| 4k Video Ultra | Breathtaking Nature bath with Relaxing Music | Horizon View in FINLAND 7. 02. 2023 13:06:22 Finland has more than 40 national parks, and theyre scattered throughout the countrys islands, lakes, forests, peat lands and fells. Theres even one just 45 minutes from Helsinkis city centre and airport. Each park showcases the local areas environment, and many have landscapes that include rapids, ... |
 | 4k Video Ultra | Charming Towns in Europe bath with Relaxing Music | European Towns 18. 02. 2023 14:00:17 Charming Towns in Europe bath with Relaxing Musicif you like this video, please leave a like and subscribe. Thanks for listening & watching, Richard | Relaxation FilmDonate:https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/relaxationfilm... |
 | MTB - Mount Seymour, North Vancouver, BC - Empress 28. 01. 2018 05:51:45 Good lap with Braden. Empress is one heck of a trail to ride in the wet. Steep, slabby, fun tech; it's a shame it's so short! Also this is sort of a camera and gimbal test, since I haven't been able to get it out in the rain for the past month. Any comments or criticisms are appreciated.... |
 | MTB - Burke Mountain, Coquitlam, BC - Upper Elevator 7. 02. 2018 15:00:06 It's hard to describe just how steep this trail is. Basically, when you see my chin, there is no way slowing down is an option. I mean c'mon, who wouldn't choose to ride a trail appropriately named 'Elevator' in the wet? Following Braden and Dangerous Dave down, who both have more confidence in the ... |
 | Rupert is the Perfect Trail for All Skill Levels 11. 02. 2018 15:00:04 One of the most popular trails in Squamish, and for good reason! Rupert is an absolutely gem of a trail, and it's length combined with all of the fun features make it an excellent trail to bomb down! Here's me trying my best to keep up to Braden and not have a heart attack. Enjoy!... |
 | MTB - Alice Lake, Squamish, BC - Treasure Trail 14. 02. 2018 15:00:05 For the impatient: the real fun begins at around 2:15. My first ever ride down the famous Treasure Trail in beautiful slabby Squamish, featuring madman Braden hitting all of the 'fun' lines. Definitely a change of pace from the previous video due to the insanity that is this trail. On a related note... |
 | MTB - Alice Lake, Squamish, BC - In N Out Burger to Bearly Adequate 18. 02. 2018 15:00:02 Have you ever ridden a trail so engaging that you forget how to form sentences halfway down? Here's three and a half minutes of gorgeous Squamish slabs, at sunset no less. Thanks for the train Braden, and my apologies for launching rocks at you at the end! The lap is In N Out Burger to Wizard Sleeve... |
 | MTB - Alice Lake, Squamish, BC - Value Added 25. 02. 2018 15:00:00 Honestly, probably the trail we were least excited to explore this day, but it ended up being one of the best trails in the area. Two crazy rolls at 2:40 and 4:50, as you can probably tell by my (really excited) reaction after the second one haha. Also a flat tire from me and a juicy over the bars f... |
 | MTB - Burke Mountain, Coquitlam, BC - Ridden Art to Recycle 28. 02. 2018 15:00:01 The last of the squeaky brake videos in my arsenal! Recycled is probably my favourite trail out here. It's just so calming, mellow and flowy. Apologies for the bumped gimbal at the top of Ridden Art, I was doing my best to keep up to Braden and Dangerous Dave and stay alive that filming came as the ... |
 | MTB - Burke Mountain, Coquitlam, BC - Horney Beaver to Hustler 4. 03. 2018 15:00:09 It's not always about who's the fastest down the hill, sometimes the best rides are barely even rides at all. Laughing so hard my stomach hurt with Geoff and Jess! Definitely some Ontario vibes to this video.... |
 | MTB - Galbraith, Bellingham, WA - Atomic Dog 18. 03. 2018 14:00:02 Training Paul down what I believe to be his favourite trail. Definitely a struggle to keep up to him! Shout outs to Paul for the ride invite and tour of the trails down here, haha. #norcobicyclesSubscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdIZHBeg8wQLrdGiPXDqeEw?sub_confirmation=1... |
 | MTB - Galbraith, Bellingham, WA - SST to Oriental Express 21. 03. 2018 14:00:04 Train! Following David down two excellent Galbraith trails for the first time with Elliot, Braden, Greg and Paul further ahead. A very nice finale to a huge 12 person ride. Lots more to come! #norcobicycles... |
