| Manhandler, The Trail Revamped into Glory 7. 06. 2020 15:00:09 I've been riding this loop a lot this year due to how convenient it is for me (note: the climb trail is probably the hardest around and requires a high level of fitness, you've been warned). Every single time I ride Manhandler something major has been added or changed and it's absolutely mint. Huge ... |
 | 5th Horseman is Seriously Gnarly North Shore Trail 14. 06. 2020 15:00:22 What a cool trail. I would say this trail definitely lives up to its extremely gnarly reputation. The Trailforks description says 'about as difficult as it gets on Cypress' (and by extension, the shore in general). It's not often that I'm unable to get through the ride around but I have zero shame o... |
 | Teeter Totters and Skinnies are Still Awesome 21. 06. 2020 15:00:18 That janky teeter totter though...hahaha, denied. Pretty fun trail that feels like it descends through the years as you lose elevation. Looks like it's being revamped so thanks to the builders for that. I've seen a lot of people uploading videos of this trail in the past two months and figured I'd t... |
 | MTB - Burke Mountain, Vancouver, BC - Upper Elevator 28. 06. 2020 15:00:14 (EDIT: yes, this video used to contain Deliverance, but the builders reached out to me asking for it to be removed as it is not wet weather friendly. The Trailforks description will be updated to reflect this.)... |
 | MTB - Alice Lake, Squamish, BC - Miki's Magic 5. 07. 2020 15:00:02 A very fun new flow trail that has been built in memory of Mikayla Martin, a well-decorated Squamish skier and mountain biker.'Mikis Magic, built in honour of the incredible Mikayla Martin, was a true community effort. Were thankful we were able to contribute to this legacy. Dream Wizards, SORCA Tra... |
 | Boundary is Tight, Technical and Awesome 12. 07. 2020 15:00:12 Holy moly that was a good time. Nothing like a bit of after work north shore jank at speed to keep you awake. Wish the entrance to the question mark bridge hadn't been blue-squared last year but the rest of trail is still absolutely phenomenal. An excellent 2020 continues and this run speaks for its... |
 | MTB - Earth - Racing into the Darkness 19. 07. 2020 15:00:07 We managed to almost run out of daylight on one of the longest days of the year since the trails were running so well. Not the worst problem to have! It was getting quite dark out and I suppose we had to use up our stored Fiver energy somewhere. Genuinely impressed at how well the Hero 8 dealt with ... |
 | VanCan Teaches Me How to Ride Big Jumps 26. 07. 2020 15:00:04 Go check out VanCan! https://www.youtube.com/c/VanCanThis one's been on the list for a while, I've just never found the confidence to hit anything after the step down. This was our second ride of the day (the first was full of absolutely absurd skinnies, you'll see that one up soon...). The warm-up ... |
 | MTB - Burke Mountain, Coquitlam, BC - CRC KOM 2. 08. 2020 15:00:00 I swear CRC just keeps getting better every year. A ton of work has been done to the top section and it has been running really well recently. I know that I uploaded a video of this trail back in 2018 (coincidentally the KOM at the time too!), but I've been inspired to give it a fast effort, and I f... |
 | Lord of the Squirrels is Stunningly Beautiful Lap 9. 08. 2020 15:00:11 WOW. Every single time I ride this loop it blows my mind just a little bit more. Yeah, there are several trails that are better trails than this one, but the experience of climbing into the alpine from the valley is like no other. Truly a bucket list ride that I can't get enough of. Also a good test... |
 | 7th Secret is Technical North Shore Classic 16. 08. 2020 15:00:00 This was the first ever trail that I rode when I moved out to BC, and has been a staple of more or less every Fromme ride I do. When I looked at the gangler for the first time I distinctly remember saying to myself 'there is no way I will ever ride that stupidness'. Oh how things change... Enjoy!... |
 | Ladies Only, Lower Ladies and Imonator - The MTB Sing-Along Challenge 30. 08. 2020 15:00:14 Apparently I have a very particular set of skills... Life's too short not to have some ridiculous fun, so I hope you enjoy watching this one as much as I enjoyed filming it. It's a genuinely interesting challenge as it really stretches your ability to multitask and shows you what your riding looks l... |
