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Beauty and Intrigue in Nature - Dutchman's Breeches
9. 04. 2022 15:00:03
One of the most beautiful and unique of all the ephemeral spring woodlland wildflowers is Dutchman's Breeches ( Dicentra cucullaria). It gets its name because its flowers look like a dutchman sailors panteloons flapping in the breeze. Like other native plants it is pollinated by native bees. In thi...
Gorgeous and nutritious - Spring Beauty
12. 04. 2022 06:00:18
Spring Beauty (Claytonia virginica) is a beautiful pink five petaled flower that can occur in abundance in early spring. It is one of the first of the flowering spring ephemerals. One can identify by the 5 petaled pink flowers with very defined pink venation, drropping buds and a pair of grass-like ...
6 Facts everyone should know about Spring Salamanders
16. 04. 2022 15:00:58
Large stout brightly colored Spring Salamanders are always a fascinating find. The scientific name: Gyrinophilus porphyriticus comes from Greek. The Gyrino root means tadpole and philus means this is a tadpole loving salamander! It actually refers to it very long time in the larval stag...
Skunk Cabbage in full leaf before leaves come out on trees
17. 04. 2022 17:45:00
Thermogenic Skunk Cabbage generates its own heat to get a jump start on all forest plants. While it looks delicious, Skunk cabbage (Symplocarpus foetidus) deters herbivory by its bad taste and skunky smell and calcium oxalate that will form needle-like crystals on contact with saliva causing a bur...
Can this spring flower really break rocks apart - Early Saxifrage
19. 04. 2022 14:00:18
Early Saxifrage Micranthes virginiensis get its name from latin meaning stone breaker! Can it really break stones apart? It is one of the first of the woodland ephemerals to bloom in early spring hence the first part of its name. It can be identified by delicate 5 petaled white flowers and scallope...
Red Trillium/Wake Robin/Wet Dog Trillium,/Stinking Benjamin/Toad Shade/Birthroot - What is in name
23. 04. 2022 15:00:08
These names tell the natural history story and biology of our native Red Trillium (Trillium erectum! Each name refers to a unique feature of the plant and its ecology or ethnobotanical use! A beautiful ephemeral spring woodland wildflower. In this video I tell how to identify it and the biology o...
Idendification and hunting behaviors to look for - Snowy Egret
25. 04. 2022 12:00:07
Snowy Egrets are arriving now to their breeding ranges. Snowy Egrets can be identified by their snow white feathers, the body of a heron, a black beak and black legs with organge or yellow feet. If you see an Egret wearing orange slippers you can be sure it is a Snowy Egret. Snowy egrets also have ...
Find, ID and learn its peculiar biology - Star chickweed
27. 04. 2022 15:00:04
Star Chickweed (Stelaria pubera ) is a true native spring woodland wildflower that has a very unusual growth habit. Not to be confused with non-native invasive Common Chickweed (Stelaria media), Star Chickweed has much larger, showy, star-like flowers. You can identify Star Chickweed by its paired ...
Six fascinating facts about Spring Peepers
30. 04. 2022 15:00:17
The sound of spring peepers from a pond can be almost deafening and can be heard over 2 miles away. The sound can reach 90 decibles or as loud as a lawn mower. Put hundreds of them together and it is quite the symphony. The common name of spring peepers comes from that fact that a single frog sounds...
False Hellibore - Foragers cause spike in Poison Control emergencies
3. 05. 2022 13:00:31
With renewed interest in foraging there has been a spike in calls to Poison Control Centers regarding plant-based poisonings. False Hellebore also known as Indian Poke, Corn-lily, Devil's Bite, Indian Hellebore, Poor Annie, apparently is often mistaken for Ramps or Wild leeks when it is first sprout...
Discover Wild Ginger's hidden flower and culinary history
5. 05. 2022 13:00:32
Wild Ginger (Asrum Candense) actually requires removal of leaf litter to see it flower which literally lies on the ground. You can identify Wild Ginger by looking for its paired distinctly heart-shaped leaves. Both the leaves and stems are hair or pubescent. To find the flower, trace down one of the...
Slimy Salamanders and their SLIME defense
7. 05. 2022 15:00:20
Slimy Salamanders release a very sticky secretion in order to deter predation! This slime is unusually sticky and will literally glue dirt and particles to your skin and require several handwashing to remove the glue like stain. Slimy salamanders (Plethedon glutinosus)can be found across most of th...
- (then put an oscar worthy show - KIlldeer nest in strangest places
10. 05. 2022 14:00:03
This Killdeer bird decided to make it nest in the gravel right in the middle of the Radford University baseball complex! Thye protect their nest by luring predators away with the broken wing act! Killdeer are in the group called plovers which are shore birds but this bird range includes places well...
