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Hemiptera Corixidae - Water Boatman = Loudest Animal on the earth
23. 04. 2020 15:00:34
The loudest animal on the earth (relative to its size) lives here in Virginia! If you think I get enthusiastic about bugs in my videos, wait to you see how excited I am to share this animal story! Can you guess what animal I am talking about and the crazy way it makes this sound?...
Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) Native versus Invasive Exotic species
24. 04. 2020 15:00:20
First cataloged in North America in late 1800's, Garlic Mustard is one of few forest floor invasive plants but has significant impact on native spring woodland wildflowers. Learn how to identify this invasive but apparently very desirable edible. Learn the difference between Native and Invasive Ex...
Ring necked Snake (Diadophis Punctatus)
24. 04. 2020 17:25:42
As spring unfolds snakes are becoming active. Is this one Venomous? (poisonous vs venomous? which is correct term? Does this one have fangs? See surprising discussion, learn to identify this species and all about its natural history of this common snake. The difference between Ecotherms and Endot...
Brood IX 17 Year Periodical Cicada How to find and Identify burrows
27. 04. 2020 15:00:23
Brood IX of 17 Year Periodical Cicada will be emerging soon in Virginia, West Virginia, and North Carolina. In mid April Cicada larva have been building burrows to the surface in preparation for emergence which will occur in a few weeks when soil temperature warms to 64 degrees. How do you find bur...
How elevation affects local climate and onset of spring
29. 04. 2020 15:00:01
On April 27, 2020 I found took photos and video of forest areas only 20 miles apart but 1000 feet in elevation difference. I found tulip poplar and sugar maple trees at both sites and compared their development. The difference 1000 feet of elevation makes was dramatic! The hypotheses that 1000 f...
What is the difference between bee and Wasp
30. 04. 2020 15:00:14
Can you tell the difference between a bee and a wasp? What are their features? How are they similar? How are they different? Which can sting you only once? Which can sting you repeatedly? Why? What do they eat and how are their body plans related to their diet?...
ID of Venomous Species - Milk Snake Identification /Snake Fungal Disease
2. 05. 2020 21:22:03
Wide ranging discussion of snakes while featuring a Milk Snake in hand. How to distinguish between blotched Milk Snake phase and Corn Snakes is illustrated. General snake features and biology are discussed using this milk snake as an example. A guide to Virginia Snakes produced by the Virginia De...
Green Frog Lithobates clamitans
4. 05. 2020 19:12:29
Can you distinguish between our most common frog, the green frog, and a look-alike bullfrog? Learn about green frog biology, where they live, how they escape predators, their life in an ecotone, and what they eat. What sound does it make? The adult is compared to its tadpole stage....
What is this about - Introduction to My Channel
4. 05. 2020 20:14:57
My introduction to Nature in your backyard. How to find, recognize, and identify organisms you may find just outside your door! Learn about their biology, natural and cultural history. What is their 'story'?...
Cinquefoil Potentilla simplex historical use as food and medicine
5. 05. 2020 15:00:32
Can you Identify this plant? Learn how to Identify, how it got its name, why this weed was brought to America in the medicinal and herb gardens of early settlers. Can you find this plant growing in your backyard?...
Acanthocephala spp - Leaf-footed Bug
6. 05. 2020 15:00:04
What is a bug? Is a bug a true category of Insects. Is this a bug? Why? How did Leaf-footed Bugs get their name? Learn about this unique hemipteran, Acanthocephala spp and what it does!...
Rock Castle Gorge Trail 5 7 20
8. 05. 2020 15:00:16
Allegheny Mound Ants
11. 05. 2020 15:00:24
Allegheny mound ant (Formica exsectoides) A native species to our area, these ants build interconnected mounds. They may kill vegetation around mounds by injecting them with formica acid. They will defend by biting and in this video how they make that bite worse is explained. Find out how and why t...
Wintercress and Golden Ragwort Spring Roadside Wildflowers
12. 05. 2020 15:00:33
Do you know your spring roadside wildflowers as you cruise down country roads and highways? Here are two common springtime yellow blooming flowers and how to identify them by their contrasting colors (or leaves and flowers when close-up)! Nature in Your Backyard goes to identify what many call roa...
A Native Deciduous woodland-habitat flowering magnolia - Cucumber Magnolia
13. 05. 2020 06:00:09
When you say Magnolia most people think of the grand evergreen Southern Magnolia of the old South! But did you know that the Appalachian mountain forests are home to several native species of deciduous flowering magnolias? Find out more about forest magnolias with this episode on Cucumber Magnolia...