 | The Steepest Trail I've Ever Ridden 6. 09. 2020 15:00:04 'and then it got better', the trail. Every so often a trail comes along that just completely blows your mind. You can't stop thinking about it and itch to go back for more as soon as you're at the bottom. This is that trail for me, an extremely steep Euro-turn loamer that genuinely makes you feel li... |
 | There's Nothing Like Riding in the Alpine 13. 09. 2020 15:00:25 Heard about this one for years and can confirm, worth every minute of the slog up! Definitely more of a cool adventure than a phenomenal riding trail but it makes the bucket list either way. I'd go as far as saying this is possible the best bidirectional BC trail I've ever ridden...behind maybe Fris... |
 | MTB - Frisby, Revelstoke, BC - UFC (Ultimate Frisby Connector) 20. 09. 2020 15:00:01 I never expect much from a trail that has 'connector' in its name, but UFC turned out to be awesome! Fast and flowy almost the entire way down. UFC only managed to claim one tire and one rim in total, and I'm sure you can spot where both of those occurred haha. Not too shabby for a sightread ride th... |
 | MTB - Bootleg Mountain, Kimberley, BC - Snow Mexican 27. 09. 2020 15:00:00 Pretty darn spicy and exposed for a single black, but I dig it! First time ever riding this trail so I definitely missed a few of the optional lines (look before you leap, no shame). The slabs were grippy and the moondust was plentiful. Had to leave a bit of a gap so that I could actually see the gr... |
 | MTB - Earth - Special Sunset Slabs 4. 10. 2020 15:00:10 This trail was something special, definitely in the top handful of trails I've ridden this year. Huge thanks to John and Braden for the blind tow through all of these features. Would've walked away from a few of the biggest rolls on this trail had you two not shown me how easily they could be ridden... |
 | Wet Roots are Terrifying(ly Fun) 11. 10. 2020 15:00:10 As someone who really likes slow speed tech trails, Bookwus is definitely a hidden gem on the shore. It has a few super precise and janky moves...and it always happens to be wet. Like always. So I figured instead of blasting down this trail with end of summer hero dirt, I'd rather film this one the ... |
 | MTB - Frisby, Revelstoke, BC - Ultimate Frisby 18. 10. 2020 15:00:07 Quite the trail to conclude a 2000m day with! Steep, dusty, and maximum CHONK. Highly successful vacation day boys, rewatching this gives me a strange itch to buy some old fashioned chocolate milk... Enjoy!... |
 | MTB - Burke Mountain, Coquitlam, BC - Upper and Lower Vic's 25. 10. 2020 14:00:04 Decided to give this lap a go on one of my endurance rides a few weeks back and it was in such good shape that I had to come back to film it that week. One run to warm up and a second one for this video. Upper Vic's is incredibly steep, techy and fun; huge kudos to whoever cleaned off all of the loo... |
 | MTB - Bootleg Mountain, Kimberley, BC - Purple People Pleaser 1. 11. 2020 14:00:11 Holy nostalgia, this trail is exactly the style that Blue Mountain specialized in when I was growing up! Who remembers Autobahn and Highway? Massive throwback. Glad I didn't kill whatever ran in front me too haha, enjoy!... |
 | One of My Favourite Runs Ever - Deliverance KOM 8. 11. 2020 15:00:03 Alright alright!! Everything just fell perfectly into place for this run (weather, sunset, fitness, trail conditions, VanCan's emotional support, etc). A great finale to a great summer. I remember uploading a video of this trail back in 2018 thinking that pushing it more than a few seconds faster wa... |
 | MTB - Merry Creek, Castlegar, BC - Captain Kangaroo 15. 11. 2020 15:00:09 A chill lap down Castlegar's flagship trail for your rainy sunday consumption. A good part of me wish the moon dust season was still upon us. Pardon the road trip clapped bike haha, the headset just needed a bit of fresh grease! Enjoy.... |
 | MTB - Burke Mountain, Coquitlam, BC - Big Boy Time KOM 22. 11. 2020 15:00:23 Winter has arrived, but that doesn't mean the fun is over. BBT is one of the trails that actually rides amazingly well in the winter as all of the flat corners become frozen and still have lots of grip (unlike that root at the end, you'll see!). This lap is a pretty fantastic one if you're new to Bu... |
 | The Biggest Drop I've Ever Attempted 29. 11. 2020 15:00:07 Everyone has a list of 'those features' in their head, features that stand as a sort of mental barrier to progression. You know full well you can clean them, they're well within your abilities after all, but you just can't bring yourself to check them off. Then after months of overthinking things, o... |