 | Pleasure Trail used to be Loamer 25. 03. 2018 15:00:04 The latest in greatest in Squamish, Pleasure Trail! SORCA was generous enough to give me permission to post this run through the trail, so please respect this trail by staying off it when it's wet (there are great alternative trails at the top that handle water far better than Pleasure Trail does). ... |
 | MTB - Galbraith, Bellingham, WA - Evolution to Unemployment Line 1. 04. 2018 15:00:02 A minor hiccup at the end of Evo will show you why videos might be sparse over the coming weeks... I think you'll be hard-pressed to find two trails that are listed together as frequently as these two, and for damn good reason. Join me as we form a 12 person #norcobicycles train down two of the most... |
 | MTB - Mount Seymour, North Vancouver, BC - Severed D 15. 04. 2018 15:00:06 The two minute lap that may have sold me on 29ers. Super fun to rip down Middle Severed on the gearbox machine, probably one of the fastest times I've ever clocked down this section too. I'm still in recovery mode so uploads may be sparse for the near future!.... |
 | My First Enduro Race 29. 04. 2018 23:31:11 Bam, back in action! I haven't raced a proper race in almost a decade, so in this video you get to watch me struggle to time in and out, and even go over the bars on Kirkford (around 8:00)! Turned out to be an amazing day all around with a super fun post-race social. Glad to be back on the bike agai... |
 | Bobsled is the Most Popular Trail in the World 2. 05. 2018 15:00:06 Hot off the first fiver the gang decided to do a cool down lap of Bobsled. I know this trail is overshot, but the conditions have never been better, I have a sweet new bell, and Thadeus' shirt was too good to pass up. Nice!... |
 | MTB - Mount Fromme, North Vancouver, BC - Ladies Only to Big Stupid 6. 05. 2018 15:00:05 Probably one of my favourite trails on the shore, Ladies Only is an awesome mix of both techy and flowy woodwork. A true classic really. Uncut following Braden through Ladies (including the famous root step which really makes this a proper double black), then following Owen and Braden through Big St... |
 | MTB - Burke Mountain, Coquitlam, BC - Lower Elevator 9. 05. 2018 15:00:02 Thadeus holds the fastest (correction: held the fastest ;)) time down Lower Elevator of anyone at work, so naturally I had to follow him down it to see what all of the fuss was about. Short and sweet trail!... |
 | MTB - Mount Seymour, North Vancouver, BC - 2018 NSMBA Fiver Race 2 12. 05. 2018 07:03:58 Bonus video to the usual schedule! This race series is a lot of fun. I'm also a slow poke compared to some of the people that were in this race. John came 4th (!), Braden came 7th and I came 19th. You know, I'll take it! Wicked after party which comes as a surprise to nobody. If you recognize me the... |
 | Mow It Down holds Special Place in My Heart 13. 05. 2018 15:00:00 Edit 2019-05-12: Apparently this trail is sanctioned now, so I've changed the title accordingly.The first trail I ever rode out west just so happens to be one of my favourite trails around. Super fun, not terribly steep, but lots of techy woodwork, skinnies and one crux roll in the middle. So much f... |
 | MTB - Vedder Mountain, Cultus Lake, BC - Tri Power 16. 05. 2018 15:00:05 Almost pushed to not bother with this trail due to everything I read about it, but I'm certainly glad we did! Ripping soft trails through clear cuts with Braden, pre-riding for the Enduro (which has probably already passed by the time this goes public).... |
 | Dale's Trail ridden by completely unrelated Dale 23. 05. 2018 15:00:00 How often do you get to ride a trail that literally has your name on it? Well, for me, fairly often. Take a ride down Dale's Trail, including the janky rock roll, and a bit of a surprise at the end...guess I'll have to come back to film Forever After another day (and with another tire)!... |
 | MTB - Mount Seymour, North Vancouver, BC - 2018 NSMBA Fiver Race 3 27. 05. 2018 15:00:00 Top ten, oh yeah! Was feeling pretty good on the bike for a few days before the race so I'm quite pleased with the result. Other than a little crash on the middle of the first stage (3:35) it was a super solid run. Strava says I hold the second fastest time ever from the start of the first stage to ... |
 | MTB - Mount Fromme, North Vancouver, BC - Lower Expresso to Pennzoil 30. 05. 2018 15:00:06 Some of the fastest and flowiest trails on the mountain, always fun to finish on after a couple hours of old school jank. Following Braden as per usual and other than the drop (whoops) I think I kept up pretty well! Probably my favourite trail out if you park anywhere near the tennis courts. PS; who... |