Solomon's Seal and False Solomon's Seal
14. 05. 2020 15:00:22
I am following the succession of blooms of spring woodland wildflowers. These two were found side by side in Patrick County, Virginia on the Rock Castle Gorge trail. Do you know how to identify these two species and tell them apart! You are guaranteed to recognize and correctly ID them by the end...
Slimy Salamanders Plethodon glutinosus
15. 05. 2020 12:00:25
Learn how to identify this species of salamander (Plethodon glutinosus ) how it got its species name 'glutinosus' and all about its biology. The southern Appalachians are known as the salamander capital of the world with over 50 species in Virginia alone!...
Cherry Millipede where to find and how to Identify and what they eat and how they protect themselves
18. 05. 2020 15:00:13
Millipedes are everywhere. You can find many species in the leaf litter just outside your door. Millipedes (Arthropods) play a huge role in recycling nutrients in leaves in forests. There are many species. They do not bite but they are masters of chemical warfare. The cherry millipede gets its nam...
is this really daisy? Does it keep fleas away? Folklore and science - Daisy Fleabane
19. 05. 2020 15:00:29
A plant considered a weed by many has a rich history and lore but also beautiful flowers. Folklore and science and plants are discussed and several botanical terms are introduced in identification. The scientific name is broken down and its original meaning interpretted....
Wild Strawberry, Indian Strawberry and Cinquefoil is in your backyard
20. 05. 2020 15:00:01
Featuring common plants and telling their 'stories' that you can find in your backyard is my focus. How wild strawberries (Fragaria virginiana) taste best is debated considering how plants are often crossbred for commercial characteristics other than taste is discussed. How to identify this plan...
Oxalis stricta - Lemon Clover - Sour Grass
21. 05. 2020 19:24:43
What gives this native plant a sour or lemony taste? Is it really safe to eat? How was this plant used by early settlers? What are other useful properties of this plant? Learn how to conclusively identify this ubiquitous native species Oxalis stricta....
White Clover Trifolium repens Yellow Clover Trifolium procumbens Biology, natural history, uses
22. 05. 2020 15:57:13
There is so much you can learn from clovers in your yard! Flower opening strategies, reproductive strategies, nitrogen fixation, nectar for honey bees, soil enriching, cover crop for grazing animals and much more! How to identify White Clover (Trifolium repens) and Hop clover or Yellow Clover (Tri...
17 Cicada PART TWO Brood IX Southwest Virginia May 2020
25. 05. 2020 18:32:10
The miraculous coordinated emergence of hundreds of millions of Brood Nine of the 17 year cicada is taking place now in Southwest Virginia. From holes, to underground larvae, Arthropods and exoskeletons, emergence survival strategy of species, and emerging adults, it is all here!...
Pteronarcys What is the story of this 'monster' fly - Giant Stone fly
29. 05. 2020 15:00:00
This is the largest Stonefly species (Pteronarcidae) in North America. A feast for a trout. Trout fisherman try to tie and match flies to both adults and larva. In this video the life history of stonefly (Plecoptera) adults and aquatic stream-loving nymphs is revealed. The adult is in the genus Pte...
Tadpoles Part II 6 1 2020 Tadpole Biology Metamorphosis
2. 06. 2020 15:00:14
Who doesn't like Tadpoles? This is part two of a series watching two species of tadpoles, change, grow, and undergo metamorphosis over the course of the season. One species is mostly likely a Green Frog tadpole 'Lithobates clamitans' while the second is yet to be determined. You can follow their ...
Walnut/Spice Bush/Ground Ivy/Garlic Mustard/Sweet Cicely/Ailanthus - Use smell to identify plants
5. 06. 2020 15:00:04
Here are 6 plants that have a distinctive odor that will help you identify them. The plants are identified as native or non-native and key visual features are described. How you can use smell to confirm identification is discussed in a fun way! Plants included are Black Walnut, Spice Bush, Ground...
Spittlebugs (hemiptera) in White Pine and Virginia Pine
9. 06. 2020 15:00:14
Learn how to identify White Pine and Virginia pine as you find spittlebugs hidden inside their frothy homes. Hanging upside down on plant stems you will find out the surprising way they make this froth and how it helps them. Characteristics of hemipterans are discussed as well as the natural history...