 | MTB - Burke Mountain, Coquitlam, BC - Garbage KOM 6. 12. 2020 15:00:15 Trailforks: https://www.trailforks.com/trails/garbage-2122/Strava: https://www.strava.com/segments/8795759Support TORCA: https://torca.ca/get-involved/become-member/Nine Point Eight: https://www.9point8.ca... |
 | MTB - Mount Fromme, North Vancouver, BC - Grannies 13. 12. 2020 15:00:01 Riding Grannies is like eating KD with ketchup. You don't do it often, and you sure as heck wouldn't want your friends finding out about it, but damn if it isn't delicious. I've only ridden it a handful of times myself (enough to roll through most things, when Dave doesn't bait me into a 5 foot huck... |
 | Dale Stone - My Best Year Yet: The 2020 MTB Highlight Reel 27. 12. 2020 15:00:02 I tend to obsess over the numbers, but it's really the people that make life special. Grateful to have such awesome friends who give me the confidence to try new things, explore new places, motivate me to train harder (post-ride number nerdery definitely counts, ok), and always support each other on... |
 | MTB - Earth - Daydreaming of Loam 3. 01. 2021 15:00:09 Ahhh loam, it truly is a glorious ribbon of confidence...until it strikes back. Wishing I could hop in the car right now and lap trails like this all day. Sadly winter has other plans (and I'm not entirely sure that this trail even exists anymore). Hope you enjoy this early season clip of the first ... |
 | MTB - Earth - Shale Surfing and Slippery Snakes 17. 01. 2021 15:00:22 new computer who dis???Stoked that I can now render at well over 60 times faster what I could before. And colour grade much more effectively with my first new monitor in a decade. Hopefully this year will have better videos than ever before. Let me know what you think of the new quality! Oh yeah, an... |
 | There's Something Special about Riding through Rainforests 21. 01. 2021 15:00:08 I've only seen light rays this beautiful a handful of times in my life. This is the first time where I had my camera and knew the trail, so I figured I had to make the most of it. I recorded this literally days after uploading my Garbage KOM video, so I feel bad about using another Sunday upload spo... |
 | Finally Conquering Tough MTB Features 24. 01. 2021 15:00:10 I'd probably attempted the Blue B* 30-40 times before I moved. So when I found myself in the area for Christmas with an unfamiliar bike and there happened to be phenomenal conditions, how could I say no? Pretty happy with how this video turned out as I've never narrated anything before. Consider thi... |
 | Boogie Nights is Popular Jump Trail for Reason 31. 01. 2021 15:00:09 There's a good reason that Boogie Nights has become THE pinnacle of sanctioned jumps on the shore; because it's awesome. Some of these berms are pure art and require a fair bit of strength to not collapse under the G's haha. Super stoked to have gotten the big pull just before the step down on Boogi... |
 | Norco Sight Bike Check - I Helped Design This Bike 7. 02. 2021 15:00:00 Yeah, I'm a nerd at Norco. They don't have anything to do with this channel though, so all of the juicy opinionated opinions come from yours truly. #disclaimerI hope this will do Barath Muthusamy, because this video took one heckin long time to put together. I'm really quite proud of what I've assem... |
 | MTB - Alice Lake, Squamish, BC - Dirk's Diggler to Bearly Adequate 14. 02. 2021 15:00:09 Nothing says get to the bottom like a nice view of an incoming storm. Thanks for guinea pigging the amount of grip these had with a bit of water on them @ddangerousddave and Braden! Slabs are about fun times with the gang, so although we definitely could've made this a top to bottom run, I thought i... |
 | MTB - Hydrocut, Kitchener, Ontario - Sweet Street, Jake's and Dead Camel Bend 28. 02. 2021 15:00:13 Don't worry, winter won't be holding back the weekly uploads!, just have to go back into the archives a bit! This is what most people refer to as the 'second forest downhill section', a series of four-ish fast trails that wind their way down (and also up, but mostly down) the hill. Each one has thei... |
 | I Bought an XC Bike for The North Shore 7. 03. 2021 15:00:25 You'll never know if you never try, right? This Revolver ended up being way more fun than expected on some pretty gnarly double black diamond trails. Boogieman, Empress and Deer John are apparently no problem, and John Deer is where it really shines (well, Good Sir Martin too). Very excited to see ... |
