| native early bloomer with names steeped in history - Serviceberry, Shadbush, Juneberry, Saskatoon 7. 05. 2021 15:00:11 Serviceberry, Shadbush, Juneberry, Shadblow, Sugar Plum and Saskaton has many regional names. With a number of species in the Amelanchier genus, this tree is found across the northeast US and beyond. It is the first tree to flower in the spring. This video describes the tree from my perspective on ... |
 | 'weed' on par with spinach nutritionally - Chickweed (Stellaria media) 5 ways to 100% accurate ID 14. 05. 2021 15:00:13 Stellaria media, Chickweed is recognized by many as an aggressive invasive non-native weed. However, it is highly valued by foragers for its nutritional content: rich in vitamins and antioxidants and more. In this video I describe 5 ways to be certain of its ID and I discuss its past and present u... |
 | Barbarea vulgaris. How it got these names - Yellow Rocket, Scurvy Grass, Bittercress, Creasy Greens 21. 05. 2021 15:00:08 Barbarea vulgaris is known by many different common names including: Yellow Rocket, Winter cress, Bitter cress, Scurvy grass and Creasy-greens cress. It blooms with abundant and brilliant yellow flowers in the spring. The yellow flowers are four-petaled and have a single central stigma and six sta... |
 | Desmognathus fuscus) - Everything you need to know about the Northern Dusky Salamander 28. 05. 2021 15:00:17 In this video I find a Northern Dusky Salamander and get some great photos and video. I explain where to find them, how to find them, and what are their habitat requirements. I break down the scientific name and what it means. I explain how this salamander, like other members of its group have no ... |
 | Facts, lore and amazing symbiotic relationships with bees & fungi - Pink Lady Slipper/Moccasin Flower 4. 06. 2021 15:00:20 In this video I show viewers how to identify Pink Lady Slipper, introduce different common names and break down its scientific name. Cyprypedium acaule. I show how to accurately ID it and explain how it make take almost 12 years before it can flower and show the smaller paired leaves that will come ... |
 | Here are 7 ways they are different - What is the difference between Centipedes and Millipedes 11. 06. 2021 15:00:05 In this video I use a Bark Centipede Scolopocryptops sexospinosus, an American Giant Centipede Narceus americanus and two species of Cherry Millipedes Apheloria sp. to illustrate and clarify the differences between Millipedes and Centipedes. I highlight 7 ways they are different. 1. Milli vs Centi ... |
 | Everything you need to know - King Devil, Mouse-ear, and Rattlesnake Hawkweeds are blooming now 18. 06. 2021 15:00:22 The brilliant flowers of Hawkweed species are blooming now across North America and you can't miss them. Two of these are non-native and invasive while the third is a native species often see in and on edges of woodlands. I explain how to identify them and why and how they become invasive. I expla... |
 | Everything you need to know about the larva of the Dobsonfly - Ferocious hellgrammites 25. 06. 2021 15:00:00 Hellgrammites are the aquatic stage of the Dobsonfly, one of the largest insects in North America. The larva prowl among rocks in streams and rivers searching for prey. They are the top invertebrate predator in streams. They live for two to three years in the stream and then crawl from the river, ... |
 | - Seven Ways to help turtles (with special emphasis on Box Turtles 2. 07. 2021 15:00:19 This episode is based on an article 'Tips for Helping Turtles' displayed on The Wildlife Center of Virginia page. (see links below). The seven tips include emphasis on the Eastern Box Turtle whose numbers appear to be in decline. ... |
 | Plastic bird netting, plastics in the environment and hazards to wildlife - Black Snake rescue 9. 07. 2021 15:00:10 This Black Snake (Pantherophis alleghaniensis) was rescued from being hopelessly tangled in plastic bird netting. Some how the netting got tangled in the pallet of his mouth as well. The snake would have certainly died in the netting without intervention. This video tells the story of the rescues ... |
 | Why is snake's tongue forked? Why is it always flicking out - Snake Senses 16. 07. 2021 15:00:29 Snakes have no external ears, not really great vision and do not smell much through their nose. So how do they maneuver and find prey? And why is their tongue forked? In this video these and more questions will be answered. While the tongue does not have sensory cells on its surface, it serves to ... |
 | Amazing Queen Snakes that eat only freshly molted crayfish + everything else you need to know 23. 07. 2021 15:00:33 My young friend, Zane, leads us on an adventure with Queen Snakes. Through his extensive study of this species occurring in a stream, just outside his door, he shows us how to identify queen snakes, how to distinguish a male from a female and how he recognizes certain individuals. He explains how t... |