 | MTB - Burke Mountain, Coquitlam, BC - Recycle 6. 06. 2018 15:00:02 Easily one of my favourite trails on the west coast. It has a great personality of flowy, mellow jumps and bumps. I know I've already uploaded a video that includes this trail, but I figured it should be done justice with the 'race run' you see here. Seriously, I'll probably upload at least a video ... |
 | MTB - Mount Fromme, North Vancouver, BC - 2018 NSMBA Fiver Race 4 10. 06. 2018 15:00:01 A bit more technical this time around, I thought that would've played to my advantage but apparently not (16/159)! Very fun course with no stack-ups and what felt like a leisurely pace down the hill. No rain which was probably for the better given my confidence in the wet. And another awesome apres ... |
 | MTB - Vedder Mountain, Cultus Lake, BC - Black Forest HAM 13. 06. 2018 15:00:00 A chill lap down what is probably my favourite trail on the mountain, Black Forest HAM (also known as Black Hawk Down, depending on who you talk to). Not gunning for any speed records on this one, just enjoying the flow of this awesome trail. I can see why you aren't allowed to pre-ride this one the... |
 | MTB - Vedder Mountain, Cultus Lake, BC - 2Cents 20. 06. 2018 15:00:05 The Trailforks description puts it best: 'It's flow time! The trail features fast bermed corners, a few small hits and rollers throughout. It lacks steeps or tech, and is a great warm-up lap.'Trailforks: https://www.trailforks.com/trails/2cents/... |
 | MTB - Mount Fromme, North Vancouver, BC - 2018 NSMBA Fiver Race 5 24. 06. 2018 15:00:04 Now this was an awesome day! Super fun techy race course in dry conditions, followed by some big trains (on some AWESOME trails) out to the après. If this doesn't count as at least a 9/10 day then I honestly don't know what does. Shout outs to Andrew, John, Braden and Tim, you guys are all insane. H... |
 | MTB - Burke Mountain, Coquitlam, BC - Deliverance 27. 06. 2018 15:00:07 Steep tech anyone? This trail is very 'Burke' and as a result is super fun. As usual it's a lot steeper than the camera shows blah blah blah. Get out there and give it a shot! Thanks for the tow in Thadeus, those were some fast features!... |
 | MTB - Vedder Mountain, Cultus Lake, BC - R.E.F.R. 4. 07. 2018 15:00:05 Vedder's sole double black. It wasn't that steep...until it suddenly, suddenly was. If it had been even a touch moist on this day that would have made for one hell of a chute at the end. Either way it gets the blood flowing!... |
 | MTB - Mount Seymour, North Vancouver, BC - 2018 NSMBA Fiver Race 6 8. 07. 2018 15:00:05 It doesn't always go to plan, but that doesn't mean it has to end horribly (although John and Andrew almost crashed each other out on our victory lap after the race! Watch for it at the end...). Still a fun race/ride and an awesome parking lot world championship event at the apres. To the next next ... |
 | MTB - Whistler Bike Park, Whistler, BC - Crank It Up 11. 07. 2018 15:00:03 The Ontario boys conquer the best bike park in the world! Alastair takes me down the top half and Thomas the second. Thomas sends it (a bit) too deep halfway down and has a nice spill; almost ran over him. No bears on this lap though...... |
 | MTB - Earth - Secret Loamer 8 15. 07. 2018 15:00:06 By far the scariest trail I've ever encountered, I decided to toss this one over to Braden and John to record. When they both decide to walk a feature you know it's some serious stuff. Well done boys, we'll have to ride this one again soon! It's a good gauge of progress for sure.... |
 | MTB - Mount Fromme, North Vancouver, BC - Lower Ladies 18. 07. 2018 15:00:01 All aboard the old school jank train! A nice cooldown lap to finish an awesome Fromme ride with Braden and John. I remember walking down 50% of this trail at the end of last year, the confidence is coming...... |
 | MTB - Flims, Switzerland - Krete Nagens 29. 07. 2018 15:00:12 I'm back! After a week off of the youtubes, I come bearing exotic videos from a land far far away. This time I follow @caro_gehrig and Bals (let me know your IG tag if you see this!) down their home trails of Flims in the Swiss Alps. Amazing stuff, just see for yourself... For the impatient, the tru... |
 | MTB - Lenzerheide, Switzerland - Älpliseetrail 1. 08. 2018 15:00:07 Here's one of the most amazing trails I've ever ridden as far as views go. Absolutely crazy how big and vast these views are. The trail quality is pretty good on this one too, thanks for the recommendation Caro! For the impatient the actual trail starts somewhere around 4:50, everything before this ... |
