climber, Anna is ready to tackle new vertical challenges, and we are proud to be on her side along the way. Please join us in we...
Français | Outdoor Industry award | SALEWA Wildfire Pro
12. 02. 2015 09:09:21
'Avec sa semelle VIBRAM® Megagrip, sa combinaison de microfibre et de cuir sur le dessus, sa technologie Alpine-Fit anti-ampoules et sa languette cousue sur les côtés,la Wildfire Pro est une chaussure qui vous permet de randonner et grimper aussi facilement qu'avec une chaussure de rando et un chaus...
Italiano | Outdoor Industry award | SALEWA Wildfire Pro
12. 02. 2015 09:11:43
La suola VIBRAM® Megagrip, l'Alpine Fit BLISTER-FREE , la linguetta sovrapposta e la combinazione di pelle e microfibre della tomaia rendono la Wildfire Pro una scarpa perfetta per la corsa, l'escursionismo e l'arrampicata: la indossi a casa e ti porta fino in vetta....
Deutsch | SALEWA Pedroc
12. 02. 2015 09:25:22
Wenn es nass, windig und dein Zuhause in weiter Ferne ist, zählt vor allem funktioneller Schutz. Leicht und flexibel, mit ultimativer Atmungsaktivität, eignet sich die Pedroc Hybrid Jacke perfekt für schnelle Hiker, die nur Platz für die beste Ausrüstung haben....
12. 02. 2015 09:29:29
When it's wet, windy, and you're a long way from home, functional protection is what matters most. Lightweight and maneuver-friendly, with ultimate breathability, the Pedroc Hybrid Jacket is built exclusively for fast and light hikers who only have room in their pack for perfect gear....
SALEWA Apex Wall Backpack
20. 02. 2019 15:54:38
Our Apex Wall is a lightweight, mountaineering pack designed for full days with dawn starts, steep approaches, and strenuous technical ascents and descents. To allow greater airflow to your back and prevent the risk of overcooling, it features our patented Contact Flow Fit carrying system. Engineere...
20. 02. 2019 15:54:42
Want a tough, technical mountaineering boot which is still lightweight? Our solution is the Raven 3 GTX with its hard-wearing fabric upper and waterproof GORE-TEX® protection. The crampon-compatible Vibram® WrapThread Combi sole offers optimum grip, traction and surefootedness over rough terrain, wh...
SALEWA Quick Screw Belaying
12. 02. 2015 17:33:21
SALEWA Quick Screw Rap-off
12. 02. 2015 17:33:51
SALEWA Brandclip 30 sec
26. 02. 2015 09:57:03
SALEWA is a truly authentic mountain sports brand that is dedicated to constantly innovate, improve and optimize gear and services for mountaineers and mountain enthusiasts even for high altitude experiences. With a meaningful use of latest technology as well as a responsible use of resources we suc...
Deutsch | SALEWA Brandclip 30 sec
26. 02. 2015 10:01:44
SALEWA ist eine authentische Bergsportmarke, die innovativeLösungen für ambitionierte Bergsportler und Menschen mit viel Leidenschaft und Affinität zu den Bergen bietet. Dank langjähriger Expeditionserfahrung gilt das auch im hochalpinen Bereich. Bei der Produktentwicklung setzt der Multispezialist ...
SALEWA Alpine Climbing Summer 19
26. 03. 2019 19:36:15
Alpine Climbing can be anything from a historical rite of passage to bold, modern lines. We are not solely focused on grades and performance, its the adventure and the style of climbing that drives us. Whatever your motivation, our strong and light equipment lets you focus purely on the ascent....
Red Bull X-Alps 2019
2. 04. 2019 12:19:31
Founded in 2003 by Austrian pilots Hannes Arch and Ulrich Grill, the Red Bull X-Alps is an unparalleled test of human endurance.Salewa is main sponsor of the event since 2015. As a brand with a clear focus on the next generation of progressive mountaineers, who blend different sporting activities, i...
Italiano | SALEWA Brandclip 30 sec
3. 03. 2015 12:23:51
SALEWA è un autentico brand di sport di montagna, alla costante ricerca di soluzioni innovative, per migliorare e ottimizzare lattività di alpinisti ambiziosi e in generale di tutti coloro che condividono una forte passione per la montagna, anche nel settore dellalpinismo dalta quota. Nello sviluppo...
Español | ISPO Award winner | SALEWA Speed Ascent
3. 03. 2015 14:04:30
Existen velocidades que pueden llegar a dar miedo - y otras que dan confianza. Con el acordonado doble y la lengüeta solapada para un ajuste perfecto puedes confiar al 100% en la velocidad. Nuestra tecnología Take-Off coloca los dedos de los pies en la posición adecuada y el sistema VIBRAM Rollinga...