Wood Anemone - Learn how to find and Identify woodland Wildflowers
12. 05. 2022 14:00:19
Woodland Wildflowers especially spring woodland wildflowers are amazing to find and identify. Wildflower identification is a rewarding nature and photography acitivity. Wood anemone (Anemonoides quinquefolia) can be recognized by its white five petaled flowers and whorl of 3 leaves. Each leaf is di...
EVERYTHING you need to know about Garter Snakes
14. 05. 2022 15:00:34
Garter Snake or Garden Snake or Gardner Snake are all common names for the same species: Thamnophis sirtilis. I 'explain the how to' od snake identification, whether or not it is a venomous snake, will it bite, and the fun of snake discovery. I explain everything you need to know about garter snakes...
the unique Canada Mayflower - Wildflower Identification
17. 05. 2022 14:00:33
Canada Mayflower is also known as False Lily of the Valley, Wild lily of the Valley, Canada Lily of the Valley, and Two-Leaved Solomon's Seal. I will help you identify wildflowers especially spring wildflowers. Plant identification is a fun skill to learn. I explain with words and video how to ident...
narrated) - American Oyster Catcher on the Bird Watch List needs your help
21. 05. 2022 15:00:24
American Oyster Catchers (Haematopus palliatus) were at the brink of extinction! This beautiful shore bird is still on the bird watch list. Many shore birds are rare or at risk of extinction partly because they nest in the sand. Their nesting habitats are always puttinf them at risk or on in an enda...
Male toad mating frenzy begins before females arrive
25. 05. 2022 13:00:32
Six male American Toads arrive at a tiny pond and begin posturing, singing, pushing, shoving and jumping on each other in a hormone induced frenzy to attract and find a female to mate with. You can learn what a toad sounds like in this video. Different frogs and toads have different sounds and matin...
pt 2) - Competion amps up, frenzy puts female toad at risk
28. 05. 2022 15:00:23
Watch the wild and crazy interactions of horomone-fueled male toads as a lone female finally arrives at the pond in Part 2 of a two part episode on toad spring reproduction. Here you can learn to recognize the mating call or mating sound of males American Toads (Anaxyrus americanus) . Only the male...
the edible Halberd Leaf Violet - Every thing you need to know
1. 06. 2022 13:00:37
Here is a violet species you are garanteed to identify accurately everytime. There are almost 600 species of violets, with great variation, and hybridize freely. Violet ildflower identification can be challenging but the Halberd or Spear shaped leaf of the Halberd Leaf Violet is unmistakeable. Also...
WITHOUT losing finger - How to move Snapping Turtle to Safety
4. 06. 2022 15:00:22
Never move a snapping turtle by grabbing its tail. The tail vertebrae are easily broken. Learn here how to move a snapping turtle safely: safe for the snapping turtle and safe for you. Do snapping turtles bite? Yes, snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina) can and do bite, often repeatedly. A snapp...
Find out why - This flower is very common yet rarely seen
8. 06. 2022 12:00:01
Rarely seen on the plant it grows on because it is from a flowering tree! The tree is one of the tallest of all Eastern Hardwoods. It is sometimes assumed it is in the poplar category but it is not a poplar. The flower occurs in the early spring. It is rarely actually seen because it flowers on t...
Here are 5 reasons why not - Don't fear Black Snakes
11. 06. 2022 15:00:36
So many snakes are needlessly killed by people that fear them. Here I explain five reasons why one should not fear or kill a black snake. Reason #1 Black snakes (pantherophis alleghaniensis) can be very docile. The snake in the video has never had contact with humans. Black snake will not try to bi...
An unusual Wildflower with an unusual names - Fairywand, Blazing Star, Devils Bit
15. 06. 2022 12:00:08
This unusal flower is rarely seen in large groups. It is usually found on its own or in a very small group. Known by many colorful common names such as Fairy Wand, Blazing Star, Devils Bit, or False Unicorn, this plant produces a beautiful raceme of showy white flowers. The scientific name is Chamae...
Horseshoe Crabs have survived 480 Million years, but now they are at risk
18. 06. 2022 15:00:22
The horseshoe crab is known as a living fossil because it has gone seemingly 480 million years with minimal discernible changes throughout its fossil record. it is difficult too comprehend the length of the time it is existed on this planetmore than 200 million years before the age of the dinosaur...
