| Willets and their unusual migration 26. 11. 2022 15:00:02 Willets are found on both the East and Western coasts of the United States and in the Great Basin of the West and are considered sub species of 'Tringa semipalmata' Some birds migrate north and south but some of the western subspecies seems to replace the South Carolina Willets that leave at the en... |
 | What you need to know and what do do - Asian Lady bugs in your house 3. 12. 2022 15:00:04 Are these Invasive Asian Lady beetles showing up in your house? Where they came from, why they are in your house, what you need to know about them, and what you can do about them: including a DIY trap that works! These beetles (not really bugs) are non-native invasive species known as Harlequin Bu... |
 | REAL cut tree or an Artificial Tree - Which is best for the environment 10. 12. 2022 15:00:25 Consumers often ask which is best for the environment or climate? Which leaves the smallest carbon footprint? A fake Tree or real tree? An Artificial tree verus a cut tree? Which is best for the planet? How does the carbon foot print of a sustainably grown christmas tree compare to that of a stor... |
 | ONE magnificent Bigtooth Aspen tree - A surprising find in the Southern Applachians 17. 12. 2022 15:00:02 After walking through this pine forest for years, I came upon a single tree I had never noticed before! A single, huge, tall Bigtooth Aspen (Populus grandidentata) seemingly well out of its normal northern range! This tree is best known in New England and the great lakes region. Similar to the bet... |
 | More common then we may realize - Burrowing Crayfish change the environment to suit their needs 24. 12. 2022 15:00:21 We usually think of crayfish creeping along in streams and ponds but their are many that live quite a distance from running or standing water and build large burrows that reach below the water table. Crayfish are crustaceans that are actually more closely related to lobsters and come by many names ... |
 | An epic learning adventure - Explore Iceland's sólheimajökull Glacier 31. 12. 2022 15:00:14 Learn more about Glaciers as I explore and learn from a Arctic Adventures Guide. While a snow storm hits on our hike with near white out conditions we have fun learning, exploringand even trying our hand at ice climbing! Get the facts on glaciers here. The Sólheimajökull is an outlet glacier of th... |
 | Danger or tourist attraction - Volcano erupts 20 miles from the captial of Iceland 7. 01. 2023 15:00:03 Nature at Your Door goes on the road to Iceland to visit the site of the most recent volcanic eruption that occured recently only 20 miles from the reykjavik iceland! Travel with me as I walk on some of the newest rock on the planet earth. I go on a tour guided by a geologist with Geoadventures and... |
 | John Hienz Wildlife Refuge - An Amazing URBAN wildlife refuge in PHILADELPHIA 14. 01. 2023 15:00:14 With over 300 bird species sightings and 85 nesting species the remarkable Wildlife Refuge is nestled between I-95, multiple highways, Philadelphia Airport and is actually in the Philadelphia City Limits. It is home to deer, opposums, red foxes, raccoons, coyotes, beavers, river otters, minks, and m... |
 | Can you guess what country I am in by these 'nature' clues 21. 01. 2023 15:00:16 Viewers guess what country I am i by seeing 'clues' of some of the local flora and fauna. These clues include: cacti, olive trees, rosemary, roses, palm trees, chestnut trees, figs trees, invasive allianthus or tree of heaven, black locust, wall lizards and fire salamanders. This is a Nature at Your... |
 | From Ticino, Switzerland to the Appalachians - Roasted Chestnuts 28. 01. 2023 15:00:17 A fascinating comparison of the cultural, economic and gastronomic importance of chestnuts between the Applachian Mountain peoples and the mountain villages of Ticino Switizerland. There are four main species of Chestnut Trees worldwide. American Chestnut (Castanea dentata), European Chestnut (Cast... |