 | MTB - Mount Fromme, North Vancouver, BC - 2018 NSMBA Fiver Race 8 Chainless 5. 08. 2018 19:34:58 In this hilarious episode you get to watch me ride slowly through a forest while I constantly smile at how awesome this is. I really need to do this more as It showed me how much speed I could be carrying on this bike. Enjoy me struggle through this chainless fiesta! (Sorry about missing Fiver #7 bu... |
 | There is Nothing quite like Imonator 12. 08. 2018 15:00:01 I like and would generally consider myself to be pretty good at slow speed tech which involves trialsy-moves and accurate wheel placement. However I would also say my balance on two wheels is pretty bad, so I set out a challenge for myself to clean Imonator, returning top the top of the trail for ev... |
 | - Enduro but with cows 19. 08. 2018 15:00:01 If you're going to watch anything, I highly recommend the 8:45 section for some unique trail features... Nice and technical overall, happy to have stumbled upon this trail based solely on it's black diamond Trailforks status.... |
 | MTB - Lenzerheide, Switzerland - Sanaspans 2. 09. 2018 15:00:05 Another somewhat hidden gem of Lenzerheide. More technical and with more varied scenery when compared to Älpliseetrail. Shoutouts to Caro Gehrig for the recommendation as it was well worth it! Don't worry, there will be more BC content coming soon, I'm just trying to figure out if uploads are going ... |
 | MTB - Mount Sproatt, Whistler, BC - Happy Hour 9. 09. 2018 15:00:05 Crazy to think that this is basically my back yard now. Probably my favourite trail of the whole LOTS loop, Happy Hour is a fun out and back with the best view of the whole trail system. A bit of moisture would have been nice but I'd take dust over smoke any day. Hope you enjoy this chill lap each w... |
 | My Favourite Trail in the Alps 16. 09. 2018 15:00:02 Man, this was a good find. This was the one day of the trip I didn't pre-plan or book any accommodations for...and it was probably the best riding of the whole two weeks. Rode this the Friday before the EWS race so the course was taped and read to go. The trail map and directions for this bike park ... |
 | MTB - Mount Seymour, North Vancouver, BC - Corkscrew to Pingu 23. 09. 2018 15:00:01 Fall is here, nothing like a chill lap of Seymour to finish up the work day. Shout-outs to Andrew and Jay for being fast and fun to watch (and to Cam and his clapped out Giant, haha). Absolutely pristine conditions these days, and the work done on Pingu is awesome!... |
 | A Trail Built From Glued-Together Rocks 27. 09. 2018 16:29:55 Surprise! This is what happens when you have a pile of loose rocks and some construction adhesive laying around. I love this slow speed tech stuff and am so happy I was in town for near perfect conditions. This time dad tows me through South-African-Shaun's rock wall (huge shoutout!). Not quite your... |
 | A Wooden Rollercoaster in the Swiss Alps 30. 09. 2018 21:21:08 Saw a few videos of this one before the trip and had to check it out since I was in the area. Shoutouts to Alex for towing me into everything. And apologies I didn't hit some of the bigger jumps blind, that goes against my rules and I only had one run! Enjoy this piece of art.... |
 | MTB - Burke Mountain, Coquitlam, BC - CRC KOM 14. 10. 2018 16:30:01 Here's a video that has jumped the upload queue as it was only filmed yesterday night. This trail used to be pretty bad: loose rocks, downed trees and way too many weeds on the way out. It's since been cleaned up (thanks!) and it's now a ton of fun, and also very pretty. Figured I'd put my name into... |
 | MTB - Twin Ponds, Cambridge, Ontario - Parabola 21. 10. 2018 15:00:11 Most people dread this trail at the end of a full loop as it's without a doubt the hardest one the system, but I absolutely love it. These were the closest trails to me growing up so I've certainly had my share of practice laps already. Watch me chase down my dad and breathe heavily through some awe... |
 | MTB - Lago di Garda, Italia - Altissimo - 601 28. 10. 2018 14:00:03 High in the sky above the beautiful Lake Garda lie rocks. So, many, rocks. Endless, bone-shaking rocks. A shout-out to Shane from Golden who I met on the shuttle up and rode down the whole way with (if you happen to watch this I hope you're enjoying Oslo!). Enjoy listening me butcher 'ciao' to the l... |