 | Pangor is Classic North Shore Jank 14. 03. 2021 14:00:14 The more I ride this XC race bike, the more I fall in love with it. Here's a fast lap down Pangor to Slash following @ddangerousddave, followed by Empress behind @VanCan, and a bonus clip of my fastest lap down John Deer after sunset. This was an awesome week, and I am incredibly happy to have final... |
 | Can You Jump Modern XC Bike 21. 03. 2021 14:00:32 Apparently the answer is yes, and quite well! Awesome day sessioning jumps in the forest with Braden and Laura. Took me a long time to work my way up to this jump line on the Sight so I'm incredibly pleased that I was able to roll through without trouble on the Revolver. And that OSR lap, holy jamol... |
 | MTB - The Backwoods - Skidding Through Clear-cut 28. 03. 2021 15:00:00 Occasionally you'll come across a trail that is so unique that you'll struggle to understand how to ride it. This is one of those trails for me. A trail so steep and so loose (as evidence by the rocks rolling in my path) that you just have to hold on and hope for the best. Thankfully Braden helped g... |
 | Enduro vs XC, Which Bike is Faster 4. 04. 2021 15:00:27 Cross country bikes have made insane gains over the past few years, and so have enduro bikes! Which one will prove to be faster in a head to head battle down a familiar trail? One of them happens to take a hotly contested KOM, so I hope you enjoy! :)... |
 | A Huge Feature Hiding Deep in the Forest 11. 04. 2021 15:00:06 Well that was quite the adventure. Duggies turned out to be an amazing hidden gem of a trail, kudos to Andrew for the gigantic send on the mossy rock roll of doom. Huggies was also pretty fun, though in a much more ridden/established trail kinda way. Hope to be back to the sunshine coast soon, enjoy... |
 | MTB - Alice Lake, Squamish, BC - Boney Elbows 18. 04. 2021 20:19:45 If there's one thing I never want, it's an Alice Lake KOM...I'm going to make an effort to properly document all of these Alice Lake gems before they get developed, so here we go! Boney Elbows is a fantastic intermediate introduction to granite grip and brake control. Super fun and generally pretty ... |
 | the kom that got me banned 21. 04. 2021 19:00:19 I only learned these jumps a couple of months ago, and this has turned into quite an excellent final lap back to the cars. Always fun racing sunset and hoping there aren't any bears on the landing. Oh yeah, the first jump I 'missed' is very dead, and the second one after the berms is an insane pro-l... |
 | Taking Old-School KOMs on Modern Bike 25. 04. 2021 17:00:21 Figured I would take advantage of the exceptionally dry weather we had recently to go for some fast times on some of the rootiest, most technical trails around. I always forget how amazing Bean and 'Upper' Nescafe are through the slippery winter months so it's been fun to rediscover them! 'Lower' Ne... |
 | This Trail Requires Serious Intestinal Fortitude 29. 04. 2021 17:00:09 I remember walking down the huge rock roll at the end of this trail just two years ago, now it's something that @ddangerousddave, Braden and I just roll through on a regular ride?? Love the challenge of this public (maybe not sanctioned?) trail, and it blows my mind that this stuff is even allowed ... |
 | An Interesting Surprise Around Every Corner 2. 05. 2021 17:00:21 An impromptu lap of Sniper to Cheap Thrill gets weird...and exciting! Quite a hilarious little trail with a ton of random 'oh here we go' kinda features littered throughout. Thanks for the tour Andrew, and indeed don't fall off the cliff haha. Enjoy!... |
 | MTB - Cypress Mountain, West Vancouver, BC - Dirty Harry 5. 05. 2021 17:00:10 A few weeks ago I didn't even know this trail existed, and now it's one of my favourites. Thanks to @ddangerous ddave for towing me through the techy greatness that is Dirty Harry, for both of our second times ever down this trail. The skinnies are narrow, the chutes are rooty and the rocks are we... |
 | Getting Redemption after Huge Crash 9. 05. 2021 17:00:04 Coming back after a huge crash is never easy, but Alastair has his eyes set on redemption. Hope you enjoy watching the story of Al's progression from a brand new cyclist, to an unplanned Friday Fails entry, to riding double black diamond tech trails with ease. This was a very fun one to make!... |
 | My First Time Riding this Tough Downhill Trail 15. 05. 2021 17:00:10 It's a special day when you discover an awesome double black diamond trail for the first time. It's even better when it's only a short drive away! It's also quite rare that I showcase anything but well-practiced riding on this channel, so here's something entirely different! My very first run down a... |