Giant Leopard Moth(Hypercombe scribonia) and Isabella Tiger Moth (Pyrrharctia isabella) caterpillars
9. 06. 2020 21:47:24
The look alike caterpillars known as wooly bear caterpillars were observed on the move in early June. What do they eat? Why are they so often found on the ground. Where are they going? What is their life cycle and what to they turn into? How to distinguish caterpillars of the Giant Leopard Moth (...
Galium aparine. Every part of this plant is like velcro! Why | Cleaver
12. 06. 2020 15:00:00
Cleaver is a sprawling plant that is fun for kids to play with that has unique evolutionary design. It does not produce a self-supporting stem and instead sprawls across other plants instead of wasting its energy producing cellulose-rich structural components. Instead, energy is used to produce se...
Mountain Laurel (Kalamia Latifolia) Know the difference between Mountain Laurel and Rhododendron
19. 06. 2020 06:00:01
Mount Laurel (Kalamia latifolia) and Rhodendron (Rhododendron species) are often lumped into same group. Some people call them both Laurels or Mountain Laurel and other common names. They are actually two different genera of plants. One is in genus Kalamia and the othe in genus Rhododendron. This ...
Bear Corn (Conopholis americana) parasitic plant - Squawroot
23. 06. 2020 15:00:00
Squawroot also known as Bear Corn, American Cancer Root (Conopholis americana) is a true flowering plant that has no leaves or chlorophyll. This video shows you how to identify Squawroot, shows you its flower parts and explains its natural history....
Ghost Pipe, Indian Pipe, Ghost flower Monotropa uniflora, how to ID, symbiosis Beech tree and fungi
26. 06. 2020 15:00:12
Ghost Pipe or Indian Pipe or Ghost Flower or Corpse flower are just a few common names for Monotropa unifora. A true flowering plant with no leaves or green chlorophyll. It lives by a symbiotic parasitic relationship with mycorrhizal fungi. These mycorrhizal fungi are in a mutualistic relationshi...
Folk remedies and Science - Black Willow (Salix nigra) Salicylic acid and Aspirin
30. 06. 2020 15:00:26
In this video viewers will learn to find and identify Black Willow (Salix nigra). Willow bark was used as a remedy for aches and pains and to reduce fever for thousands of years by Greeks, Romans, Native Americans and early colonists. The active chemical in willow bark was isolated and identified a...
Imported Black Willow Leaf Beetle (Plagiodera versicolora) and how plant ID leads you to insect ID
3. 07. 2020 15:00:03
In the last video you learned how to identify a Black Willow tree. In this video you will learn how knowing the name of a plant can easily lead you to finding and identifying insects associated with that particular plant. Many plants have particular insects that feed on their leaves, sap or nectar ...
Dobsonfly (Corydalus cornutus) The Adult stage of the aquatic hellgrammite. Order Megaloptera
7. 07. 2020 15:00:21
In this video I hold and formidable-looking adult male Dobsonfly (Corydalus cornutus) in my hand! The males live only three days and are nocturnal so adults are rarely seen! While showing off this giant insect, one of the biggest in North America, I tell the story of its life history. What they ...
Woodland Box Turtle Terrapene carolina carolina (Common Box Turtle or Eastern Box Turtle)
10. 07. 2020 15:00:06
In this video I share about the biology and Natural history of the Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina). Viewers will learn how to distinguish or identify male and female box turtles. How long to box turtles live is addressed. Amazing video of a female box turtle in the egg laying process is s...
Sawyer Beetle/White-spotted Sawyer Beetle (Monochamus scutellatus) Longhorn Beetle (Spruce sawyer)
14. 07. 2020 15:00:20
In this video you will learn how to identify Longhorn Beetle known as the White-spotted Sawyer Beetle or Spruce Sawyer Beetle (Monochamus scutellatus) in both the adult and larval (grub) stage. I explain how to identify both adults and grubs. How to distinguish between adults males and females is d...
What insects do this? Family Passalidae - Bess Beetles are the BEST Parents in insect World
17. 07. 2020 15:00:36
Less than 1 percent of world's insects parent their young but Bess Beetles do! From egg to pupa male and female Bess Beetles provide parental care. See a Bess Beetle up close, learn how to identify it, these docile insects are great for children! I explain how you can find them in rotten logs in ha...