 | Mixed Northern to Boreal Forest to the Krummholz to Alpine Zone in Franconia Notch State Park, NH 30. 07. 2021 15:00:12 Follow me as I hike the Falling Waters Trail to Little Haystack Mountain, traverse on the Appalachian Trail/Franconia Ridge Trail north to Mount Lincoln and Mount Lafayette (5260 ft) and return on the Greenleaf Trail. (Franconia Notch State Park, White Mountains, New Hampshire. This loop was named b... |
 | Pitch Pine, Pipsissewa, and how Cod fishing created this forest - The Pine Barrens of Cape Cod 6. 08. 2021 15:00:28 Take a walk with me through the enchanting Pine Barren Forest of North Truro, on Cape Cod, MA. See the features of this forest and how it is unique. Learn about Pitch Pine and Pipsissewa. Learn how human use of land changed cape cod from an dense mature oak maple hickory forest to sand dunes and pi... |
 | Everything you should know about the Humming bird Moth - Is it Humming bird or is it Moth 13. 08. 2021 15:00:17 Clearwing Moths also known as Hummingbird Moths are found throughout the world. This video features close-ups of an adult moth Hemaris thysbee feeding on nectar in the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia. In the video, I break down the scientific name and explain its origins, review how to identify th... |
 | Learn all about their relationship with Catalpa trees - Catalpa Worms are actually caterpillars 20. 08. 2021 15:00:32 Both Northern and Southern Catalpa trees originally were found in a very limited native range. They were widely planted outside their historic areas for their value as a fast growing tree, for railroad ties, for fence posts and their ornamental value with abundant large flower blossoms. Catalpa tre... |
 | the most beautiful mushroom! How to find, ID and the story of its biology - Cinnabar-red chanterelles 27. 08. 2021 15:00:10 Arguably one of the most stunning red mushrooms you will every seen. Known by savvy foragers this mushroom is lauded for its flavor, texture and suitability for sautéing! Cinnabar-red Chanterelles or Red Chanterelles for simply Cinabars: scientific name is Cantharellus cinnabarinus. Thriving in ric... |
 | Here are 6 things you should know about them - Milkweed bugs! You seen 'em on Milkweed 3. 09. 2021 15:00:30 Large Milkweed Bugs (Oncopeltus fasciatus) are often observed by people looking for monarch eggs or caterpillars. Milkweed bugs have a fascinating story in themselves. I cover six facts for you to know including: 1.They are true bugs 2. they undergo incomplete metamorphosis and you can often see ... |
 | How they build pit-fall traps, kill, digest, eat and overcome prey larger than selves - Ant Lions 10. 09. 2021 15:00:01 Ant lions are revisited in this second Nature at Your Door episode featuring these ferocious neuropterans. Ant lion larvae are exhibited in close-ups and compared to the harmless and elusive adult. Close-up video shows Ant Lions building traps and subduing and spider prey. I explain how the sickle... |
 | The often miss ID'ed harmless juvenile Black Snake - Triangle-shaped head = Venomous Snake? MYTH 17. 09. 2021 15:00:22 Often killed when mistaken for a copperhead many people are surprised that these harmless little juveniles are actually Black Rat Snakes. I will show you how to recognize patterns on both a copperhead and a juvenile Black Rat Snake (Pantherophis alleghaniensis) and never mistake either again! I wi... |
 | Clavulinopsis aurantio-cinnabarina, Clavaria zollingeri and more - Coral Fungi 24. 09. 2021 15:00:15 Take a walk with me in the Appalachian Forest and see an amazing variety of Coral Fungi! From yellow: Clavulinopsis fusiformis, to orange: Clavulinopsis aurantio-cinnabarina, to white and the amazing purple: Clavaria zollingeri! We will encounter other species as well and a non-fungus, but often mi... |
 | How to find, Identify and enhance the habitat for toads around your home - American Toad night hunt 1. 10. 2021 15:00:32 I have many toads living around my house and in my garden. These Eastern American toads (Anaxyrus americanus) are attracted to my house to feed on insects attracted by the lights. I show you how to go out at night and discover these interesting little amphibians with voracious appetites. I will show... |
 | Predator eye-sight and pseudo-pupils/Ruthless hunters - The Praying Mantis Story: Human-like persona 8. 10. 2021 15:00:21 With an articulated neck and head that can turn up to 180 degrees the Praying Mantis has an intelligent and almost human-like projection! It has compound eyes but its pseudo-pupils add to this aura. The efficiency of the eyes and depth perception combined with stealth, ambush and speed make the pra... |
 | How to ID and cultural connections with root beer and creole cooking - Sassafras Tree 15. 10. 2021 15:00:00 While hiking on the Appalachian Trail I came across many sapling Sassafras trees (Sassafras sp.) ! I show you how to easily identify this tree by its three different unique leaves. I believe no other tree has such different leaves on the same plant. I explain its cultural uses of this native tree, d... |