Karajini - Experience Karijini National Park
10. 03. 2015 14:54:35
Margaret River - Experience Cape to Cape Track
10. 03. 2015 15:08:27
Red Bull X-Alps 2019 | Chrigel Maurer
4. 04. 2019 11:04:07
'I won it five times, and I'll try to win it again'Find out more about Chrigel's 6th X-ALps at
Red Bull X-Alps 2019 | Aaron Durogati
4. 04. 2019 11:04:10
Red BullX-Alps is not about winning a competition, it also means fighting for your dreams!Find out more at
Italiano | SALEWA Alp Flow GXT
18. 03. 2015 08:54:41
La scarpa Alp Flow GTX mantiene i vostri piedi freschi e asciutti. L'innovativa tecnologia GORE-TEX® Surround lascia respirare i vostri piedi anche nelle aree critiche quali l'avampiede - senza compromettere l'impermeabilità . Il sistema esclusivo SALEWA a 3 Funzioni offre una combinazione imbattibi...
Play and Win - Get Vertical
19. 03. 2015 09:01:46
http://getvertical.salewa.comGET VERTICAL: WIN A BASE CAMP EXPERIENCE WITH SALEWA The 19th March marks the start of the online competition get vertical, where SALEWA, the brand leader in mountaineering clothing and equipment, will offer 100 lucky winners the chance to enjoy a vertical adventure ami...
Alp Flow (français) | SALEWA et Gore-Tex Surround
10. 04. 2015 15:31:29
Le cuir nubuck souple et la technologie GORE-TEX® Surround imperméable permettent aux pieds de respirer lors des montées intenses. À noter encore la semelle Vibram®, la forme anatomique et le laçage précis, qui font de lAlp Flow GTX un modèle idéal pour les randonnées alpines exigeantes. Découvrez l...
SALEWA Shoperöffnung Linz
22. 04. 2015 09:47:43
Im April wurde in Linz ein neuer SALEWA Store eröffnet. Der TV-Bericht vom LT1 fasst mit tollen Aufnahmen einen aufregenden Moment für den Store zusammen. Kommt vorbei!
Pale di San Martino | SALEWA Get Vertical FW1819
3. 05. 2019 12:30:05
If you wanna make a good photo of ski touring group you need to have a plan, and make some sideways while hiking up. Not to mention some extra #getvertical meters. What about if you plan to do a three days touring event in the heart of the Dolomites? Than you really need to make some next level plan...
SALEWA Speed Hiking Summer 19
12. 06. 2019 11:19:37
Speed hiking: rapid hiking, moving quickly for long distances over technical, rocky terrain both on and off trail means improved physical fitness, increased energy, and inspiration for living a healthier life. Traveling fast means that you can cover greater distances and see more in the same time pe...
Traverse of Skye's mighty Cuillin Ridge (full version) | SALEWA
27. 04. 2015 15:36:28
The May 2015 issue of Trail magazine features an article by Oli Reed about his traverse of Skye's mighty Cuillin Ridge.Oli wasn't alone on the ridge, though - naturally he had a guide with him: SALEWA sponsored climber Paddy Cave (MIC) of Mountain Circles....
Roger Schäli's 20-Sekunden SALEWA Shivo GORE-TEX® Man Jacket -Review
18. 05. 2015 10:46:28
So funktionstüchtig ist der Reißverschluss der SALEWA Shivo GORE-TEX® Man Jacket also - auch einhändig!Danke für die Demonstration, Roger!Mehr Infos zur leichte, wasserdichten Shivo GORE-TEX® Man Jacket für den vielseitigen Einsatz am Berg unter:
The winners - Red Bull X-Alps 2015
27. 07. 2015 10:44:38
'Four-time champion Christian Maurer (SUI1) secured his win of the worlds toughest adventure race with the traditional flight to the landing float in Monaco bay after 8d 4h 37 min. Second to arrive was Sebastian Huber (GER3), competing for the first time after an extraordinary race performance.'...
L'uomo delle Tre Cime Trailer | Christoph Hainz
27. 07. 2015 16:54:24
Christoph Hainz è indubbiamente uno tra gli alpinisti più versatili del suo tempo; il suo nome viene immancabilmente associato a molte montagne, in particolare alle Dolomiti e soprattutto alle Tre Cime. ...
Product Explaination | BACKPACK | Apex Wall 32 | SALEWA
11. 10. 2019 14:07:06
Apex Wall 32 is a perfect backpack, the carrying system is made in a way to reduce contact surface to increase the ventilation with the side air channels.The Apex Wall is fitted with roll top closure. Direct side access with a two-way-zip enable you to rapidly access the content and quickly reach th...