 | Fascinating adaptaptions of alpine wildflowers combating harsh mountain environmental extremes 4. 02. 2023 15:00:33 Huricane force winds, extreme cold, dehydration, poor soils, uv radation, and intense sunlight challenge the survival of alpine wildflowers. Alpine plants display a fascinating array of adaptations to survive in the swiss Alps. This episode is filmed on location of a trail from San Bernardino, Switz... |
 | Glacier Gorge, Grindelwald, Switzerland - NATURE AT YOUR DOOR goes out on wire 9. 02. 2023 00:58:41 I thought we'd have some fun here and show you another side of The Man Behind the nature Channel! (wink) This was the culminating activity of a rock climbing class I took in Grindelwald Switzerland. That is me repelling down into the gorge from a several hundred foot cliff that required two rope... |
 | Witness Glaciers receding and primary succession first hand in Switzerland 11. 02. 2023 15:00:04 HIke with me from Saas-fee to the Britannia Climbing Hut and see what is left as Swiss Glaciers recede rapidly. Switzerland has lost 50 percent of its glacial mass in the last 85 years. The change in average temperatures in europe has been twice the global average. An exceptionally hot dry summer w... |
 | The Mittaghorn Via Ferrata, Switzerland - Climbing geology, nature and Ibex 18. 02. 2023 15:00:30 Join my friends and I as we ascend the Mittaghorn Via Ferrata in Saas-fee, Switzerland! Hear a brief history of Via Ferratas, how they are used today and how navigate a via ferrata and step into an airy other-world! Here you can experience mountains in a way like no other. Learn what you need and h... |
 | Swiss glacier habitats and loss - Climbing the Allalinhorn (13,212 ft) 25. 02. 2023 15:00:24 Watch our climbing team as we wind are way up through the Fee Glacier and find a route through the glacier as more crevases have formed and more of the glacier has melted. One can see and experience global warming from year to year here in swiss alps.... |
 | the most terrorizing black slope in Europe, or not? ENG-SUB | Obertauern | Gamsleiten2 23. 03. 2017 19:38:41 [ENGLISH SUBTITLES](switch on and translate in any language !)absolutely not ! don't care about it's fame, it's just n easy slope with only one difficult and steep point (there is also bypass slope)... |
 | DerschwarzeBlitz BRD 1958 3. 09. 2013 19:27:43 Der schwarze Blitz ist ein deutscher Skifilm von Hans Grimm aus dem Jahr 1958. Er entstand nach Motiven des Romans 'Flaggen im Nebel' von Kurt Maix. Der Film wurde von April bis Mai 1958 in und um St. Christoph am Arlberg in Tirol und Lech am Arlberg gedreht.... |
 | Der schwarzeBlitz 1958 Schlepplift 4. 09. 2013 00:25:55 Toni Sailer und Waltraud Haas ( als Michael Kirchner und Uschi Bauer) im Schlepplift... |
 | Der schwarze Blitz Verfolgungsjagd 1958 6. 09. 2013 20:15:49 Toni Sailer als 'Michael Kirchner' büxt den Ordnungshütern aus. Es geht über Hüttendächer, es wird über Bäche gesprungen, auch der Einersesselift wird einbezogen: man springt hoch und hält sich am Sessel fest, lässt sich ein Weilchen transportieren, um sodann weiterzufahren. Zum krönenden Abschluss ... |
 | Race Final Szene | Der schwarze Blitz 1958 Ski Rennen-Gara 13. 09. 2013 10:30:44 Das Finale des Films: das große Skirennen. Zu Beginn im Bild eine Straßenszene, Automobile mit Ski auf dem Dach, und natürlich die beliebten 'Bullis'. Auch für die passionierten Bergbahnen-im-Film-Fans sind einige Sekunden Genuss enthalten. Des weiteren die Skimode der Endfünfziger Jahre gut ins Bil... |
 | Zwischen Bozen und Cortina | An der Dolomitenstraße 14. 10. 2013 23:42:01 Florian Trenker und seine Schwester schlagen auf einem Motorroller eine Brücke zwischen gestern und heute. Auf einer roten Vespa fahren sie hoch zum Sella Joch, genau wie in dem im Anschluss folgenden Film (Anfang/Mitte der 1950er Jahre) ohne Helme, sie mit Kopftuch und seitlich sitzend. Einige inte... |
 | Cervinia Bergbahnen ca. Mitte 1950er Jahre 21. 10. 2013 20:49:49 Kleiner Ausschnitt mit Schwerpunkt Bergbahnen aus dem Kurzfilm 'Die Phinx von Zermatt', der ungefähr Mitte der 1950er Jahre von Luis Trenker gedreht wurde. Text Zitat: 'Am Fuße der Matterhornsüdwand hat sich aus der Hirtensiedlung Breuil, deren armselige Hütten langsam verfallen, das italienische Fr... |