 | Parasitic, Saprobic, Edible - Cauliflower mushroom or Brain Coral Fungus! Amazing and beautiful 22. 10. 2021 15:00:06 Cauliflower Mushroom Sparassis crispa is a unique and prized edible fungus. It is both parasitic and saprobic. This one was found at the base of a Ptich Pine. Unique in form, looking like cauliflower or a brain coral, it may be best described as a pile of egg noodles. They do not occur in groups b... |
 | the Wheel Bug /Assassin Bug - Now meet its ferocious cousin - You've met the plant eating Stink bug 29. 10. 2021 15:00:04 The cousin of the plant-eating Stink Bug is a carnivore. The largest of the Assassin Bugs in North America are the Wheel Bugs! (Arilus cristatus). Like other true bugs in the Hemiptera, including Stink Bugs, the Wheel Bug has a proboscis it uses to subdue and eat their prey. Stink Bugs use their p... |
 | Rough Green Snake) - Green Terror of the invert world 5. 11. 2021 14:00:32 I discovered a Northern Rough Green Snake (Opheodrys aestivus) lying in the middle of the Appalachian Trail in Northern Virginia. I spent the next hour photographing and videoing it and in this episode I tell you everything you need to know about these beautiful snakes including: Common names, scie... |
 | - (Brave enough to watch - Black Snake/Rattle Snake 12. 11. 2021 15:00:01 While hiking the Appalachian Trail in Shenandoah National Park I came across a Black Rat Snake, Pantherophis alleghaniensis lying across the trail. Get up close and personal with this beautiful snake through my close-up camera lens. See it mimic a venomous rattlesnake by coiling as if to strike an... |
 | The American Chestnut's fight for survival 19. 11. 2021 15:00:14 While hiking on the Appalachian Trail in Shenandoah National Park I am confronted with fight of the American Chestnut (Castanea dentata) for survival. The chestnut blight (Cryphonectria parasitica) destroyed forty billion trees that had towered over eastern forests for 40 million years in a mere f... |
 | how to FIND AND ID - Explosive, edible Stump Puffball 26. 11. 2021 06:00:19 How to find and identify edible Pear-shaped Puffball mushrooms, also known as Stump Puff balls ( Apioperdon pyrifome) is explained as I discover these growing on a log on the Appalachian Trail. While these are edible mushrooms they can be confused with not edible mushroom: Earth Balls (Scleroderma s... |
 | Find out WHY - Yes, Asian Lady bugs bite 3. 12. 2021 15:00:12 Our beloved native lady bugs rarely bite, but the Multicolored Asian Lady beetle, ain't no Lady! Harmonia axyridis will bite particularly when under duress from lack of prey or dehydration. While still technically harmless, they don't generally draw blood, they don't carry parasites, they don't in... |
 | Red-backed Salamanders Rule - FACT 10. 12. 2021 15:00:09 Learn why the Red Backed Salamander dominates the Eastern Forest Ecosystem and vertebrate biomass pyramids of numbers and biomass! Plethodon cinereus is the most common salamander and has a surprising completely terrestrial life history. With amazing close-ups, how to identify and find this video ... |
 | Born of the Southern Appalachian Summits - Fraser Fir Christmas Tree 17. 12. 2021 15:00:34 All the commercially grown Fraser Firs come from the seeds of mature trees on the 5000 foot plus summits of the Southern Appalachian Mountains. Fraser Firs (Abies fraseri )grow in the sub alpine spruce-fir forest, remnants of Northern forests pushed south in last ice age. These trees are known as t... |
 | Your familiar Beach Sandpiper - 5 facts about Sanderlings 24. 12. 2021 15:00:30 Artic summer nesting Sanderling Sand pipers are found on beaches worldwide and may migrate up to six thousand miles. They are a familiar site to beach goers around the world. With boundless energy and speed they run back and forth in front of waves as they forage the rich wave-break zone as they mo... |
 | favorite pet lizard in its native habitat - Carolina anole 31. 12. 2021 15:00:31 I discovered a tiny green lizard while camping just yards away from the ocean front in North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. This lizard, native to the southeastern United States, was miss-labeled by pet stores as a 'chameleon'. Scientifically, the term Chameleon refers to a very different and speci... |
 | Rid your home of Stink Bugs! (Viewer tested!) - Pesticide-free DIY 7. 01. 2022 15:00:24 Over 1000 viewers commented on my first Stink Bug video and these deterrents are all based on what they found worked for them! This video is all about how to rid the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (Halyomorpha halys) from your house. There are many creative methods described involving dish detergents ... |
 | RIPARIAN BUFFERS WORK - Virginia to Kenya 14. 01. 2022 15:00:12 Riparian buffers protect water quality, reduce erosion, stabilize stream banks, reduce runoff, absorb nutrients, slow down pollutants in runoff, decrease water temperature, reduce evaporation, increase ground water recharge, increase biodiversity and many other benefits. In this video I explain the ... |