Bell Omphilina for Golden Trumpet - Mushrooms you should know
22. 06. 2022 13:00:41
This common mushroom, often found in large numbers on rotting hardwood logs, is a familiar forest sight. They are tiny but beautiful in their numbers an their symmetry. Breaking down the scientific name, Xeromphalina campanella, you will find it is called the little dry naval! A truly unforgetable ...
including mating rituals) - A fascinating and easy to understand biology of Horseshoe Crabs
25. 06. 2022 15:00:28
Horseshoe Crabs massed by the thousands on this Delaware Bay beach in New Jersey. This ancient frenzied ritual has played out annually for many millions of years. Horsecrabs arrive on this beach to mate, lay eggs and reproduce their species. In this video I take part in the American Littoral Socie...
- How do you tag Horseshoe Crab? (and why this is important
2. 07. 2022 15:00:12
In this episode we're going to ask answer the question How do you tag a horseshoe Crab? But more importantly look at why are we tagging these horseshoe crabs? What do we hope to learn by tagging and what mighty be some possible solutions to the issues of horseshoe crab harvest by both fishermen an...
Black Cohosh/Black Snakeroot/Black Bugbane on the Applachian Trail
6. 07. 2022 12:00:21
This plant was used in traditional medicinal by indigenous peoples and is still used as herbal remedy today. Know as Black Cohosh, Black bugbane, Black Snakeroot, or Fairy Candle (Actaea racemosa) is a tall midsummer woodland wildflower. I observed it on the Applachain Trail as I was north bound ...
Timber Rattlesnake and Milk Snake) - Finding snakes by satellite
9. 07. 2022 15:00:22
'Nature at Your Door' teams up with MD and DE Herping! Satellite imagery is used to identify accessible and ideal snake habitats in the Valley and Ridge Applachian Mountains of Eastern West Virginia. Tony Ferrazzo (MD and DE Herping checked out satelite imagery on Google Maps to pick a spot half wa...
species of concern - Many states have links for reporting Eastern Box Turtle sightings
13. 07. 2022 06:00:31
While hiking the Appalachian Trail in Northern Virginia I came across this male box turtle, crossing the path. Box turtles( Terrapene carolina) are in decline in many states due to habitat loss, vehicle collisions on roads, and illegal pet trade. If you find a box turtle crossing the road, please ...
Alarming decline in Amphibians Species - Appalachian 0ral history
16. 07. 2022 15:00:19
Dale Gallimore a lifelong farmer in Southwest Virginia shares his experience and observations about the loss of species he has seen in his lifetime. He talks about how common bullfrogs were and how they would harvest many to eat for cookouts with friends and families. He shares his observations abou...
the Pine Barrens of New Jersey - Understanding an ecological treasure
23. 07. 2022 15:00:21
The Pine Barrens of New Jersey is the largest remaining tract of Atlantic Coastal Pine barren Ecosytem on the east Coast. This region is also known as the 'pines' or 'piinelands' . The 'barrens' refers to its sandy, low moisture, nurtrient poor acidics soils that made it unsuitable for farming trad...
7 facts everyone should know - The American Bull Frog
30. 07. 2022 15:01:00
The American Bullfrog: Lithobates catesbeianus is the largest native frog in the United States weighing over a pound a maturity and can eat anything from insects to birds and mice. Outside of its native Eastern US range it can be invasive, demonstrating explosive reproduction and eating everything i...
Everything you need to know about dynamic colorful Coquina Clams - Sea shells
6. 08. 2022 15:00:13
Coquina Clams (Donax variabilis) are a common sight on east coast beaches. They are surf zone organisms that move up and down the beach front with waves and tides. They lie buried just beneath the sand in the swash zone. By watching this video you will learn to recognize and identify these shells....
The Cannonball Jellyfish and spider crab's amazing relationship
13. 08. 2022 15:00:17
I discovered a spider crab (Libinia dubia) (Stomolophus meleagris) resting in the shade of a Cannonball Jelly (Stomolophus meleagris) while walking on the beach. Apparently it was no coincidence to find these togther. Learn more about this symbiotic relationship between these two species. I introd...
Learn to Identify venomous Copperhead Snake with 100% certainty
20. 08. 2022 15:00:06
Recently a friend discovered a Copperhead Snake in his workshop garage. Learn about the Copperhead's behavior and how to identify it with absolute certainty. In this video I will explain why Copperhead Snakes (Agkistrodon contortrix) often freeze when disturbed, how they rely on their camouflage,...
What can you do - The Endangered Monarch Migration Phenomena
27. 08. 2022 15:00:24
The International Union for Conservation of Nature has placed the Monarch Butterfly on its endangered species list. In this video I review the biology and life cycle of 'Danaus plexippus' it the worlds most amazing insect migratrion. I explain the life cycle from, egg, to larva, (including 5 insta...