 | Einstocktechnik wie Matthias Zdarsky sie lehrte - Die Kindertage des Skifahrens 25. 10. 2013 00:46:57 Dieser kurze Filmauschnitt zeigt drei wackere Gesellen auf Holzski mit je einem langen Stock, auch 'Alpenstange' genannt, bei ihren Versuchen, im Schnee vorwärts zu kommen und sogar zu fahren :-) Diese Art des Fahrens beschrieb der Skipionier Matthias Zdarsky in seinem Buch 'Alpine Lilienfelder Skif... |
 | Tulfes Nostalgie Ski Event am Glungezer 24. 02. 2014 11:03:18 Die Nostalgie-Skigruppe Traisen war am 9.2.2014 in Tulfes zu Gast und entführte mit viel Spaß auf den Pisten am Glungezer in die Zeit der Skipioniere vor über 120 Jahren. Die Gruppe pflegt die 'Alpine Skifahrtechnik' nach Mathias Zdarsky, der das erste Buch mit genau erläuterten Bewegungsablaufen fü... |
 | freehand style :) | film skiing without gopro 26. 02. 2014 00:01:04 Glungezer 9.2.2014... |
 | Glungezerbahn 09 02 2014 26. 09. 2014 23:08:16 Filmschnipsel des Glungezerbahn-Betriebes am 9.2.2014Aufnahmen von www.retrofutur.orgzusammengeschnitten von www.retro-moden.de A.Marra... |
 | Rinner Alm Rodeln 20 02 2015 22. 03. 2015 00:06:04 ... |
 | Nostalgie Ski Tag Tulfes Glungezer 22.02.2015 6. 04. 2015 14:49:52 The Nostalgic Ski Day on Glungezer Mountain in TyrolA lot of fresh snow in the morning made the day a perfect present for the skiers. The ski day in nice society was the pure joy for everybody. ... |
 | Ski Pioneer MATHIAS ZDARSKY 12. 11. 2015 12:00:41 To honour the 75th day of death of the ski pioneer MATHIAS ZDARSKY i show a brief arrangement of photos and film scenes. For the pictures thanks to the 'Nostalgia ski group Traisen', to Reinhard Wallentin for the fantastic representation and the impressive skiing with original equipment: Alpen Ski a... |
 | Patscherkofelbahn März 2016 30. 03. 2016 03:02:27 https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patscherkofelbahn... |
 | Vogelhaus Tulferhütte 20. 01. 2018 14:19:56 Das Vogelhäuschen an der Tulferhütte im Neuschnee, 17.1.2018Hier werden nicht nur hungrige Menschen mit Speis und Trank versorgt, auch an die Vögel wird gedacht. Ein friedlicher Anblick, das Treiben am Futterhaus. ... |
 | Skimode Skifashion 1951 1952 27. 12. 2022 19:35:24 Skimode aus Zürich Wintersaison 1951 / 1952Hier das einladende Vorwort :'Die Inspiration für unsere neuen Skimodelle gibt uns immer der Skilauf selber.Es ist daher nur natürlich, daß alle diese Kleider in erster Linie nach ... |
 | Kurzfilm 1955 - Ski Heil 14. 10. 2013 01:28:40 Ein Kurzfilm von Luis Trenker über die Entwicklung des Skisportes von den Anfängen bis zur Mitte der 1950er JahreSchöne Aufnahmen von Skifahrern, Hütten, Abfahrten und drollige Erläuterungen zu Aufstiegshilfen mit Erklärungen fast im Stil der 'Sendung mit der Maus'. Die wohlformuliert vorgetragenen ... |
 | Transylvania from above 30. 04. 2017 20:40:53 Di ritorno dalla Romania, uno sguardo dall'alto ai Carpazi e alla Transilvania. Una regione ancora alquanto selvaggia e poco urbanizzata. La frontiera est dell'Europa è ancora avvolta nei freddi invernali nonostante la primavera imminente.... |
 | Santorini dawn to sunset. A drone adventure () 6. 06. 2017 17:49:55 Non è semplice riassumere in pochi minuti la splendida settimana trascorsa a Santorini.Un risultato un po' diverso dai classici 'video da spiaggia', alla ricerca, dove possibile, dello spirito di avventura che si può scoprire anche sull'Isola degli innamorati.... |
 | Fighting Gravity (Drone Mavic Pro) | Sassolungo, Dolomites 8. 08. 2017 10:49:09 Questo video tenta, per quanto sia possibile, di trasmettere le profonde emozioni che si incontrano davanti allo spettacolo delle Dolomiti, in particolare del Massiccio del Sassolungo, visto principalmente dal rifugio Rifugio Toni Demetz Hütte.... |
 | Skysailing Umbria (drone 4k) 5. 09. 2017 17:37:40 Uno scorcio dell'Umbria meridionale, tra i dolci colli dell'Appennino e le cittadine medievali abbarbicate sulle loro sommità.Music: Reverie - Ross Budgen (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZ72Z9S305I)... |
 | Eire, 2020 29. 12. 2021 14:45:31 The possibility to visit Eire during the covid restrictions made us to visit famous places almost in solitude. Such an opportunity, during these difficult times.Filmed with MavicPromusic: Disturbed - The Sound Of Silence... |