 | and Rhododendron's dynamic responses - Plant adaptations to COLD 22. 01. 2022 15:00:19 Plants and animals have fascinating adaptations for winter survival and extreme cold temperatures. Annuals and perennial trees have unique adaptations including producing over wintering seeds and dying back, dropping high surface area leaves to avoid desiccation and snow loads and pyramidal shapes.... |
 | + inside feral bee hive - How do insects survive winter 29. 01. 2022 15:00:03 Insects have varied and fascinating strategies to survive winter and freezing temperatures! Insects have fascinating adaptations to survive below freezing temperatures. From praying mantises, wooly bears, silk moths and more to feral honey bees, each has an effective and unique strategy. Praying ma... |
 | DIY, easy, how to harvest Maple Water in YOUR backyard 5. 02. 2022 15:00:12 Here is how to make your own maple water at home! While maple water is a trendy new drink on the market is has been known and enjoyed by indigenous peoples for hundreds of years! Today's health conscious consumer is seeking low sugar organic alternatives to high sucrose soft drinks. Maple water cont... |
 | DIY water conservation US to Kenya - Rain Barrels to Sand Dams 12. 02. 2022 15:00:04 Demand for water and affects of climate change will contribute to global water shortages and increasing cost of processing and delivery of treated water worldwide. Water harvesting during rainfalls is an important solution for all countries. In developed countries, collecting rainwater off roofs an... |
 | DIY simple potent trap for invasive Asian Lady Bugs, Stink Bugs and Fleas 19. 02. 2022 15:00:11 Viewer have asked me for the best way I know to get pesky Stink bugs, Asian Lady bugs and even fleas from the indoors of their homes. This is an easy to make trap that may cost practically nothing to assemble. Virginia Tech University researches have tested this trap in real homes against store bo... |
 | Indoors, in YOUR house, in the middle of winter - Got WASPS 26. 02. 2022 15:00:14 Paper wasps may suddenly appear inside your house in the middle of winter. These are most likely 'Paper Wasps' Polistes sps and I explain how to identify them. I also explain the difference between wasps and bees as well as distinguishing between the three most common wasp groups: Paper wasps, horne... |
 | Amber Jelly Roll Mushroom - Discover Winter edible fungi 5. 03. 2022 15:00:30 Learn how to find, recognize, and identify this winter edible fungus: Amber Jelly Roll Mushroom (Exidia recisa)! Being easy to find makes it a great survival food if not an under appreciated edible mushroom that may not have avery appetizing look to it! Jelly mushrooms are fascinating as they do no... |
 | One of last Wild Pony herds on East Coast are in Virginia's Highlands 12. 03. 2022 15:05:43 One of the last remaining populations of feral ponies, living in the wild on their on can be found in the Grayson Highlands. Where did they come from? Why are they hear? Answers are in this video. The Mount Rogers National Recreation area encompasses over 200,000 acres of Jefferson and Washington Na... |
 | Find, ID and return - Saving Freshwater Mussels 19. 03. 2022 14:00:31 Hundreds of volunteers showed-up at Claytor Lake State Park staging area to be assigned section of explosed shoreline to look for stranded freshwater mussels during Claytor Lake's draw down that occurs every two years. Thousands of mussels where found, identified, catalog and then tossed to the saf... |
 | Part 1 - How to find the striking Green Salamander; Learn its unique story 26. 03. 2022 14:00:29 Elulsive and rarely seen, because of it unique sandstone cliff habitat, Green Salamanders (Aneides aeneus) are found in cracks and crevices. Join me and my grandson as we search for my first and his second Green Salamander! In this video I will explain the biology and ecology of this at risk species... |
 | Pipsissewa or Striped Wintergreen (Beautiful, tea, tonic, medicine) 29. 03. 2022 15:00:33 An evergreen herbaceous plant some times classed as a shrub, Pipsissewa or Striped Wintergreen, spotted wintergreen, prince's pine was use for centuries by indigenous peoples in teas, heath tonics and medicine. Pipsissewa was a name used by the Cree peoples and the word means to 'break apart'. Th... |
 | habitat enhancement - How to find reptiles and Amphibians 2. 04. 2022 15:00:30 Placing pieces of metal roofing strategically around your property can enhance the habitat for amphibians and reptiles and is an easy and fun way to find and see them. In this video I explain how I place scrape pieces of metal roofing in particular locations around my property. I show you what I ha... |
 | Teaberry or American Wintergreen (inspiration for Teaberry gum) 5. 04. 2022 15:00:29 Teaberry 0r American Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) was the inspiration for David Clark founder of the Clark Candy Company. From Alleghany Pennsylvania, Clark wanted to capture this flavor in his Teaberry gum, first marketed in early 1900's. It reached greatest popularity in the 1960's. It st... |