Curly Dock - Since 500 BC, an Edible and Medicinal 'weed'
3. 09. 2022 15:00:15
Recorded in Greek and Roman writings this eurasian weed was used for food and medicine. Known as Curly Dock, or Sour Dock, or Yellow Dock, Rumex crispus, non-native to the USA is now found in all 50 states. It can be recognized by its distinctly curly edged leaves and its numerous 3 sided seeds. Wh...
longest ovipositor in the world looks like stinger - Black Giant Ichneumon Wasp
10. 09. 2022 15:00:28
I observed a yellow jacket wasp attacking this Black Giant Ichneumon Wasp on the trail I was hiking on. Learn more about what this wasp uses its 5 inch ovipositor (that looks like a giant stinger) to do. Megarhyssa atrata...
Striped Maple, Moosewood or Goosefoot may change gender - SEX CHANGE? Yup, this tree does it
17. 09. 2022 15:00:05
Locally known as Striped Maple it is may be best known as Moosewood across its northern range. Acer pensylvanicum reaches its southern most range down through the spine of the Appalachian Mountains were it occurs at higher elevation. Generally above 2500 feet. It may be one of the easist trees to i...
Five Facts everyone should know - The Green Frog
24. 09. 2022 15:00:13
Learn everything you need to know about this ubiquitous frog. In this video you will learn how to identify a green frog, how to distinquish it from a bullfrog, how to determine if its a male or female and much more. Learn about frog metamorphosis, the tadpole stage, what frogs eat, and where they ...
Egg to tadpole to frog - Miracle of Metamorphosis in 103 days
1. 10. 2022 15:00:09
On February 23 I observed wood frog eggs in a pond that had still actively breeding Wood Frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus). I was able to watch and video the progression from eggs to the tadpole stage to a fully metamorophosed frog! Eggs were laid on or before February 23, 2022 and the first tadpoles h...
THE WATER SCORPION! Everything you need to know - Fierce Aquatic predator/Ambush hunter
8. 10. 2022 15:00:34
The water scorpion (Ranatra sp.) is an aquatic predator found in ponds and lakes. It lies in wait for prey to swim by and graps it with it raptorial front legs. What Water Scorpion is an insect that looks superficially like a scorpion which is an Arachnid. Water scorpions are actually true bugs with...
featuring Red and White Oak identification) - What is mast, mast year, and why do they occur
15. 10. 2022 15:00:06
Ecologists, hunters and game managers alike evaluate mast years and the amount of mast produced. But exactly what is mast? What kinds of mast are there? How do you know if trees are 'masting' or if it is in fact a 'mast year'. Why do some species like oak trees produce a unpredictable heavy mast ...
How to find and identify! (Maitake/Sheep's Head/ Rams Head) - Hen of the Woods
22. 10. 2022 15:00:23
Recogonized as a choice edible by mushroom foragers and chef's around the world, I will show you how to find and identify these fungi. The video will be of interested to foragers, mushroom foragers, and naturalists. Edible fungi or edible mushrooms are fun to find. ...
Nodding Ladies'-tresses - Beautiful Surprising Autumn Orchid
29. 10. 2022 15:00:10
Most Orchid species are tropical but here is one that is not only occuring in a temperate zone but flowers in late fall! Many people do not realize that Nodding Ladies'-tresses are true Orchids! There are several species of Nodding Ladies'-tresses orchids in North America. The white sprial flowe...
7 Reasons to love Bess Beetles
5. 11. 2022 14:00:50
Bess Beetles are big, docile, slow moving, harmless, easy to keep, and down right fascinating natural recyclers. They make a great first insect pet. They play a huge role in recycling dead wood in forests. They have many names including Bess Bugs, Betsy bugs, Patent leather beetles, Horned passalus,...
Leaf-footed bugs - Do you need to fear the lastest fall home invader
12. 11. 2022 15:00:13
The biology of leaf-footed bugs is explained in this video and whether or not you need to worry about them in your home. Like other hemipterans (assasin or wheel bugs, bed bugs, and stink bugs) compared in this video, Leaf-footed Bugs (family: Coreidae) have a proboscis or stabbing, sucking mouth pa...
Mullerian Mimicry - The Red Salamander and warning coloration
19. 11. 2022 15:00:28
I share my discovery of this Red Salamander that I found right in my backyard! Close-up footage and the meaning of its unique scientific name: Pseudotriton ruber. On my land I have three moderately toxic bright orange colored salamanders. Each helps the other survival by this common warnng colora...
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