Five things everyone should know about Black Snakes (Panterophis alleghaniensis (Black Rat Snake)
21. 07. 2020 15:00:09
In this video I wrangle with a wild four foot long Eastern Ratsnake (Black Rat Snake as I review five things everyone should know about this frequently encountered species. 1. Black snakes are not always black! 2. Black snakes imitate venomous species like rattle snakes. (you will see a black snake ...
Laetiporus sulphureus really earns its name | Why Chicken of the Woods
24. 07. 2020 15:00:27
Chicken of the Woods has a reputation as one of most 'MEATY' of the Fungi.The scientific name Laetiporus sulphureus and is both saprophytic and parasitic. Foragers report the best flavor (and safety) comes from those that grow on oak trees. The fungus feeds on decay wood making it a saprophyte but ...
American Toad (Anaxyrus americanus) A fun, engaging, informative lesson on the this common toad
28. 07. 2020 15:00:16
The American Toad (Anaxyrus americanus) is found at my backdoor and the toad and I explain its life history. But first, the difference between frogs and toads are compared and contrasted. How to identify the American Toad is explained. I highlight the paratoid glands on the toad which release the...
What now 2020? What is the real science behind this headline - Zombie Cicadas
30. 07. 2020 17:42:58
The news cycle has captured the hearts and minds of the public with a sensational headline: Zombie Cicadas! What is the real story about Zombie Cicadas and where did this originate? The media picked-up on an article entitled 'Behavioral Betrayal:How select fungal parasites enlist living insects to...
Discover this bold bio-luminescent fungus and where you can find it - Jack o' Lantern Mushroom
31. 07. 2020 15:00:16
Jack o' Lantern fungi Ompholatus illudens grows on decay oak logs and decaying roots and its bio-luminescence can be seen at night. I explain how they are toxic non-edible and can be mistaken for edible chanterelles. I explain that a mushroom is really just a fruiting body of a large mass of unseen...
the red eft and warning coloration in nature - Eastern Newt's most toxic stage
4. 08. 2020 15:00:14
The most toxic life stage of the eastern newt: the red eft is explained in this video and how its bright color aids in its survival. Rather than camouflage the eft stage advertises its presence with a bright orange/red color. The scientific name of the newt is Notophthalmus viridescens and also kno...
What you should know - Chanterelle mushrooms compared to toxic look-alike Jack o' Lantern Mushrooms
7. 08. 2020 15:00:04
I had just completed and episode on bio-luminescent Jack o' Lantern mushrooms and a couple days later I found Smooth Chanterelles! Edible chanterelle mushrooms are highly prized for their flavor and texture while Jack o' Lantern fungi are highly toxic! I compare and contrast edible Cantharellus...
Lungless Black-bellied Salamanders - How to find, identify and learn about SALAMANDERS! Featuring
11. 08. 2020 06:00:04
Taking place stream-side I show Black-bellied salamanders-up close, along with being sure the distinction is made between reptiles and amphibians, salamanders and lizards with some comparing and contrasting. The life cycle of Black-bellied (Desmognathus quadramaculatus) Salamanders is discussed and...
Eastern Rat Snake) Pantherophus sps.) - Five Black Rat Snake defense strategies you need to know
14. 08. 2020 15:00:21
Black Rat Snake in hand, this snake demonstrates for us all the different ways it will defend itself or avoid predation. A fascinating array of behavioral and physiological strategies are displayed. First the snake lies motionless and tries to avoid detection. Second, the snake will try to escape...
Mushroom and fungus - Fungal Diversity and understanding the true meaning of terms
18. 08. 2020 15:00:02
I take viewers for a walk in a forest mid-summer and highlight the incredible diversity of fungal species by seeing the mushrooms that each individual fungal species have revealed. I address some misconceptions in biology of fungi. I explain how mushrooms are not the fungus themselves. You need to...
How to find your own Ant Lion - Ferocious ANT LION predator FILMED capturing ant in pit trap
21. 08. 2020 15:00:10
If you want to find an ant lion and see one yourself, it is not hard to do! I will show you how to identify, find, and capture an Ant Lion to look at up close! I go on site to a picnic shelter in a local park and show you what to look for. I show you how to recognize pit traps and two techniques t...
Everything you need to know to find/identify plus little-known remarkable historical uses - Milkweed
25. 08. 2020 15:00:00
In this video, on a roadside walk, I teach you how to find and identify Common Milkweed! I will compare it side by side to look-a-like Dog Bane (Indian Hemp/Aposcynum cannabinium), as well. I break down the scientific name Asclepius syriaca and its relation to the Greek God of Medicine. The second...
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