Grohmann Hainz, Tre Cime di Lavaredo, SALEWA | Christoph Hainz
16. 10. 2019 16:50:05
Christoph Hainz new route on the Lavaredo three Peaks in the Dolomites...
SALEWA Sesvenna DST (italiano)
27. 07. 2015 17:32:49
Rimanete al caldo e all'asciutto con Sesvenna, la nostra nuova linea di scialpinismo. Di stile, ma altamente funzionale, unisce materiale schoeller® high tech con i valori tradizionali. Sviluppato secondo il sofisticato sistema di body mapping e studiato specificamente per lo scialpinismo, Sesvenna...
27. 07. 2015 17:33:09
Stay dry and warm with our new Sesvenna ski touring apparel. Functional yet stylish, it unites innovative schoeller® high-tech material with established values. Combined with sophisticated body mapping, and especially designed for ski touring, Sesvenna will keep you protected from the elements!...
SALEWA Get Vertical Basecamp Garmisch-Partenkirchen
27. 07. 2015 17:49:18
Get Vertical Basecamp #1 in the Zugspitz-Arena / Bayern-Tirol, Garmisch PartenkirchenJune 26-28 2015...
SALEWA Antelao Gore-tex® C-KNIT jacket review by Arnaud Cottet
28. 07. 2015 11:52:49
Challenging trails that involve some climbing are no obstacle for adventurers with a passion for freeskiing. The lightweight yet tough Antelao GTX C-Knit Jacket was designed with these adrenaline junkies in mind. This water- and windproof, breathable, 3-layer laminate jacket is extremely comfortable...
Interview - SALEWA - Arnaud Cottet
8. 11. 2019 09:55:34
From freestyle races to pure passion for skitouring. Arnaud spent his life between travelling and skiing new peaks. He spaced from extreme skiing in Alaska to Afghanistans breath-taking mountains. He made the most of New Zealand and visited the classic Dolomites....
Interview - SALEWA - Anna Stôhr
8. 11. 2019 10:39:39
Anna is born and raised in Innsbruck, in the heart of the Alps, after having made history in climbing, now she challenges herself by facing complex multi-pitch climbs and pushing her limits in sport climbing. When she is not busy climbing somewhere, she is either skiing or riding her mountain bike....
VI+ - V - SALEWA Alpine Lodge IV
3. 08. 2015 11:14:46
The Alpine Lodge IV, V and VI+ are Alpine Family Tents. Inspired by the expedition tents, they have no aspiration to be used in high mountains. The tents are made for people, who were used to be active in the mountains, but now have as challenge to face the valleys with their family, in a relaxed e...
3. 08. 2015 11:44:16
With the Denali product line, you can find all you need. A versatile and stable dome tent with effective ventilation, the Denali is large and rugged enough for trekking tours. Still, it's lightweight and small enough to pack along when you head out on a bike trip. You get our SRS system, storage poc...
SALEWA Get Vertical Basecamp Chamonix
5. 08. 2015 15:23:24
Get Vertical Basecamp #2 in Chamonix, France at the Mont BlancJuly 9-12, 2015...
SALEWA Get Vertical Basecamp Grindelwald
5. 08. 2015 15:28:38
Get Vertical Basecamp #3 in Grindelwald, Switzerland at the EigerJuly 23-26, 2015...
Salewa 3000
12. 12. 2019 11:01:11
784 Dreitausender in Österreich! rWelchen Gipfel Besteigst du?#salewa3000...
Salewa 3000 - Paul Guschlbauer - SALEWA
17. 12. 2019 17:01:35
784 Dreitausender in Österreich! rWelchen Gipfel Besteigst du?...
IFSC World Youth Championships | Rockmaster 2015
25. 08. 2015 11:17:21
Once again, from 28 August to 6 September, the small town of Arco in Italys Garda Trentino region will host the Rock Master Festival, an unmissable event for all rock climbers.The 2015 edition promises to be a special edition dedicated to youth climbing: the IFSC World Youth Championships will be he...
inspired by the tradition of transhumance | E-WOOLUTION
1. 09. 2015 11:30:29
E-WOOLUTION Wool keeps warm, protects, looks great and inspires. This winter 2015, SALEWA not only gets off to a great start with woolly products but also with a campaign that showcases the versatile material in communications and marketing 'When you delve deeper into the topic of wool, a fascinatin...
SALEWA Athlete Barbara Büschlen climbs Pschüttigütti in Ueschinen
17. 09. 2015 15:19:26
In 2014, Barbara Büschlen succeeded in climbing the route 'Pschüttigütti' 8a + / 8b in Ueschinen. The route was set up by Jürg von Känel and Hanspeter Sigrist pulled off the first free ascend in 1988, rating it 8b. (Topo today 8a + / 8b). Barbara wasnt even born at that time. Ever since she had been...
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