 | Fagradalsfjall volcano, the new path (june 2021) 29. 12. 2021 15:08:25 Lucky enough to be there the day that lava discovered the new path from Geldingadalir to Natthagi. Shots taken from 13 to 18 june 2021Mostly Mavic2 Prothen Nikon D780 + Sigma 35 + Samyang 85 + Sigma 120-300 + Sigma teleconverter 2x... |
 | hljóða nóttin (Iceland, Silent Night) 2022 | Island 25. 12. 2022 11:28:38 Con le migliori riprese del viaggio in Islanda, adagiate per l'occasione su una splendida cover natalizia di Tommee Profitt, auguro a tutti un sereno Natale.Forse l'obiettivo di questo viaggio era l'Aurora Boreale, cercata a lungo e infine trovata quasi all'ultimo momento, fra molte notti passate in... |
 | Hidden Faces Ep 12 - Skiing 'The Big Crack' that ends on Frozen Waterfall 8. 02. 2023 16:56:53 First Mission of the season was straight on action! We found ourselves trying a 900 meter couloir near the Saleina Glacier. The official name of the couloir is 'Couloir du Col des Clochers des Planereuse'. ... |
 | Hidden Faces Ep 13 - Hard Work for Hard Snow, A Wonderful Highlight during Low Tide 19. 02. 2023 15:58:50 Grand Chavalard, East Face From the start of Hidden Faces this one is on the list. We've been waiting to go for it in safe and good conditions. After a long dry spell we were pretty sure about the avalanche conditions being low and we already knew it was very unsure to have good snow on it. We decid... |
 | Running the Vancouver Marathon Documentary Part 1 1. 04. 2013 18:00:42 In this first episode, we meet the runners and learn about what motivated them to start running as well as their goals for the BMO Vancouver Marathon & Half-Marathon.Running Vancouver is a 6-part web video series which follows three runners as they train for and run the 2013 BMO Vancouver Marathon &... |
 | Running the Vancouver Marathon Documentary Part 2 8. 04. 2013 19:47:20 In part 2 of Running Vancouver, we get a more in-depth look at the training required leading up to a marathon. Karl gets a lactate and VO2max analysis at Peak Centre Vancouver, Sean joins Team in Training for a long run, and Jillian and the Runcouver Runcrew join her corporate Sun Run training team ... |
 | Running the Vancouver Marathon Documentary Part 3 15. 04. 2013 19:39:27 In part 3 of Running Vancouver, we take a closer look at some of the personal challenges the runners have had to overcome. Learn more about Sean's daughter Shaelyn's struggle with leukemia, about Karl's family life and the difficulty he often has in finding time for his runs, and about Jillian's sco... |
 | Running the Vancouver Marathon Documentary Part 4 22. 04. 2013 19:46:31 In part 4 of Running Vancouver, we explore the 'long run' as we learn about what our three runners think about on a long and sometimes lonely weekend run.Running Vancouver is a 6-part web video series which follows three runners as they train for and run the 2013 BMO Vancouver Marathon & Half-Marath... |
 | Running the Vancouver Marathon Documentary Part 5 30. 04. 2013 20:51:35 In part 5 of Running Vancouver, the countdown is on to race day as our runners are in the nerve-wracking taper period. Jillian is debating pulling out of the race.Running Vancouver is a 6-part web video series which follows three runners as they train for and run the 2013 BMO Vancouver Marathon & Ha... |
 | Running the Vancouver Marathon Documentary Part 6 5. 06. 2013 18:55:46 In the final episode of Running Vancouver, the morning of the BMO Vancouver Marathon & Half-Marathon has finally arrived. Watch as Sean attempts to complete his first marathon and Karl aims for a Boston-qualifying time of under 3 hrs 5 mins.... |
 | My 2014 Trail Running Highlights 12. 01. 2015 01:51:08 Trail running in 2014 brought me to some truly spectacular places. From the Southern Chilcotins, and Cathedral Lakes, to Mt. Rainier, and the Annapurna Circuit in Nepal. Where will 2015 take you?Subscribe to follow my journey on the trails, in training and competition: ... |
 | Knee Knackering North Shore Trail Run 2014 24. 06. 2015 00:46:00 Highlights from the 2014 Knee Knackering North Shore Trail Run, a challengu00ading 30-mile foot race along the Baden-Powell Cenu00adtenu00adnial Trail from Horseu00adshoe Bay to Deep Cove, rec... |